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Islam will dominate!


Well-Known Member

Phsycological infidelity Oh I C:


Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
Turn left, Then right, back round the freddie Cruger circule and it should be just right ahead of you. :D
Freddie Kruger, really you're going to use a MOVIE character as an example??????
There wasn't even anything for me to get caught on.
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Well-Known Member
It has to do with many things, just that you dont seem to be very aware of: WMD Destructive sex comes to my mind right now: Unbelievable.

KG to 5th grade will be offered condoms !

Should Elementary Schools Give Condoms to Students?

June 24, 2010

When kindergarten through fifth grade students return to class at Veterans Memorial Elementary School in Provincetown, Mass., this fall, they'll be able to ask the school nurse for condoms.

Should Elementary schools distribute condoms to students?

. A controversial new policy in Provincetown will allow at Provincetown's elementary school students access to condoms. School committee members unanimously approved the new policy last week, which allows students to request condoms from the school nurse or a counselor, even if their parents object. Collapse

Thanks to a new, district-wide policy approved by the Provincetown School Board, condoms are now available to students in all schools, regardless of their age. Parents will not be informed if their kids request condoms.

Should Elementary Schools Give Condoms to Students? Provincetown, Mass. Thinks So - ABC News
You have yet to find anything that proves what you are trying to say.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is a system. It has pillars, penal code and it is fruits. Noble men that were the founders and instigators: The Cast of Noble Men: Descartes, Newton, Darwin, and Freud
Nope, it is not "a system".

It starts with psychological torture then it matures and turns into a beast:

BBC News - Austria police make record child porn seizure
Another random link that proves nothing. Really, it is not torture on any level. I know, because I am a man, and I am not tortured by it.


Well-Known Member
Nope, it is not "a system".

Yes it is a system since it has secular law and penal code to govern the system. It has capitalistic regulations to govern its financial system.

Another random link that proves nothing. Really, it is not torture on any level. I know, because I am a man, and I am not tortured by it.

Yes it is torture. Torturous Fustration:

Frustration is a common emotional response to opposition. Related to anger and disappointment, it arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will. The greater the obstruction, and the greater the will, the more the frustration is likely to be. Causes of frustration may be internal or external. In people, internal frustration may arise from challenges in fulfilling personal goals and desires, instinctual drives and needs, or dealing with perceived deficiencies, such as a lack of confidence or fear of social situations

Are you fustrated by my posts? :D

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
Very poor islamic jurisprudence here. The creator will judge every single person in any system. In secular system, the person and the system reap their own fruits and both will be judged. In Caliphate only the person will reap his own fruit as it is superior and above any man-made system. It is not left to the wimps and desire of the arbitrary laws and its weak secular men.

Your statements are contradictory, As indicated above. You mixing the Creator with a man-made system.

This is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. How absured and how contradictory to the paragraph above of yours. Free will is given and also he guides whom he will. :D

Why on earth should the creator protect the individuals from this system? When these same individuals are pompus and arrogant?

Deal with the system first then the subjects. Not the otherway round. This is INJUSTICE.

Deal with the system first then the subjects. Not the otherway round. This is INJUSTICE. WMD mis-carriage of Justice.

ilogical consistency starting from you first word in your post.:D

Wow, so I am being illogical and inconsistent, huh? Funny how those are the very same allegations I made about you. I see in your world it is still acceptable for adults to employ an argument that every American third-grader learns to eventually disregard for its foolishness . . . In the states we call it the "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" philosophical argument.

Simple question: How can a free system corrupt when it merely allows individuals the liberty to make personal choices they deem most appropriate for themselves?
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Well-Known Member
Yes it is a system since it has secular law and penal code to govern the system. It has capitalistic regulations to govern its financial system.
Right, secularism is just a capitalistic and evil system... and Sovjet never existed.

Yes it is torture. Torturous Fustration:

Frustration is a common emotional response to opposition. Related to anger and disappointment, it arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will. The greater the obstruction, and the greater the will, the more the frustration is likely to be. Causes of frustration may be internal or external. In people, internal frustration may arise from challenges in fulfilling personal goals and desires, instinctual drives and needs, or dealing with perceived deficiencies, such as a lack of confidence or fear of social situations

Are you fustrated by my posts? :D
If you define torture as loosely as that then you can literally place the label "torture" on anything. Really, it is not torture, because if that is torture then it is torture to look at dressed up women as well and torture to walk outside when the sun shines and to sit inside when the sun shines and... well, there are an infinate amount of things that could qualify for torture with that definition that are not really torture.


