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Islam will dominate!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear of your troubled past. I hope you are healed from it. It is a truma that I wish no family goes through.

Change the system you will change the people. The system is corrupting the masses.

E.g on the BBC world service I liestened intentally at a program discussing sex in secular system. It had a well conduct research that showed that secular men think about sex every 12 seconds.

Yes every 12 seconds they think of sex. What is more disturbing is that they think of sex not with their own partners or wife but with other woman they come across during their day, work, malls, etc.

That is some emotional rollercoaster that I have ever come across.
I don´t think of sex every 12 seconds. And what does it have to do with anything, by the way?


Well-Known Member
No they are not just plain and simple bad people. It is the system that is corrupt therefore its fruits are corrupt too. Change the system you will change the people. Nothing more nothing less.
You simplify everything to the extent that it is not rational. There is no "the system". There are many systems that can be very, very different compared to each other. Also, humans are not slaves under whatever system we live in.

This is not generalisation. This is an epidamic. Even the men are not safe from such abuse and oppression.

Think of all the married secular men to a greater extent. They can see but they can not touch. All these tanned, one-apple a day shaped legges with micro skirts do to married secular men with 2,3 or 4 kids and a wife that is old and out of shape?

Torture. Sorry you can only look but you can not touch. This also one of the reasons of the high depression rates among secular systems.

It is also an oppression to the married, respectable, hard working secular woman. Protecting the family day and night then comes these 1 apple a day shaped fake tanned leggs. There goes the husband. family broken apart, etc, etc.

Back to square 1. The system was the cause, the secular dress code was the tool for the break up of the marriage, oppression of the husband before taking off and oppression to the woman after the husband taking off.

WMD destructive sex = WMD destructive dress code = WMD destructive broken homes = WMD destructive oppression all around.
It is a generalization and that is not how it is. I know, because I am a man who does not consider it torture not to touch every girl that happens to show some skin.


Well-Known Member
I don't need nor care for your condolences.

I was sincere in my comments. No need to be irrational just because you got caught on your flirting statements. ;) it was classical.

It's only natural to think about sex with other people the thing is not to act upon it.

No not all humans. So you think there is nothing wrong with thinking of sex with other engaged, single, etc woman or men?

Please do answer this, maybe i am totally wrong here, It could be healthy sexual thinking. Do let me know.
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Well-Known Member
There you go making excuses for bad people, again.

I have not made an excuse to any bad person. It is the system that corrupted the masses. Therefore the system will reap its own fruits.

Islam is very into humanisim not the likes of secular humanistic hypocracy. Promote Vile WMD destructive sex, flirting, immodest dress codes, freemixing, gambling, alcaholsim, etc thereafter when the masses behave in the manner they do only because they are ascribing, conforming, looking up the ideals of the system of freedom of expression, In pursuite of happiness. The FULL brunt of the secular hypocrite LAW get handed down on them.

The caliphate system will never blame the human being UNTILL the full caliphate system is implemented. Thereafter if any muslim subject indulges in such sickning behaviour in public then the law will be implemented. No hypocracy. No two faced system. No promotion of vile acts but at the same time punish the individule in part taking in these same promotions which was the contributing factors into his/her vile actions.

Instead of blaming the men you want to go and blame the women for wanting to look how they want.

Well, The system deserves such fruits because it is its own products. they deserve each other and they all belong to its corrupt system. Untill they wake up they are only reaping their own harvest.

You need to stop blaming secularism for everything. Women fought so hard for equal rights and to be able to do, think, act, talk however they please.
Secularism is about keeping any state, nation, etc from having ONE religion and allowing people to be free and worship how they please.

All nice and rosey speech but nothing susbstantial and does not hold any merits or weights. Reality on the ground is a different story. It will only get worse, I promise:

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Well-Known Member
I don´t think of sex every 12 seconds. And what does it have to do with anything, by the way?

It has to do with many things, just that you dont seem to be very aware of: WMD Destructive sex comes to my mind right now: Unbelievable.

KG to 5th grade will be offered condoms !

Should Elementary Schools Give Condoms to Students?

June 24, 2010

When kindergarten through fifth grade students return to class at Veterans Memorial Elementary School in Provincetown, Mass., this fall, they'll be able to ask the school nurse for condoms.

Should Elementary schools distribute condoms to students?

. A controversial new policy in Provincetown will allow at Provincetown's elementary school students access to condoms. School committee members unanimously approved the new policy last week, which allows students to request condoms from the school nurse or a counselor, even if their parents object. Collapse

Thanks to a new, district-wide policy approved by the Provincetown School Board, condoms are now available to students in all schools, regardless of their age. Parents will not be informed if their kids request condoms.

Should Elementary Schools Give Condoms to Students? Provincetown, Mass. Thinks So - ABC News
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Well-Known Member
You simplify everything to the extent that it is not rational. There is no "the system". There are many systems that can be very, very different compared to each other. Also, humans are not slaves under whatever system we live in.

Yes it is a system. It has pillars, penal code and it is fruits. Noble men that were the founders and instigators: The Cast of Noble Men: Descartes, Newton, Darwin, and Freud

It is a generalization and that is not how it is. I know, because I am a man who does not consider it torture not to touch every girl that happens to show some skin.

It starts with psychological torture then it matures and turns into a beast:

BBC News - Austria police make record child porn seizure
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Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
Yes it is a system. It has pillars, penal code and it is fruits. Noble men that were the founders and instigators: The Cast of Noble Men: Descartes, Newton, Darwin, and Freud

It starts with psychological torture then it matures and turns into a beast:

BBC News - Austria police make record child porn seizure

With all due respect, I don't really know how to address you or your posts. I honestly can't believe you are serious. Your statements do not make sense.

For example, your argument is that flawed systems corrupt participants. But if that is the case, then men should not be held responsible for their actions since they were corrupted by a flawed secular system. Your argument contradicts Allah. Doesn't Allah say that all men are responsible for their own actions and will be judged accordingly?

Your arguments are contradictory.

You also insult Allah and Islam with your statements. According to you, flawed systems should be counter-acted because they corrupt the individual. Hence, if we follow this logic, then it would be true to say the system is more powerful than the individual. If not, then there would be no danger in the system because the individual would be more powerful and capable of acting on their own will rather than succumbing to traps of a flawed secular system. So, in essence what you are saying, is that Allah is not strong enough to guide men through flawed systems.

Your own statements, if true, indicate Allah is not powerful enough to protect the individual from the system, therefore the system must be counter-acted.

This is one of the primary inconsistencies that I find with many religions, at least with those that actively denounce secularism. Correct me if I'm wrong, but your religion states that everyone is responsible for their individual actions and will be judged for their deeds. However, you then contradict yourself by saying that systems must be counter-acted because they corrupt the individual.

Which is it? Is the individual to be judged or the system?

The problem with your position, is that you can't have it both ways. Either you allow people to operate within open, free systems, so that they can make unrestrained personal decisions, OR to maintain any sort of logical consistency you must denounce your own religion for unduly placing responsibility on individuals when really it is the system that should be held responsible for the wickedness that men do.

To be honest, I don't think you are sincere. Because of the critical inconsistencies in your thinking and the blatant errors in reasoning, I believe you are posting foolishness in an effort to misrepresent Islamic principles and positions. Otherwise, if you are serious and your interpretation of Islam is accurate, then there is no way it could be truth.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Which is it? Is the individual to be judged or the system?

That's the whole problem with this thread. Suggesting that any system is responsible for the actions of the people who live in it or like it or believe in it, beats everything. If so, nobody should be held accountable for anything they do. Neither in life, or in the afterlife for those of us who believe in it.

At best, some systems encourage certain behavior, doesn't mean it forces people to do anything. And really the idea that secularism is supposedly all around bad is laughable. Because clearly, nations that apply it, does have lots of positive things in it.

Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
I was sincere in my comments. No need to be irrational just because you got caught on your flirting statements. ;) it was classical.

How exactly did I get caught?

No not all humans. So you think there is nothing wrong with thinking of sex with other engaged, single, etc woman or men?

Please do answer this, maybe i am totally wrong here, It could be healthy sexual thinking. Do let me know.

There's nothing wrong with thinking about anything. What's wrong is when you act upon it.

Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
I have not made an excuse to any bad person. It is the system that corrupted the masses. Therefore the system will reap its own fruits.

Yes you are. You're making excuses instead of blaming the person, you're blaming the system. There are bad people born everywhere it's not the system they live in its the person.
How is it the "systems" fault when a small child has sadistic psychotic tendencies? Small children know nothing of the "system".

Well, The system deserves such fruits because it is its own products. they deserve each other and they all belong to its corrupt system. Untill they wake up they are only reaping their own harvest.

You're still implying that it's the womans fault just because of the "system" they live in. You're blaming the system when a guy can't keep his dick in his pants.
So you're saying in the winter time when I go out in baggy sweats and a baggy hoodie, it's my fault when some old drunk guy tries to hit on me? Even though I'm not showing anything but my face?

Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
That's the whole problem with this thread. Suggesting that any system is responsible for the actions of the people who live in it or like it or believe in it, beats everything. If so, nobody should be held accountable for anything they do. Neither in life, or in the afterlife for those of us who believe in it.

At best, some systems encourage certain behavior, doesn't mean it forces people to do anything. And really the idea that secularism is supposedly all around bad is laughable. Because clearly, nations that apply it, does have lots of positive things in it.

I'm glad I live in a place where I'm not told how to dress, talk, act, or think. I'm glad I live in a place where I can worship, or in my case, not worship freely with no legal conciquenses.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm glad I live in a place where I'm not told how to dress, talk, act, or think. I'm glad I live in a place where I can worship, or in my case, not worship freely with no legal conciquenses.

Yeah and that's the way it should be. Such things as dress or beliefs are up to the person doing it. It's clearly personal stuff. Regardless of how others feel or think about it.

Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
Yeah and that's the way it should be. Such things as dress or beliefs are up to the person doing it. It's clearly personal stuff. Regardless of how others feel or think about it.

I agree 100%

I don't dress how I do because that's how society says I should dress.
According to societies standards I should be wearing mini skirts and tube tops, and I should be really tan.I prefer to wear t-shirts and jeans, and when I do wear the mini skirts and tube tops I do it because that's how I want to dress that day, not because someone told me to. I'm tan but only because I like to go out in the sun.

I worship, well, not worship because it's my choice. I don't believe I need religion in my life and I appreciate not having to worship something that I don't believe in.
everyone knows thwe only reason islam spreads is becuase firstly the breed like rabbits on heat - secondly if you leazave islam you will be killed -DAMN NO WONDER ITS GROWING - its a win win , i am sure mohammed was a very clever man to have come up with that story to make sure they grow
everyone knows thwe only reason islam spreads is becuase firstly the breed like rabbits on heat - secondly if you leazave islam you will be killed -DAMN NO WONDER ITS GROWING - its a win win , i am sure mohammed was a very clever man to have come up with that story to make sure they grow


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I agree 100%

I don't dress how I do because that's how society says I should dress.
According to societies standards I should be wearing mini skirts and tube tops, and I should be really tan.I prefer to wear t-shirts and jeans, and when I do wear the mini skirts and tube tops I do it because that's how I want to dress that day, not because someone told me to. I'm tan but only because I like to go out in the sun.

I worship, well, not worship because it's my choice. I don't believe I need religion in my life and I appreciate not having to worship something that I don't believe in.

Of course, not all people follow the "norm" or the "promoted stuff". As for religion, it is certainly your choice. If you feel you don't need one, you don't follow one. That's one of the basic obvious personal choices that people must have the right to exercise.


Well-Known Member
This pompous statement reassures me that you know nothing

These devastating posts from me reassures me that I know everything that need to be known of these secular system and its sheeple.:D

Not by definition, but if you want to dilude it as so go right ahead

Everything can be given a definition. Nothing impossible for 301 :). By my excellent wisdom I can define everything that I see fit.

My ancestors don't come from monkeys either
Monkeys came from my ancestors

This is not sounding very good. Can you come again. :D

In other words, none to speak of

In other words, Use this same icon :facepalm: back at you. This is not the thread for it. Here you can have double. buy 1 get 1 free :facepalm:.


be paitiant and you will find me of the paitiant ones.

I never said I was proud or not so I would appreciate you not putting your own biased words into my mouth. I was stating that the video that you posted had NOTHING AT ALL to do with secularism and EVERYTHING to do with our basic rights as Americans.

That video is talking about trends in secular system. whereby girls next generation mothers want to be dirty. Just as what the secular elite want them to be.

Basic right? you mean basic rights of being dirty? Oh my.......Total moral decedence.

Where on earth did this happen in christendom or the caliphate?

If you say so :D

Always. :D
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Well-Known Member
With all due respect, I don't really know how to address you or your posts. I honestly can't believe you are serious. Your statements do not make sense.

You are right. You don't really know how to address my posts. Because they are full of wisdom and sense.

For example, your argument is that flawed systems corrupt participants. But if that is the case, then men should not be held responsible for their actions since they were corrupted by a flawed secular system. Your argument contradicts Allah. Doesn't Allah say that all men are responsible for their own actions and will be judged accordingly?

Very poor islamic jurisprudence here. The creator will judge every single person in any system. In secular system, the person and the system reap their own fruits and both will be judged. In Caliphate only the person will reap his own fruit as it is superior and above any man-made system. It is not left to the wimps and desire of the arbitrary laws and its weak secular men.

Your arguments are contradictory.

Your statements are contradictory, As indicated above. You mixing the Creator with a man-made system.

You also insult Allah and Islam with your statements. According to you, flawed systems should be counter-acted because they corrupt the individual. Hence, if we follow this logic, then it would be true to say the system is more powerful than the individual. If not, then there would be no danger in the system because the individual would be more powerful and capable of acting on their own will rather than succumbing to traps of a flawed secular system. So, in essence what you are saying, is that Allah is not strong enough to guide men through flawed systems.

This is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. How absured and how contradictory to the paragraph above of yours. Free will is given and also he guides whom he will. :D

Your own statements, if true, indicate Allah is not powerful enough to protect the individual from the system, therefore the system must be counter-acted.

Why on earth should the creator protect the individuals from this system? When these same individuals are pompus and arrogant?

This is one of the primary inconsistencies that I find with many religions, at least with those that actively denounce secularism. Correct me if I'm wrong, but your religion states that everyone is responsible for their individual actions and will be judged for their deeds. However, you then contradict yourself by saying that systems must be counter-acted because they corrupt the individual.

Deal with the system first then the subjects. Not the otherway round. This is INJUSTICE.

Which is it? Is the individual to be judged or the system?

Deal with the system first then the subjects. Not the otherway round. This is INJUSTICE. WMD mis-carriage of Justice.

The problem with your position, is that you can't have it both ways. Either you allow people to operate within open, free systems, so that they can make unrestrained personal decisions, OR to maintain any sort of logical consistency you must denounce your own religion for unduly placing responsibility on individuals when really it is the system that should be held responsible for the wickedness that men do.

ilogical consistency starting from you first word in your post.:D

To be honest, I don't think you are sincere. Because of the critical inconsistencies in your thinking and the blatant errors in reasoning, I believe you are posting foolishness in an effort to misrepresent Islamic principles and positions. Otherwise, if you are serious and your interpretation of Islam is accurate, then there is no way it could be truth.

Since you are the new shiekh of the Caliphate or the Antioch of Christendom. Maybe you will do a better representation.:yes:


Well-Known Member
How exactly did I get caught?

Turn left, Then right, back round the freddie Cruger circule and it should be just right ahead of you. :D

Just make sure you dont take the wrong turn and end up in:
Gangs involved in bulk of weekend Chicago shootings - Chicago ...

There's nothing wrong with thinking about anything. What's wrong is when you act upon it.

I did not ask about nothings nor about anythings. I asked about sexual fantacies of other strange people. Since there nothing wrong as you say:

Simon says....This is called Phsycological infidelity or better known today Emotional infidelity:

"Emotional infidelity refers to emotional involvement with another person, which leads one&#8217;s partner to channel emotional resources such as romantic love, time, and attention to someone else.[2]. With the association of multi-user dimensions the level of intimate involvement has extended from in-person involvement to online affairs. Emotional infidelity, compared to just physical infidelity, can inflict as much, if not more, hurt, pain and suffering. And to make matters worse, most infidelity involves both physical and emotional betrayal."

I am so glad to be with a rightous wife that has none of this Emotional infidelity. She is also so glad to be with a man that has not an IOTA of this emotional infidelity.
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