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Islam will dominate!


Well-Known Member
That's what looking at the darkness does. Your search and highlighting of the darkness has now crept into your family relationship, it is growing..

Muwahahahhaah. You are so funny.

Dont worry, We have the perfect guidance. The guidance of all the messengers pbuh and that of Jesus of Nazarath.

I can stair at this darkness to a greater degree as did messenger Jesus of Nazarth pbuh did. Dont you worry about it. Garantueed, All else is pure noise and spin.:yes:


Well-Known Member
So when a three year old boy sees girl about his age and says "hey baby" and waves at her is supposed to be a bad thing?

Applies the phsycology of a 3 year old boy to that of mature secular university students.


So whose fault is it, in a religious nation, when a woman is raped, one of the most violent, humiliating, and degrading crimes one can fall victim to, and she is blamed and penalized for this crime because she was leading a man astray from his sacred walk with God?

Global statistics?

I have my own portion 'o' chips and I am not sharing it with you:

Rapes (per capita) by country. Definition, graph and map.

Do you have your own portion 'o' chips?


Well-Known Member
A person who considers flirting a valid reason for rape, abuse or violence has some serious issues with their attitude.

Is'n it? These SCIA (Secular Comrads in Arms) of these secular education universities have totally got their way of thinking amazingly sick.

They promote the secular dress but when the woman is only trying to make herself acceptable by this system gets abused and oppressed by these same men who did this dress promotion in the first place.

They promote the secular flirting culture but when the woman is only trying to conform to the norms of this system gets abused and oppressed by these same men who did this flirting promotion in the first place.

The woman in secular system is blamed either way. what an irony.

This is what I call WMD destructive oppression.
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Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
Is'n it? These SCIA (Secular Comrads in Arms) of these secular education universities have totally got their way of thinking amazingly sick.

They promote the secular dress but when the woman is only trying to make herself acceptable by this system gets abused and oppressed by these same men who did this dress promotion in the first place.

They promote the secular flirting culture but when the woman is only trying to conform to the norms of this system gets abused and oppressed by these same men who did this flirting promotion in the first place.

The woman in secular system is blamed either way. what an irony.

This is what I call WMD destructive oppression.

Obviously you don't like secular nations and from what I'm getting from your posts is that you think ALL nations should be non secular. What about the people who don't follow any religion at all? We're supposed to be mindless robots and follow a religion even when we don't believe in it?
I find you to be very sexist. It seems to me that you think women should not be allowed to do anything they want to. That all women should dress a certain a way, act a certain way, and talk a certain way.
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Lol, I think we're back to square 1 with 301...
Secular Nation does this, non-secular nation does that(only because they were influenced by secularism)... it's getting to be like a cd skipping on the worst part of the song.

Back to the OP.

I feel that if islam is to dominate it would have to be through military conquest and not strictly limited to cultural influence, IMO.

Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
Lol, I think we're back to square 1 with 301...
Secular Nation does this, non-secular nation does that(only because they were influenced by secularism)... it's getting to be like a cd skipping on the worst part of the song.

Back to the OP.

I feel that if islam is to dominate it would have to be through military conquest and not strictly limited to cultural influence, IMO.

I agree with you there. You can only influence so many people without using brute force. They'd have to use military otherwise they just won't get anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Is'n it? These SCIA (Secular Comrads in Arms) of these secular education universities have totally got their way of thinking amazingly sick.

They promote the secular dress but when the woman is only trying to make herself acceptable by this system gets abused and oppressed by these same men who did this dress promotion in the first place.

They promote the secular flirting culture but when the woman is only trying to conform to the norms of this system gets abused and oppressed by these same men who did this flirting promotion in the first place.

The woman in secular system is blamed either way. what an irony.

This is what I call WMD destructive oppression.
There is no oppression like the one you speak of. Rapists are scum, they do not rape because of how someone dress or because they flirt, they rape because of their attitude and because of who they are. They are not the promoting anything. They are just plain and simple bad people.

Also, do not do the mistake to generalize everything secular into one group and do not do the mistake of looking at woman as weak. Because they are not... they are people, some are victims of abuse, some are not, but they are not just weak girls who do not know any better. If you didnt mean it like that I apologize, but it sounded like it.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you don't like secular nations and from what I'm getting from your posts is that you think ALL nations should be non secular. What about the people who don't follow any religion at all?

You have a religion. It is called secularism. Very Alien religion known to man since the time of creation. I tired to find a place that belong to secularist but could not find any. All the galagcies, Planets, milkyways belonged to the creator and his servants.

It is out of our own mercy and hospitality giving you the luxury of including secularists into our divinely created dominian.

We're supposed to be mindless robots and follow a religion even when we don't believe in it?

You already doing that with secular life style. Why change now?