Well-Known Member
Right, secularism is just a capitalistic and evil system... and Sovjet never existed.

So you finally accept it as being a system? If not I have more evidence.

If you define torture as loosely as that then you can literally place the label "torture" on anything. Really, it is not torture, because if that is torture then it is torture to look at dressed up women as well and torture to walk outside when the sun shines and to sit inside when the sun shines and... well, there are an infinate amount of things that could qualify for torture with that definition that are not really torture.

Ok we go with high levels of fustrations? You know what high levels of fustrations leads to right? Let know and will give you the answer.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The Cast of Noble Men: Descartes, Newton, Darwin, and Freud
Do you even know who these men are and what they are famous for? It's quite a stretch putting a philosopher, physicist,physiologist, and a naturalist as founders of Secular society, even though their areas of research/study had absolutely nothing to do with secularism.

It starts with psychological torture then it matures and turns into a beast:
Well, not all of us have problems with seeing an attractive individual, maybe playing out a fantasy in our minds, and just leaving it at that. Actually, if it was really that torturous to look and not touch, than strip clubs that range from some touching to no touching at all would simply not be in business. If all a man could do is grope a woman's breast or butt, and nothing more, or just look at a woman who is dressed in skimpy clothing was supposed to be this hellish torture, then there would not be 7 or 8 strip clubs (maybe more) in the town I live in. And the one club is just so torturous that not only is it known throughout the state, it has gotten some international attention as well.

Thanks to a new, district-wide policy approved by the Provincetown School Board, condoms are now available to students in all schools, regardless of their age. Parents will not be informed if their kids request condoms.
I really doubt this one happens. And even if they do decide to let elementary students receive condoms, it's not like they are going to know what they are or are used for. I can see several first graders going to the nurse to get "one of those funny shaped balloons."

Well, The system deserves such fruits because it is its own products. they deserve each other and they all belong to its corrupt system. Untill they wake up they are only reaping their own harvest.
Again, what of the rapes in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, or other nations that are largely or officially Islam? In many parts of those nations, when a woman is raped, she is again punished because all though she was covered from head to toe and you couldn't really see anything except for her eyes, she is at fault for leading some holy ******* off his so-called righteous path and tempting him to commit adultery, and then the woman is usually beaten. At least in our society the woman is comforted and the rapist is the one who is punished.

All nice and rosey speech but nothing susbstantial and does not hold any merits or weights. Reality on the ground is a different story. It will only get worse, I promise:
Women have indeed fought very hard, and are still fighting for equality. It wasn't that long ago when a woman could be arrested for voting. And a secular state is very much indeed a state that has no official religion. It is because America is secular that we are allowed to have the various Christian denominations, sects of Judaism, Islam, Pagans, Buddhist, Atheist, Satanist, and every other religion is allowed to co-exist because we are a secular nation.

Islam is very into humanisim not the likes of secular humanistic hypocracy. Promote Vile WMD destructive sex, flirting, immodest dress codes, freemixing, gambling, alcaholsim, etc thereafter when the masses behave in the manner they do only because they are ascribing, conforming, looking up the ideals of the system of freedom of expression, In pursuite of happiness. The FULL brunt of the secular hypocrite LAW get handed down on them.
I'll take the "evils" of this secular state any day over a state that is run by religious dogma.

To be honest, I don't think you are sincere. Because of the critical inconsistencies in your thinking and the blatant errors in reasoning, I believe you are posting foolishness in an effort to misrepresent Islamic principles and positions. Otherwise, if you are serious and your interpretation of Islam is accurate, then there is no way it could be truth.
I too am starting to think 301 is just doing this for the s&g's.

That video is talking about trends in secular system. whereby girls next generation mothers want to be dirty. Just as what the secular elite want them to be.
There is a difference between being open and comfortable with your sexuality, and being dirty. Any girls my fiance and I have, I hope they aren't scared with the religious dogma that sex is dirty, women are dirty, and I hope they have a great self image of themselves and are comfortable with their sexuality. Any kids I have though will be taught masturbation is normal, natural, and even a healthy act to do, just do it in privacy.

