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Islam will dominate!


The Creator
:eek: i am sorry to ask but what is pendulum?




Bliss Ninny
:eek: i am sorry to ask but what is pendulum?


I'm not sure if this is what nameless meant, but whenever I refer to the pendulum while discussing the nuttiness of humanity, I mean things will swing one way for a while, and then to correct itself, it will swing the other way. (As in nameless's picture there.)

So...we'll have craziness, and then perhaps to balance things out, we'll crack down on the craziness in a severe way (that is the pendulum swinging in the totally opposite direction). The key is to find balance in the middle!


Veteran Member
The age of Kali (yuga is age) began around 5000 years ago. It is the fourth age in the cycle, before the first age is repeated. It represents ignorance and materialism.

OK, thank you. i have one more question though. is this time 4th 1000 of 5000 years which would leave us like 1000 years more?



just check the number of Hindu and Buddhist temples demolished by Mughals to construct mosques, imagine the helplessness of hindus to witness those. Now you should have got idea about how cunning and possessive the mughals were, there were uncountable number of forced conversions.

Temples demolished in India by Muslim Invaders to construct mosques.

Qawwat al-Islam Mosque at Delhi: "According to my findings the first mosque of Delhi is Qubbat al-Islam or Quwwat al_Islam which, Qutubud-Din Aibak constructed in H. 587 after demolishing the hindu temple built by Prithvi Raj and leaving certain parts of the temple outside the mosque proper; and when he returned from Ghazni in H. 592 he started building, under orders from Shihabud -Din Ghori, a huge mosque of inimitable red stones, and certain parts of the temple were included in the mosque..."

The Mosque at Jaunpur: "This was built by Sultan Ibrahim Sharqi with chiselled stones. Originally it was a Hindu temple after demolishing which he constructed the mosque. It is known as the Atala Masjid.."

The Mosque at Qanauj: "It is well known that this mosque was built on the foundations of some Hindu temple that stood here. The mosque was built by Ibrahim Sharqi in H. 809 as is recorded in Gharbat Nigar"

Jami Masjid at Etwah: "This mosque stands on the bank of the Jamuna at Etawah. There was a Hindu temple at this place, on the site of which this mosque was constructed.."

Babri Masjid at Ayodhya: "This mosque was constructed by Babar at Ayodhya which Hindus call the birth place of Ramchandraji... Sita had a temple here in which she lived and cooked for her husband. On that very site Babar constructed this mosque in H.963 "

Mosque at Benaras: "Mosque of Benares was built by Alamgir Aurangzeb on the site of Bisheshwar Temple. That temple was very tall and held as holy among Hindus. On this very site and with those very stones he constructed a lofty mosque, and its ancient stones were rearranged after being embedded in the walls of the mosque. It is one of the renowned mosques of Hindustan."

Mosque at Mathura: "Alamgir Aurangzeb built a mosque at Mathura. This mosque was built on site of the Govind Dev Temple which was very strong and beautiful as well as exquisite.."

so explain why the rate of religious conversion decreased after the decline of mughals....

Im not trying to justify the actions of some fanatics of the past or the present.My point is that one should not think that the advent of Abrahamic faiths is the sole cause of the current problems in India and that India was a peaceful and free country before.The reality is that India was never a peaceful and free country.I also do not deny the fact that occupying forces like the Mughals demolished temples and built mosques.The reasons for demolision couldve been either sheer hate or just becoz the vast majority in some areas became muslim,Migration of Hindus to Hindu dominated areas etc etc who knows?! I bet many Hindus also wudve been reluctant to live with the meat or beef eating Muslims.Some of them still are unfortunately!

And as for why the rate of Hindu conversions declined,the answer is simple.The rate of opression declined.After the Mughal and British rule,the upper caste Hindus realized that mobilizing Hindus under one fold is necessary to fight the spread of the two GIGANTIC faiths Islam and Christianity.They have now come up with a false idea of HINDU UNITY for this purpose.Fortunately,many Hindus realise that this idea is only temporary and only to fight the dominance of Christianity and Islam in the Indian society.Once this is achieved and the upper castes get their lost control and positions,the same oppressive caste system will return back in full force.

And with regards to your comment of "uncountable conversions".i think that is simply false.Hindus wud still be an overwhelming majority even when India,pakistan and bangladesh are taken together.In India itself they are more than 80 percent of the population.What does this show??And what about the reconversions that are taking place??Many hindus who converted in recent times to Christanity were reconverted back to hinduism by force.Did u read about the incidents in Orissa ??Christians were butchered and burnt alive by extremists.Nuns were gang raped.

What again was the reason for this reaction????!!!!!!!Did the Christians burn a train too??????!!



RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
OK, thank you. i have one more question though. is this time 4th 1000 of 5000 years which would leave us like 1000 years more?


No, it began 5000 years ago. The earth is billions of years old.

To also answer Anna, the four Yugas are as follows:

  1. Satya Yuga (Krita Yuga):- 1,728,000 years
  2. Treta Yuga:- 1,296,000 years
  3. Dwapara Yuga:- 864,000 years
  4. Kali Yuga:- 432,000 years (5,111 years have passed; 426,889 years remain). Kaliyuga started in 3102 B.C.; CE 2009 corresponds to Kaliyuga year 5,111
Within each cylce are other cycles. We are currently in or entering a period of intellect and value of knowlege after a period of technological growth.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It is wrong to assert that any one religion will dominate in the future. What will happen -- what is already happening -- is a multiplication of religions, denominations, and sects. In the future, there will be no one dominant religion --- there will be a million religions. That is the trend.


already 4 years passed since CBI investigation team made such a claim, but they were unable to prove before the court. They gained enough trust during the initial stages but not anymore, as it lacks credibility. .

The CBI inquiry was just a start .Many of the lies that were being spread around by the Gujurat goverment started to be looked upon with doubt after the investigation.The UC Banerjee report was an another shocker which reported that the forensic evidences show that the fire happened from within the train and not from outside.It reported that the fire was an accident but then again since big guns like Mr.Modi himself were involved, in india, It isnt very hard to distort the truth and declare them less credible is it??!.

no solid evidence? the survivors claims muslims threw petrol bomb at the train.[/quote]

And who were the survivors??Werent some of them the same people who went to Ayodhya to demolish a mosque and build a temple in its place(not that i care)??Dude..thats no solid proof!:sorry1::no:

Tehelka exposes MODI.

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The Creator
Im not trying to justify the actions of some fanatics of the past or the present.My point is that one should not think that the advent of Abrahamic faiths is the sole cause of the current problems in India and that India was a peaceful and free country before.The reality is that India was never a peaceful and free country.I also do not deny the fact that occupying forces like the Mughals demolished temples and built mosques.The reasons for demolision couldve been either sheer hate or just becoz the vast majority in some areas became muslim,Migration of Hindus to Hindu dominated areas etc etc who knows?! I bet many Hindus also wudve been reluctant to live with the meat or beef eating Muslims.Some of them still are unfortunately!

What logic in justifying oppression of muslims by stating past social conditions of India, it is true indias social condition was not good but after the arrival of mughals it became worse like hell in earth, many people suicided fearing muslims soldier, they even struggled to get sleep at night expecting attack from mughal soldiers. You are just dodjing the crime of muslims by putting forward past social conditions of india, explain why it is need for discussing those here?
And social problems existed in all cultures not just in those of indians,

The reality is that India was never a peaceful and free country.
i did not claimed that india was peaceful country, but it became worse when mughals arrived, Hindus as a whole struggled. Mughals even did not show mercy in adopting the method to kill people.

And tell me which country had such a pleasant time? Fight between shia and sunni exists even today, becoming more worse.

I also do not deny the fact that occupying forces like the Mughals demolished temples and built mosques.The reasons for demolision couldve been either sheer hate or just becoz the vast majority in some areas became muslim,Migration of Hindus to Hindu dominated areas etc etc who knows?! I bet many Hindus also wudve been reluctant to live with the meat or beef eating Muslims.Some of them still are unfortunately!

enough !!!
your intention is now very clear, you have reasons for every crime mughals did.
Also what is the need for destroying temples to construct mosques, was there such a scarcity for land? Hindu temples are full of architecture and monuments, they are bulit after decades of hardwork of thousands of people, you still believe mughals were not possessive? Actually from now you does not deserve to be responded, it is well known that mughals looted properties of hindus, and you have different reasoning for all those.

And as for why the rate of Hindu conversions declined,the answer is simple.The rate of opression declined.After the Mughal and British rule,the upper caste Hindus realized that mobilizing Hindus under one fold is necessary to fight the spread of the two GIGANTIC faiths Islam and Christianity.They have now come up with a false idea of HINDU UNITY for this purpose.

i dont like these sort of jokes, you proved you are such an ignorant when comes to history of India, caste system existed even after british rule, and was not at all better fromt those of past, even you pointed out the same in your previous post, now you talk differently.

Fortunately,many Hindus realise that this idea is only temporary and only to fight the dominance of Christianity and Islam in the Indian society.Once this is achieved and the upper castes get their lost control and positions,the same oppressive caste system will return back in full force.
im putting your post in bold to catch attention of every people.
India is the most democratic country in the world.

And with regards to your comment of "uncountable conversions".i think that is simply false.Hindus wud still be an overwhelming majority even when India,pakistan and bangladesh are taken together.In India itself they are more than 80 percent of the population.What does this show??

now you can realize that you are a total moron when it comes to indian history, when did mughal conquered whole of India?

And what about the reconversions that are taking place??Many hindus who converted in recent times to Christanity were reconverted back to hinduism by force.
Any proof for they were converted back to hinduism by force, it is well known that cristian missionaries are making use of poverty of india to convert people in Orissa, that is they would help only if people accept their faith. Poor people are least interested in christianity but they have no choice other than to accept christianity to feed their children. Hindu pepole just rescued these people from christian missionaries. Also christian missionaries violated religious freedom act. The Orissa Freedom of Religion Act, 1967, mentions that no person shall “convert or attempt to convert, either directly or otherwise, any person from one religious faith to another by the use of force or by inducement or by any fraudulent means”.[9][10] Christian missionaries have argued that spreading their faith is a religious duty of Christianity. These religious acts came to being when it was realized that christian missionaries are making use of poverty of people. Tell my why cristian missionaries have less interested in other states of India?

Christians were butchered and burnt alive by extremists.Nuns were gang raped.

What again was the reason for this reaction????!!!!!!!Did the Christians burn a train too??????!!

again, from where all these happened?
And who started the violonce first?

Attack on lakshmanandala

Swami Lakshamanananda, a Hindu Monk, was on his way to visit trouble spot. However, a bus belonging to Mr. Sugriba Singh, Panna Christian leader and BJD Member of Parliament (Lower House) obstructed the road and Swami was attacked on that spot injuring him, driver and security guard.

Wikipedia - - attack on lakshmanandala

His work for the upliftment of isolated tribal population and opposition to aggressive proselytizing, had run afoul of several evangelical Christian groups as well as maoist terrorists. He was severely injured in an attack by a Christian mob on Christmas

Wikipedia - Lakshmananda attacks

Assasination of Lakshmananda

He was assassinated along with four disciples at his kanyashram (Girls school) at Tumudibandh, about 100 km from Phulbani, the district headquarters of Kandhmal district on the sacred day of Janmashtami. A group of 30-40 armed men surrounded the Ashram. Four of the assailants carried AK-47s and many others had locally made revolvers. Two of the four government provided security guards had gone home to eat. The assailants tied and gagged the two remaining guards.

Wikipedia - Lakshmanananda Assassination

Investigation into the assassination

The police have arrested Pradesh Kumar Das, an employee of the World Vision, a Christian Charity, from Khadagpur while escaping from the district at Buguda. In another drive, two other persons Vikram Digal and William Digal have been arrested from the house of Lal Digal, a local militant Christian, from Nuasahi at Gunjibadi, Nuagaan. They have admitted to having joined a group of 28 other assailants

Aggressive proselytizing

The aggressive proselytization activities which teach hatred, coerce newly converted to go against customs of the land by forcing them to slaughter cows and to eat beef, cut down sacred trees, denigrate Hindu gods, is against the pluralistic and tolerant nature of India. T

never in the history of india christians were treated bad, it all occured after the arrival of christian missionaries, after the attack by christian missionaries over Hindu gurus.

Note: Im not justifying hindu extermists, but you should know how it all happened !!!
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What logic in justifying oppression of muslims by stating past social conditions of India, it is true indias social condition was not good but after the arrival of mughals it became worse like hell in earth, many people suicided fearing muslims soldier, they even struggled to get sleep at night expecting attack from mughal soldiers. You are just dodjing the crime of muslims by putting forward past social conditions of india, explain why it is need for discussing those here?
And social problems existed in all cultures not just in those of indians

:) right!So if you look at my original post u will see that it was a reply to YOSEF and not you but since you bothered to reply to my post i thot u too hold the same views as his.And FYI,im not trying to justify the actions of Mughal conquerers here.I was only trying to correct the misconception of some ppl that India was a perfect place before Islam and Christianity came.
Plus i dont know if uve learned this part of indian history but id like to ask if u know about the great emperor Akbar and Tipu Sultan.As far as i know ,they were liked by both Muslims and Hindus.So not all Muslim Kings were butchers,rapists and terrorists were they?

i did not claimed that india was peaceful country, but it became worse when mughals arrived, Hindus as a whole struggled. Mughals even did not show mercy in adopting the method to kill people.

And tell me which country had such a pleasant time? Fight between shia and sunni exists even today, becoming more worse.

WOW! u talk as if the Mughals were out to wipe the whole of Hindus off the face of the earth... What an exaggeration !!!!!!The Mughals ruled India for centuries and they were brutal but how much percent of the Hindu population did these butchers forcibly convert???Can u give us some figures plzzz at least an approximate???What about south India??How did Islam spread in South India??Dont tell me the Mughals went butchering people there also??? And where did this Shia ,Sunni conflict come up from all of sudden?Who is discussing that here??

enough !!!
your intention is now very clear, you have reasons for every crime mughals did.
Also what is the need for destroying temples to construct mosques, was there such a scarcity for land? Hindu temples are full of architecture and monuments, they are bulit after decades of hardwork of thousands of people, you still believe mughals were not possessive? Actually from now you does not deserve to be responded, it is well known that mughals looted properties of hindus, and you have different reasoning for all those..

Lol ok my friend i know uve had enough :D!!And as for why did the Mughals destroy temples,im not really sure why.Probably the same reasons why some fanatics went out to destroy an ancient mosque and build a temple in its place in Ayodhya.

i dont like these sort of jokes, you proved you are such an ignorant when comes to history of India, caste system existed even after british rule, and was not at all better fromt those of past, even you pointed out the same in your previous post, now you talk differently.

True!I agree! im totally ignorant of one sided versions of indian history but i think im having a good study of it now :D!And when did i say caste system did not exist at the time of the British??what i meant was that the severity of the oppression reduced over time.Dont u think its far better now??And like it or not ,Christianity and Islam has contributed substantially to it.

im putting your post in bold to catch attention of every people.
India is the most democratic country in the world.

Oh yeah ! It certainly is a great democracy THANK GOD FOR THAT!!Unfortunately,some retarded religious fanatics and political goons are murdering democracy in India.

Any proof for they were converted back to hinduism by force, it is well known that cristian missionaries are making use of poverty of india to convert people in Orissa, that is they would help only if people accept their faith. Poor people are least interested in christianity but they have no choice other than to accept christianity to feed their children. Hindu pepole just rescued these people from christian missionaries. Also christian missionaries violated religious freedom act. The Orissa Freedom of Religion Act, 1967, mentions that no person shall “convert or attempt to convert, either directly or otherwise, any person from one religious faith to another by the use of force or by inducement or by any fraudulent means”.[9][10] Christian missionaries have argued that spreading their faith is a religious duty of Christianity. These religious acts came to being when it was realized that christian missionaries are making use of poverty of people. Tell my why cristian missionaries have less interested in other states of India?

Have u heard about VHP's Gita Yajna??They organised it to convert Dalits from Christianity back to Hinduism by instilling fear and intimidation.None of the VHP members deny such Yajnas happened.So how come you do???? :D!Christians using poverty???May be they are and why is that bothering some hindus??Why cant they too help their fellow hindus and be kind and compassionate towards them instead of totally neglecting them and treating them as untouchables .Why this love for them all of a sudden??????!!Where were these VHP and Bajrang dal fanatics when these poor dalits were starving and dieing of hunger???Why couldnt they save them then???Christian missionaries are working in many states in India.They are very much active in the south india.And is this your justification to kill innocent ppl??Is this a reason to gang rape innocent nuns and parade them naked in the streets??????!Freedom to practice and propogate ones faith is a right of every individual in a democracy.Unfortunately,in states where religious fanatics have formed governments , democracy is murdered by them by making laws that prevent people from excercising this freedom.

again, from where all these happened?
And who started the violonce first?

Attack on lakshmanandala

Swami Lakshamanananda, a Hindu Monk, was on his way to visit trouble spot. However, a bus belonging to Mr. Sugriba Singh, Panna Christian leader and BJD Member of Parliament (Lower House) obstructed the road and Swami was attacked on that spot injuring him, driver and security guard.

Wikipedia - - attack on lakshmanandala

His work for the upliftment of isolated tribal population and opposition to aggressive proselytizing, had run afoul of several evangelical Christian groups as well as maoist terrorists. He was severely injured in an attack by a Christian mob on Christmas

Wikipedia - Lakshmananda attacks

Assasination of Lakshmananda

He was assassinated along with four disciples at his kanyashram (Girls school) at Tumudibandh, about 100 km from Phulbani, the district headquarters of Kandhmal district on the sacred day of Janmashtami. A group of 30-40 armed men surrounded the Ashram. Four of the assailants carried AK-47s and many others had locally made revolvers. Two of the four government provided security guards had gone home to eat. The assailants tied and gagged the two remaining guards.

Wikipedia - Lakshmanananda Assassination

Investigation into the assassination

The police have arrested Pradesh Kumar Das, an employee of the World Vision, a Christian Charity, from Khadagpur while escaping from the district at Buguda. In another drive, two other persons Vikram Digal and William Digal have been arrested from the house of Lal Digal, a local militant Christian, from Nuasahi at Gunjibadi, Nuagaan. They have admitted to having joined a group of 28 other assailants

Aggressive proselytizing

The aggressive proselytization activities which teach hatred, coerce newly converted to go against customs of the land by forcing them to slaughter cows and to eat beef, cut down sacred trees, denigrate Hindu gods, is against the pluralistic and tolerant nature of India. These acts will only further aggravate communal relations. Hence the need for the government to strongly come down Christian aggression in India.

never in the history of india christians were treated bad, it all occured after the arrival of christian missionaries, after the attack by christian missionaries over Hindu gurus.

Note: Im not justifying hindu extermists, but you should know how it all happened !!!

PROPOGANDA!Thats what this is.Fanatics like VHP,BJP and the likes of them bring up false stories like these to justify the killing of thousands of innocents to avenge killing of what? 20,30 or 70 of their fanatic friends???And it is noteworthy that such brutal display of Hindu extremism only happens in states governed by BJP and the Sangh parivar so that they get adequate support for their ethnic cleansing experiments.They did it in GUJARAT and NOW in ORISSA only GOD knows which state is the next experiment lab.

To conclude,just as how Islamic terrorism is a threat to Indian democracy,Hindu terrorism also is an equal threat.And NO! one should not be fooled by their justification that this is a natural response to Islamic fundamentalism and Christian Evangelism.It is simply an outcome of upper caste Hindu INSECURITY!!

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As prophesied or will it be reversed?

(1) It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of allah) hate (it).
( سورة التوبة , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #33)

YouTube - Muslims Are Taking Over The World at an ALARMING Rate - MUSLIM IMMIGRATION
Muslims Are Taking Over The World at an ALARMING Rate

The domination of Muslims and Islam will only happen when they return back to the real message of Islam ie the Quran.The domination will only remain a distant dream until Muslims discard man made laws and turn to uphold GOD's message ie the Quran alone and recognize the freedom, religious tolerance,love and ways to prosperity and success here and the hereafter the Quran teaches.!!



The Creator
:) right!So if you look at my original post u will see that it was a reply to YOSEF and not you but since you bothered to reply to my post i thot u too hold the same views as his.And FYI,im not trying to justify the actions of Mughal conquerers here.I was only trying to correct the misconception of some ppl that India was a perfect place before Islam and Christianity came.

let me repeat, there was never a perfect place anywhere before, arrival of islam and christianity made life of Indians worst, during their days India was hell in earth

Plus i dont know if uve learned this part of indian history but id like to ask if u know about the great emperor Akbar and Tipu Sultan.As far as i know ,they were liked by both Muslims and Hindus.So not all Muslim Kings were butchers,rapists and terrorists were they?

This is your best chance to be aware that, you are total moron about Indian history.

Let me say about Akbar and Tipu, they are simply 'pure bast****ds'.

About Tipu sultan

Some historians claim that he had an egalitarian attitude towards Hindus and was harsh towards them only when politically expedient.[8] In the first part of his reign in particular he appears to have been notably more aggressive and religiously doctrinaire than his father, Hyder Ali.[9] Some historians claim that Tipu Sultan was a religious persecutor of Hindus.

As late as 1784, the Dutch missionary Christian Friedrich Schwarz describes Tippu's alleged abduction of 12,000 children from the region.[11] It is alleged that the invaders plundered the country and took away the cattle and grain.[11] The invasion is believed to have had such an impact on the economy of the country that it did not recover until the start of the nineteenth century.

Hayavadana C. Rao, writing for the Raja of Mysore (whose dynasty was installed as rulers of Mysore by the British after they killed Tipu Sultan), wrote about Tipu in his encyclopaedic work The History of Mysore. He asserted that Tipu's "religious fanaticism and the excesses committed in the name of religion, both in Mysore and in the provinces, stand condemned for all time. His bigotry, indeed, was so great that it precluded all ideas of toleration". He further asserts that the acts of Tipu that were constructive towards Hindus were largely political and ostentatious rather than an indication of genuine tolerance.

Tipu sent a letter on January 19, 1790 to Budruz Zuman Khan. It says:
Don't you know I have achieved a great victory recently in Malabar and over four lakh Hindus were converted to Islam? I am determined to march against that cursed Raman Nair very soon. Since I am overjoyed at the prospect of converting him and his subjects to Islam, I have happily abandoned the idea of going back to Srirangapatanam now.[29]

Tipus attitude towards christians

The Bakur Manuscript reports him as having said: "All Musalmans should unite together, and considering the annihilation of infidels as a sacred duty, labor to the utmost of their power, to accomplish that subject.

Tipu's army set fire to the church at Palayoor and attacked the Ollur Church in 1790. Furthernmore, the Arthat church and the Ambazhakkad seminary was also destroyed. Over the course of this invasion, many Syrian Malabar Nasrani were killed or forcibly converted to Islam. Most of the coconut, arecanut, pepper and cashew plantations held by the Syrian Malabar farmers were also indiscriminately destroyed by the invading army.

The crime of Tipu not ends here, but there is a limit i can post here.

About Akbar

Akbar allowed the conversion of a mosque into Hindu temple at Kurukshetra.[71] He gave two villages for the upkeep of a mosque and a Madrasa which was setup by destroying a Hindu temple.[71] Akbar's army was responsible for the demolition of rich Hindu temples which had gold idols in the Doab region.[71] He changed name of Prayag to Allahabad pronounced as ilahabad in 1583 as he started a new religion called Din E ilahi.

Having conquered Rajputana, Akbar turned to Gujarat, whose government was in a state of disarray after the death of its previous ruler, Bahadur Shah. The province was a tempting target as it was a center of world trade, it possessed fertile soil and had highly developed crafts.[37] The province had been occupied by Humayun for a brief period, and prior to that was ruled by the Delhi Sultanate.[31] In 1572, Akbar marched to Ahmedabad, which capitulated without offering resistance. He took Surat by siege, and then crossed the Mahi river and defeated his estranged cousins, the Mirzas, in a hard-fought battle at Sarnal.[37][38] During the campaign, Akbar met a group of Portugese merchants for the first time at Cambay.

WOW! u talk as if the Mughals were out to wipe the whole of Hindus off the face of the earth... What an exaggeration !!!!!!The Mughals ruled India for centuries and they were brutal but how much percent of the Hindu population did these butchers forcibly convert???Can u give us some figures plzzz at least an approximate???What about south India??How did Islam spread in South India??Dont tell me the Mughals went butchering people there also??? And where did this Shia ,Sunni conflict come up from all of sudden?Who is discussing that here??

According to Thomas Munro, a Scottish soldier and the first collector of Canara, around 60,000 of them,[39] nearly 92 percent of the entire Mangalorean Catholic community, were captured, only 7,000 escaped. Francis Buchanan gives the numbers as 70,000 captured, from a population of 80,000, with 10,000 escaping

. The young women and girls were forcibly made wives of the Muslims living there.[40] The young men who offered resistance were disfigured by cutting their noses, upper lips, and ears.[41] According to Mr. Silva of Gangolim, a survivor of the captivity, if a person who had escaped from Seringapatam was found, the punishment under the orders of Tipu was the cutting off of the ears, nose, the feet and one hand.

Tipu sent a letter on January 19, 1790 to Budruz Zuman Khan. It says:
Don't you know I have achieved a great victory recently in Malabar and over four lakh Hindus were converted to Islam? I am determined to march against that cursed Raman Nair very soon. Since I am overjoyed at the prospect of converting him and his subjects to Islam, I have happily abandoned the idea of going back to Srirangapatanam now.[29]

The story of Tipu and Akbar not ends here, but there is a limitation of time.

Definitely Mughals were not humans, they are worser than animals......

The sources are wikipedia,

Wikipedia - Tipu Sultan
Wikipedia - Akbar

Let Islam dominate the world :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
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Well-Known Member
I am sure that Islam only looks after the sacred places of the people of the book. The covenant till the last day was laid out 1400 years ago between us and christians and jews. If any muslim or muslims destroy a church or synygog then they have broken this promise and will be judged severly by Allah swt.

YouTube - Muhammed's letter to Christian people ♥♥♥♥♥ ( Muhammed's fruit - plz share - 4 God sake )

Idol worshipping central europe just before the advent of Alexandrian christinaity is the brothers and sisters of idol worshipping hinduisim and budahsim.

I am sure hinduisim and budhasim are not part of the people of the book and following the tradition of Abraham pbuh of removing all traces of Idol worshipping.

Abraham started this tradition as part of the tests that were given to him by Allah swt as mentioned in the NT OT and Quran. He started it in Nimrod/Iraq all the way to Jeurasilm. Muahmmed pbuh only followed in this tradition by removing and destroying the Idols of pagan makkah.

Therefore by all abrahamic traditions idols and idol worship are not considerd people of the book and therefore all their statues and idols should be removed. Any place of worship that contains idols was removed by Abraham and replaced by a HOUSE dedicated to the worship of the CREATOR alone.

Just my 2 fake secular currency cents and it is not my own wishes but it is evidenced in Jewish, Christian and Islamic divine scripture.
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Well-Known Member
Did u read about the incidents in Orissa ??Christians were butchered and burnt alive by extremists.Nuns were gang raped.

What is it with body burning. Why they have a soft touch to burning. If you wanted to give yourself away and your crime just do what it is you do everyday. Easy job for the police.

Some prefer planes, other prefer cars, i guess whatever rocks the boat.

What again was the reason for this reaction????!!!!!!!Did the Christians burn a train too??????!!


case is closed brother. the truth came out. they were burned muslim babies. All is clear and enough said about its barbarisim.
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The Creator
What about south India??How did Islam spread in South India??Dont tell me the Mughals went butchering people there also??

you are proving it again and again, about your foolish knowledge about Indian history.

Tipu's aggression in south India

Tipu ordered the destruction of 27 Catholic churches, all beautifully carved with statues depicting various saints. Among them included the Church of Nossa Senhora de Rosario Milagres at Mangalore, Fr Miranda's Seminary at Monte Mariano, Church of Jesu Marie Jose at Omzoor, Chapel at Bolar, Church of Merces at Ullal, Imaculata Conceiciao at Mulki, San Jose at Perar, Nossa Senhora dos Remedios at Kirem, Sao Lawrence at Karkal, Rosario at Barkur, Immaculata Conceciao at Baidnur.[34] All were razed to the ground, with the exception of the The Church of Holy Cross at Hospet,owing to the friendly offices of the Chauta Raja of Moodbidri.[38]
According to Thomas Munro, a Scottish soldier and the first collector of Canara, around 60,000 of them,[39] nearly 92 percent of the entire Mangalorean Catholic community, were captured, only 7,000 escaped. Francis Buchanan gives the numbers as 70,000 captured, from a population of 80,000, with 10,000 escaping. They were forced to climb nearly 4,000 feet (1,200 m) through the jungles of the Western Ghat mountain ranges. It was 210 miles (340 km) from Mangalore to Seringapatam, and the journey took six weeks. According to British Government records, 20,000 of them died on the march to Seringapatam. According to James Scurry, a British officer, who was held captive along with Mangalorean Catholics, 30,000 of them were forcibly converted to Islam. The young women and girls were forcibly made wives of the Muslims living there.[40] The young men who offered resistance were disfigured by cutting their noses, upper lips, and ears.[41] According to Mr. Silva of Gangolim, a survivor of the captivity, if a person who had escaped from Seringapatam was found, the punishment under the orders of Tipu was the cutting off of the ears, nose, the feet and one hand.[42]
The Archbishop of Goa wrote in 1800, "It is notoriously known in all Asia and all other parts of the globe of the oppression and sufferings experienced by the Christians in the Dominion of the King of Kanara, during the usurpation of that country by Tipu Sultan from an implacable hatred he had against them who professed Christianity."[34]

Tipu Sultan's invasion of the Malabar had an adverse impact on the Syrian Malabar Nasrani community of the Malabar coast. Many churches in the Malabar and Cochin were damaged. The old Syrian Nasrani seminary at Angamaly which had been the center of Catholic religious education for several centuries was razed to the ground by Tipu's soldiers. A lot of centuries old religious manuscripts were lost forever.[43] The church was later relocated to Kottayam where it still exists. The Mor Sabor church at Akaparambu and the Martha Mariam Church attached to the seminary were destroyed as well. Tipu's army set fire to the church at Palayoor and attacked the Ollur Church in 1790. Furthernmore, the Arthat church and the Ambazhakkad seminary was also destroyed. Over the course of this invasion, many Syrian Malabar Nasrani were killed or forcibly converted to Islam. Most of the coconut, arecanut, pepper and cashew plantations held by the Syrian Malabar farmers were also indiscriminately destroyed by the invading army. As a result, when Tipu's army invaded Guruvayur and adjacent areas, the Syrian Christian community fled Calicut and small towns like Arthat to new centres like Kunnamkulam, Chalakudi, Ennakadu, Cheppadu, Kannankode, Mavelikkara, etc. where there were already Christians. They were given refuge by Sakthan Tamburan (Hindu prince), the ruler of Cochin and Karthika Thirunal, the ruler of Travancore, who gave them lands, plantations and encouraged their businesses. Colonel Macqulay, the British resident of Travancore also helped them.[43]
Tipu's persecution of Christians even extended to captured British soldiers. For instance, there were a significant amount of forced conversions of British captives between 1780 and 1784. Following their disastrous defeat at the battle of Pollilur, 7,000 British men along with an unknown number of women were held captive by Tipu in the fortress of Seringapatnam. Of these, over 300 were circumcised and given Muslim names and clothes and several British regimental drummer boys were made to wear ghagra cholis and entertain the court as nautch girls or dancing girls. After the 10 year long captivity ended, James Scurry, one of those prisoners, recounted that he had forgotten how to sit in a chair and use a knife and fork. His English was broken and stilted, having lost all his vernacular idiom. His skin had darkened to the swarthy complexion of negroes, and moreover, he had developed an aversion to wearing European clothes.[44]
During the surrender of the Mangalore fort which was delivered in an armistice by the British and their subsequent withdrawal, all the Mestizos and remaining non-British foreigners were killed, together with 5,600 Mangalorean Catholics.

Wikipedia - Tipu sultan

And where did this Shia ,Sunni conflict come up from all of sudden?Who is discussing that here??

then you should expalin how did past social conditions of india come up all of sudden. It has nothing to do with Islamic invasion....

And as for why did the Mughals destroy temples,im not really sure why.Probably the same reasons why some fanatics went out to destroy an ancient mosque and build a temple in its place in Ayodhya.

lol, I did not knew that there was a mosque in ayodhya before mughals destroyed sriram temple, just see how foolish statements is yours !!

True!I agree! im totally ignorant of one sided versions of indian history but i think im having a good study of it now !And when did i say caste system did not exist at the time of the British??what i meant was that the severity of the oppression reduced over time.Dont u think its far better now??And like it or not ,Christianity and Islam has contributed substantially to it.

what im asking is that why there did not happened serious Islam convertion during the rule of British raj? Caste system was in very effect during those days, it continued even after indian independece.

Oh yeah ! It certainly is a great democracy THANK GOD FOR THAT!!Unfortunately,some retarded religious fanatics and political goons are murdering democracy in India.

Thanks to Hindus for making India so democratic after being treated very badly by muslims and Britishers.. Hindus was well capable to make India a non-democratic nation. Appreciate the secular mind of Hindus !!
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