I find you to be very sexist. It seems to me that you think women should not be allowed to do anything they want to.

I am actually looking after the welfare of these woman from the oppression of man-made secular human aribtrary laws. Today you have this right, tomorrow you do not no matter how much you cry.

That all women should dress a certain a way, act a certain way, and talk a certain way.

Ofcourse secular elite will not be happy untill it makes its own female subjects behave in the way they like them to behave: Simply.......Dirty girls culture:

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Well-Known Member
I agree with you there. You can only influence so many people without using brute force. They'd have to use military otherwise they just won't get anywhere.

Yes. I for once agree with you here. The only hope left for the salvation of mankind from this system is divine intervension with brute force and the language of Iron: All options will have been exhausted:


5: And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a ROD of IRON:
and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

We shall all get busy very soon .......:yes:

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So many of your (SCIA - Secular Comrads in Arms) have RIP'ed (Rested in Peeice).

All your secular promoted gambling did not pay off neither. It bankrupted you and the only thing left in your possesions left are the fish 'n' chips sellers.
Well, I am a pacifist so I have no "comrads in arms." And also, not too many people did support the financial gambling that bankrupted the world. And that wasn't secularism, it was greedy bankers who hide behind the "Godly, right-winged conservatives who believe America is a Christian nation rather than Secular" lawmakers/Senators that they buy.

Applies the phsycology of a 3 year old boy to that of mature secular university students.

Uhmm.....and this makes since how? I mentioned very young children flirting with eachother, not adults. And because you are very much in the dark, religious people flirt just like secular people do.

Global statistics?
Global statistics for what? It's not a secret that the ultra-Islamic states, such as Iran, women are blamed for rapes, and not only that, they are punished because it is the woman's fault that the rapist couldn't keep his dick in his pants. At least in our "evil secular" nation, the woman can get counciling to help her through the mental recovery, and the rapist is charged, jailed, and has to register as a sex offender so the whole world knows that he raped someone.
I can stair at this darkness to a greater degree as did messenger Jesus of Nazarth pbuh did. Dont you worry about it. Garantueed, All else is pure noise and spin.:yes:
Are you really claiming to be better than Jesus? For a Christian, saying you can stare into the darkness better than him is just blasphemous, and while I'm not 100% sure on how Islam looks at it, but it doesn't seem right that one could claim to do something better than the prophet of Allah.

They promote the secular dress but when the woman is only trying to make herself acceptable by this system gets abused and oppressed by these same men who did this dress promotion in the first place.
Well this depends. Part of the dress is promoted by the fashion industry which promotes some pretty nasty things such as beauty is only for the very young, strict guidelines as to what qualifies as beauty, and it's not biggie if you can't read higher than a first grader level. This all is fueled primarily by greed.

They promote the secular flirting culture but when the woman is only trying to conform to the norms of this system gets abused and oppressed by these same men who did this flirting promotion in the first place.
Again, flirting happens in the very young, and men flirt about as much as women do.
As for women wanting to conform, there are heavy pressures for men to conform as well. If you take a good look at commercials that are aimed at men, they tell you have to look this way, dress this way, be clean shaven, smell a certain way, and most of all you have to act like a "real man" if you want to get the girl of your dreams. And let's not forget men are not supposed to sow, knit, clean, cook, cry, art, show or talk about emotions, having a sensitive side, and even sometimes spending more time with the kids than the mom does can have society perceiving the man as gay, feminine, a sissy, and not "masculine enough." Men have such strict standards that just preferring wine over beer in some places is a mark of disgrace.
Women too have heavy pressures to conform, also with looks and behavior. Although with women, the emphasis is more on appearance, as it is in most of the world, throughout most of history.

The woman in secular system is blamed either way. what an irony.
If women were blamed, then there wouldn't be therapists for rape victims to go to, specially made bras that have holsters for tasers and cans of mace in the front, "chick" guns that easily fit into a purse, condoms that fit inside the woman that have barbed tips on the inside, or laws that protect women and punish the rapist. If women were blamed, we wouldn't even have Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.

I do have my own "portion o' chips," but since mine is largely from secular authors, databases, newscasts, and my own secular, Satanic thoughts.

Oh, The dress needs to be few inches further down. :) . Bad tailors.
I think I'm gonna go buy a dress that is a few inches higher up.:flirt: (giggle..we even have a flirt emot.)


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I am getting really sick and tired of 301 saying it's the womans fault when she is raped or molested. He may not be saying it outright but it's being implied. How is it my fault that my step-father molested me???? Can someone please explain that to me????


Been there, done that, got the t-shirt for it, hon. Patriarchy is a disease, and it creates that kind of scapegoating onto women.