Where on earth did this happen in christendom or the caliphate?
Well, if you are sincere, this statement only shows that you are very selective in what you read.

Yes it is a system since it has secular law and penal code to govern the system. It has capitalistic regulations to govern its financial system.
Soviet Russia was very secular, very different from America, and it was a loose form of Communism, not Capitalism. And what of the Socialist secular nations? The ones that combine Capitalism and Socialism? What about laws that vary and differ from nation to nation? Portugal just decriminalized all drugs. America still has the money draining, life ending "war on drugs." So yet again you show that you really have no idea what you are talking about.

But I have decided, under the following condition I will retract my request for debate: You must show one valid reason as to why you don't. These "emotional" conflicts that you supposedly picked up on over the internet (another point that shows you don't know much about psychology because you can't get alot from only written word) are straight up b.s. and have absolutely no bearing on my ability to study, research, or debate.


Well-Known Member
So you finally accept it as being a system? If not I have more evidence.
Ever heard of sarcasm :rolleyes:? Secular states are not capitalistic by definition, one example was Soviet. The idea that all secular states can be placed under one banner is as believable as to say that all atheists are ruthless murderers. Basically it is an idea that breaks when it is confronted with the diversity of reality.

Ok we go with high levels of fustrations? You know what high levels of fustrations leads to right? Let know and will give you the answer.
I would hardly say that women that show skin create high levels of frustration, so no, I do not consider it torture. And as someone who has fought with himself his entire life due to a medical diagnosis I can testify that people can actually have self discipline... I do, and I am not very good at it, so I can´t figure out in what way high levels of frustration because of women showing skin should pose any problem to anyone with a healthy mind :sarcastic.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Please do answer this, maybe i am totally wrong here, ...

You MAY be wrong?

In over 1500 posts, you haven't been "right" yet.

I've been off the board for about 7 or 8 days, and now, when I come back to catch up, I see people like Smokeless trying to reason with you.

Trying to reason with you is like trying to put socks on a rooster.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Trying to reason with you is like trying to put socks on a rooster.
I was thinking more like trying to give a bath to a cat. Or trying to convince a young child to take their medicine or get a shot.


Well-Known Member
Simple question: How can a free system corrupt when it merely allows individuals the liberty to make personal choices they deem most appropriate for themselves?

It allows him to greatly indulge in worldly desires and lusts without any limits as long as they are not harming others and only themselves. But as it is a cancer it grows and grows till it harms the others too. All in the name of persuite of happiness:

Baltimore Toddler Treated For STD - wjz.com

It Corrupts them morally and financially because it promotes any vile industry as long as it deems it profitable. Profits first human beings later: The sheeple just follow in their footsteps:

Couple 'tried to sell baby for £17' - *******World News - MSN News UK

After all the dust is settled, thereafter the subjects themselves will pay darely in the hereafter.

Total social irresponsiblity. They do not care for you or the likes of you. :no:

It is man made system and satan himself is the author of this religion/system/way of life.

Simply secular satanica.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
It allows him to greatly indulge in worldly desires and lusts without any limits as long as they are not harming others and only themselves. But as it is a cancer it grows and grows till it harms the others too. All in the name of persuite of happiness:

Baltimore Toddler Treated For STD - wjz.com

It Corrupts them morally and financially because it promotes any vile industry as long as it deems it profitable. Profits first human beings later: The sheeple just follow in their footsteps:

Couple 'tried to sell baby for £17' - *******World News - MSN News UK

After all the dust is settled, thereafter the subjects themselves will pay darely in the hereafter.

Total social irresponsiblity. They do not care for you or the likes of you. :no:

It is man made system and satan himself is the author of this religion/system/way of life.

Simply secular satanica.
OK, 301, I think we get it that you think that Secular society is the pits, but what is it about Islamic society that you think is better? Be truthful - if you can.


Well-Known Member
Do you even know who these men are and what they are famous for? It's quite a stretch putting a philosopher, physicist,physiologist, and a naturalist as founders of Secular society, even though their areas of research/study had absolutely nothing to do with secularism.

They are the founding fathers of secularisim.

Well, not all of us have problems with seeing an attractive individual, maybe playing out a fantasy in our minds, and just leaving it at that. Actually, if it was really that torturous to look and not touch, than strip clubs that range from some touching to no touching at all would simply not be in business. If all a man could do is grope a woman's breast or butt, and nothing more, or just look at a woman who is dressed in skimpy clothing was supposed to be this hellish torture, then there would not be 7 or 8 strip clubs (maybe more) in the town I live in. And the one club is just so torturous that not only is it known throughout the state, it has gotten some international attention as well.

I find you physcologically to be kinda sexually deviant on a higher levels. No disrespect intended and I wish you the best of this world and its clean way of life.

I really doubt this one happens. And even if they do decide to let elementary students receive condoms, it's not like they are going to know what they are or are used for. I can see several first graders going to the nurse to get "one of those funny shaped balloons."

It is in the source. I feel sick just thinking about it.

Again, what of the rapes in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, or other nations that are largely or officially Islam? In many parts of those nations, when a woman is raped, she is again punished because all though she was covered from head to toe and you couldn't really see anything except for her eyes, she is at fault for leading some holy ******* off his so-called righteous path and tempting him to commit adultery, and then the woman is usually beaten. At least in our society the woman is comforted and the rapist is the one who is punished.

Yes thanks to the secular liberators and bearers of rosey titles doing just that all by themselves:
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

Teaching secularisim to them the correct way. We are in awe of their rebuilding efforts. blablabla.

Women have indeed fought very hard, and are still fighting for equality. It wasn't that long ago when a woman could be arrested for voting. And a secular state is very much indeed a state that has no official religion. It is because America is secular that we are allowed to have the various Christian denominations, sects of Judaism, Islam, Pagans, Buddhist, Atheist, Satanist, and every other religion is allowed to co-exist because we are a secular nation.

That is changing slowly and will be in reversal. Be paitiant and you will find me of the paitiant.

I'll take the "evils" of this secular state any day over a state that is run by religious dogma.

I am sure you would but not everyone in the streets of secularisim as sexually deviant as the only few.

There is a difference between being open and comfortable with your sexuality, and being dirty. Any girls my fiance and I have, I hope they aren't scared with the religious dogma that sex is dirty, women are dirty, and I hope they have a great self image of themselves and are comfortable with their sexuality. Any kids I have though will be taught masturbation is normal, natural, and even a healthy act to do, just do it in privacy.

Phsycological betrayl. I mean why stop at musturbating in private? if it is natural? normal? I mean in this case or future childeren that some might have should be normal and very natural to do it on the breakfast table or dinner table.

I would be a very scared of being a child of yours. Nightmares.

Well, if you are sincere, this statement only shows that you are very selective in what you read.

becasue I said I care that I do not want to hurt your private and personal feelings. But if you keep pushing I have no choice but to tell you like it is.

But I have decided, under the following condition I will retract my request for debate: You must show one valid reason as to why you don't. These "emotional" conflicts that you supposedly picked up on over the internet (another point that shows you don't know much about psychology because you can't get alot from only written word) are straight up b.s. and have absolutely no bearing on my ability to study, research, or debate.

I am really glad for your sake to retract it. As your sponser/bidder is bankrupt and gone following the yellow brick road to recover his lost kingdom after loosing all his capital on fish 'n' chips sellers. :drool:
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Well-Known Member
OK, 301, I think we get it that you think that Secular society is the pits, but what is it about Islamic society that you think is better? Be truthful - if you can.

Pick any subject if your choosing and will try to discuss it to the best of my ability:

be it financial, social, judiciary, environmental, education, forign policy.

But please keep it one at a time. thanks.:yes: pick anything that you are not happy about from the secular system and we have the solution to it. The Quran and Hadith has not left a single example on the face of this universe but it is disclosed its explanation in details.
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Well-Known Member
You MAY be wrong?

In over 1500 posts, you haven't been "right" yet.

I've been off the board for about 7 or 8 days, and now, when I come back to catch up, I see people like Smokeless trying to reason with you.

Trying to reason with you is like trying to put socks on a rooster.

Wow, Just as I sensed your dead beat fish 'n' chips sellers. I also sensed you have hit the yellow brick road in recovering your lost secular kingdom. Muwhahahaha. my eyes have tears of laughter. :D



Quality Post with third kind extraordinary sense