Don't ever believe ANYONE who tells you you're powerless, that you're ugly, that you're filthy or disgusting, or that you don't deserve the best in life. You never deserved to be hurt like that, and anyone who does believe that you deserved it needs to come and talk to me and my whip first. ;)



Well-Known Member
I am getting really sick and tired of 301 saying it's the womans fault when she is raped or molested. He may not be saying it outright but it's being implied. How is it my fault that my step-father molested me???? Can someone please explain that to me????
Doubt 301 is trying to say that. I interpret it more like he considers the "secular dress code" and "flirting" and such things to place women on the radar of such people, which causes them to be raped and abused. Or maybe I am just naive... I can be that sometimes. In either case, whatever he means, it is absurd.

It was your step-fathers fault that he was a psyco and no one elses. I really don´t know what else to say, but... I wish you well.

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
Doubt 301 is trying to say that. I interpret it more like he considers the "secular dress code" and "flirting" and such things to place women on the radar of such people, which causes them to be raped and abused.

No offense intended, but I respectfully disagree. I think that is exactly what he is saying. He is clearly conveying a message that if a woman does not adhere to an Islamic-style of dress and she ends up getting raped, then she must bear some of the responsibility for provoking the criminal act.

People who propose such drivel, whether they be Muslim or otherwise, do so in an attempt to maintain their power base. The last thing an abusive culture needs, is to have its power structure up-ended.

If women are allowed to dress as they choose, that takes away some of the control that men have over them. So, how do men maintain that control? They twist and invert reality. They misrepresent who is at fault and who is the victim.

As far as I can tell, that is exactly what this whole thread is about. This flawed attempt to demonize secular liberties, those very rights and freedoms that actually protect an individual's ability to worship as they deem appropriate for themselves, is really no more than a desperate and transparent attempt to maintain a fragile religious power structure that benefits people like the thread's creator.

Secularism is of the devil. Why, because it makes all people, regardless of race, sex, ethnicity or religion equal under the law. Secularism is of the devil. Why, because though it sometimes fails to do so, it at least TRIES to protect the victim of crimes such as rape, rather than exploiting rape and other abuses against women in an attempt to keep women subject to patriarchal laws and archaic civil frameworks.

Secularism is of the devil. Why, because it inverts the very reality that makes religious cruelty and oppression possible.

If women are to be oppressed and essentially made no more than property, if religious laws are to be enforced with biased fervor, if one religion is to be made superior to all others so that a deviant power structure which benefits the few over the many can be maintained, then secularism must be demonized and eventually destroyed. That is the purpose of this thread.
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Well-Known Member
No offense intended, but I respectfully disagree. I think that is exactly what he is saying. He is clearly conveying a message that if a woman does not adhere to an Islamic-style of dress and she ends up getting raped, then she must bear some of the responsibility for provoking the criminal act.

People who propose such drivel, whether they be Muslim or otherwise, do so in an attempt to maintain their power base. The last thing an abusive culture needs, is to have its power structure up-ended.

If women are allowed to dress as they choose, that takes away some of the control that men have over them. So, how do men maintain that control? They twist and invert reality. They misrepresent who is at fault and who is the victim.

As far as I can tell, that is exactly what this whole thread is about. This flawed attempt to demonize secular liberties, those rights and freedoms that actually protect an individual's ability to worship as they deem appropriate for themselves, is really no more than a desperate and transparent attempt to maintain a fragile religious power structure that benefits people like the thread's creator.

Secularism is of the devil. Why, because it makes all people, regardless of race, sex, ethnicity or religion equal under the law. Secularism is of the devil. Why, because though it sometimes fails to do so, it at least TRIES to protect the victim of crimes such as rape, rather than exploiting rape and other abuses against women in an attempt to keep women subject to partriarchial laws and archaic civil frameworks.

Secularism is of the devil. Why, because it inverts the very reality that makes religious cruelty and oppression possible.

If women are to be oppressed and essentially made no more than property, if religious laws are to be enforced with biased fervor, if one religion is to be made superior to all others so that a deviant power structure which benefits the few over the many can be maintained, then secularism must be demonized and eventually destroyed. That is the purpose of this thread.
You can very well be right, I can as stated be naive sometimes.


Angel Of The North
I wouldnt say devil because the so called devil is there to wrid the world of the true evil!
When I rule the world, all opressors will fall! Treating woman like some do is evil. Woman that have been abused and raped and punished again and being blamed for this abuse will have justice. see what happens to the true evil!
Islam will not dominate the world nor will any Religion.


Veteran Member
You can very well be right, I can as stated be naive sometimes.

i don't think you're wrong. if women were responsible of rape for what they're wearing then there would not be any rape in nations where all women wear modest. but that's not how it works. some men would abuse women as long as they know their gender. it is not a surprise to find a woman under modest dress. i don't know, maybe we women should leave planet and live on the moon to save men from this torture :rolleyes:
