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Islam will dominate!

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
I think what people like 301 ouncer do is projection, perhaps without realizing it.

Ever notice how the people who are the most outspoken about keeping the gay people down are usually involved in gay scandals? (The Church and priests and ministers and so on). Similarly, I think these sort of people who project themselves onto others would rape and/or molest a sexily dressed women.

Their mindset is something like this:

Oh man! She looks so hot in that dress. I would SO rape her! I wonder if every man I'm with is thinking the same thing as me. What am I thinking? Of course they are thinking the same thing as me! Damn! It must be her fault for looking so sexy.

For the record, I am NOT implying any of these things about 301 ouncer himself. I want that to be clear to everyone. I am just giving an extreme example of projection since that is what they were talking about in the posts above mine.

I agree completely.

And furthermore, while I am also NOT implying these things about good ole 301, I will state for the record, however, that anyone who suggests men are incapable of controlling themselves around sexily dressed women obviously have no experience in doing so. They obviously can't fathom or even imagine what it's like to be in a state of controlling one's faculties and actions.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean he is a serial rapist, but perhaps he just hasn't been exposed to any sexy women and therefore doesn't know that it is possible to restrain oneself from committing criminal acts of rape when posed with the temptation.

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
I agree completely.

And furthermore, while I am also NOT implying these things about good ole 301, I will state for the record, however, that anyone who suggests men are incapable of controlling themselves around sexily dressed women obviously have no experience in doing so. They obviously can't fathom or even imagine what it's like to be in a state of controlling one's faculties and actions.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean he is a serial rapist, but perhaps he just hasn't been exposed to any sexy women and therefore doesn't know that it is possible to restrain oneself from committing criminal acts of rape when posed with the temptation.

Actually, in re-reading my post, I don't understand how 301 can imply or outright state that the temptation to rape a woman is anything other than deviant, criminal behavior. Rape is not normal behavior for men and there is no temptation to do so in any culture, including a secular culture/system.

I have never been tempted to commit rape. I have never been tempted to rob a bank. I have never even been tempted to commit murder, though I did want to beat the living crap out of one of my college professors once.

In all honesty, I suppose I have been tempted plenty times to get violent. While in the Navy, I got in a few bar fights. And I am subject to road rage on occassion, though I am currently trying to avoid anger in general.

But I just don't believe it to be normal behavior to even be tempted to commit rape, regardless of the culture. And believe me, I have been in plenty of strip joints where if one was to be tempted, that would be the place.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Dont you see what this secularisim has done to christendom way of life, man?
Have I mentioned to you that I am a Luciferian, and want nothing to do with this "Christian way of life?"
You two have alien personalitis to that of the personalities of christendom and the caliphate.
Lead me not into temptation, just show me where it is and I'll get there on my own.

They are the founding fathers of secularisim.
Very wrong. Try a philosopher (I think therefor I am), a physicist (The laws of motion), a physiologist (Psychoanalysis), and a naturalist (Theory of Evolution). Now if you can tell me who done what without googling it, I'll be impressed. Actually, if it wasn't for Freud, then your own psychometrics would not have any basis, and probably wouldn't have ever came to be.

I find you physcologically to be kinda sexually deviant on a higher levels. No disrespect intended and I wish you the best of this world and its clean way of life.
So you label me a sexual deviant for posting an example, a very good one, on why it is only torturous to look and not touch? I actually asked you a question, on how strip clubs could be a thriving business if all they ever do is torture the men and women who visit them?

It is in the source. I feel sick just thinking about it.
I too agree that condoms in elementary school isn't really the best option. But most of the kids aren't even going to know what they are, or are used for. But anyways, I really doubt it holds in elementary schools. They will probably try to keep it out of middle school/junior high, but that is when hormones start saturating the body and sexual awareness, development, and curiousness does run rampant. Again, that has nothing to do with a secular system, it's just called normal human development. And to deny this is to be in denial of very basic psychological and physical knowledge.

Yes thanks to the secular liberators and bearers of rosey titles doing just that all by themselves:
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi
Again, no, that is not what I was refering to. What I was talking about was the fact that women in Islamic nations who have been raped are only beginning to realize their nightmare. For after the rape happens, to report a rape is to face consequences. She is blamed for leading the man astray from his walk with Allah. She is the one who gets in trouble. She will be fined, imprisoned, and possibly even put to death because some ******* decided he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. This happens under Islam law. Under "secular law" as you are fond up saying, the woman is comforted and the rapist is punished.

That is changing slowly and will be in reversal. Be paitiant and you will find me of the paitiant.
Actually, society is slowly making steps in the right direction. Gays are being accepted in society and many states allow them to marry, marijuana is being legalized and decriminalized which frees up police effort and jail space for real criminals, ENDA if passed will make it illegal to discriminate against gays and transsexuals when being considered for employment.
And I really doubt you have more patients than I do. Just trust me on this one.

I am sure you would but not everyone in the streets of secularisim as sexually deviant as the only few.
You might find this hard to believe, but I don't fit the description of a sexual deviant. And I feel it's a good thing that some degrees of sexual deviants are allowed to be deviant. Rapist and child molesters of course can go to hell, but whatever two (or more) consenting adults want to do, who are we to tell them no?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Phsycological betrayl. I mean why stop at musturbating in private? if it is natural? normal? I mean in this case or future childeren that some might have should be normal and very natural to do it on the breakfast table or dinner table.
You might be shocked over this one as well, but many psychologist and psychiatrist, even those that specialize in childhood development and working with children, will agree with me that it is a positive thing to teach your children about masturbation, and that it is something to do in private. A good number of psychologist/psychiatrist will also say it helps to develop a good self image and self esteem to let them run around completely nude when they are very young. There is nothing wrong with this, and it is very healthy physically and mentally to a child to educate them when they begin to explore their body on their own.
I would be a very scared of being a child of yours. Nightmares.
:D I think if you would have been one of my children, you would have a much broader perspective on things.
I am really glad for your sake to retract it. As your sponser/bidder is bankrupt and gone following the yellow brick road to recover his lost kingdom after loosing all his capital on fish 'n' chips sellers.
No, I said you have to give me a very good reason to retract it. As for this sponsor/bidder, I have none. I was against the first round of bailouts that happened under Bush because I wanted to see the Corporate empire crumble. Granted it would have hit society much harder, but in the long run, with several mega-banks and corporations bankrupt, I do believe we would have been much better off.
becasue I said I care that I do not want to hurt your private and personal feelings. But if you keep pushing I have no choice but to tell you like it is.
Sticks and stones my dear. But oh baby do tell me how it is!
You dont have childeren yet so you have no idea what I am talking about in this post nor anywhere else.
I have nine nieces and nephews, I have helped raised many of them, so I have a very good idea what it's like. The only thing I haven't had to experience first hand is the financial burden a child puts on the parents. But everything else I have pretty much done. I have even talked about sex with my oldest niece and I have offered to buy her condoms if she ever needs them. I feel that as a responsible aunt, I would rather know that since she is having sex, that she is having safe sex. And you are not a woman, so you have no idea how great it is to not only look, but mostly feel sexy and attractive. You also don't apparently don't know that in a group of women, if one of their significant others is present, and she perceives the other women as better looking, it tends to have an impact of her self esteem. And you also aren't aware that in some cultures, larger women are seen as more attractive. In some cultures women having teeth that are chiseled to be pointy is considered super sexy. And in another culture the more scars a woman has (from being canned as a part of a family male's right of passage), it is seen as a very good thing because it shows devotion. This is another indication that you probably don't know that much about psychology because the study of other cultures is a must.
Put a zip on it as I have not finished with your previous posts yet.
You should put a zip on it. The Vatican, the holy city of the Catholic religion, is ran by pedophiles or people who have covered up these cases, completely ignored them, and kept the world in the dark about these horrific acts.
Pick any subject if your choosing and will try to discuss it to the best of my ability:
Why should YmirGF believe you really are interested in debating him? After all, I have been requesting a debate for several pages now and you keep ducking it.
I knew he has emotional issues as he is totally destroying the image of secular woman. He is painting them of being a mere sexual objects to be gropped by the breast or butt. Working in strip clubs should not be promoted unless you are happy with your own family members doing this same thing.
I was just going to ignore this one, but given that you are taking what I said way out of proportion, and that I have already told you that I am a woman, I decided I won't let this slide. I never once promoted strip clubs, and I never condoned anyone working in one. You are putting words into my mouth, and you aren't even doing a good job at twisting them. I have never painted women as sexual objects and encouraged people to grope women. I am curious as to how you think I am destroying the image of secular women. As far as "emotional issues" go, if you can tell me what issues I really have I might take you more seriously.
I am sure he/boyfriend/partner will have a smile on his face. And if he knows a thing or two about Emotional phsycological infedility he would be more then respectfull of your choice. Keep doing such actions and similar actions of this nature, I am sure you will earn more of his love.
If my fiance wants to dress modestly (which she does on most days) I have no problems with this and I don't push her to dress any other way. If she wants to dress in a manner that is more revealing, then I'm not going to complain about that either.
Muwhahahaha. my eyes have tears of laughter.
Ya know what? I have been feeling depressed lately (due to reasons that are not related to secularism before you get any ideas.), and when I read this thread, specifically your posts and calling me a "sexual deviant" I started laughing and I am not depressed anymore. So I guess I should thank you.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I agree completely.

And furthermore, while I am also NOT implying these things about good ole 301, I will state for the record, however, that anyone who suggests men are incapable of controlling themselves around sexily dressed women obviously have no experience in doing so. They obviously can't fathom or even imagine what it's like to be in a state of controlling one's faculties and actions.
I too agree. It's quite remarkable to think women want to be raped or are asking to be raped by way they are dressed, and it is in no way the man's fault. But as you said, it is also possible 301 has never been in a situation in which he has had to control his own urges and desires.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It allows him to greatly indulge in worldly desires and lusts without any limits as long as they are not harming others and only themselves. But as it is a cancer it grows and grows till it harms the others too. All in the name of persuite of happiness:

Baltimore Toddler Treated For STD - wjz.com
Sorry, I missed this one. It isn't exactly unheard of for an STD to pass from mother to child. After all, not only do they share the same blood, same plasma, and essentially the same everything for about nine months, the child does pass through the vagina, which can also infect a child.

No disrespect intended and I wish you the best of this world and its clean way of life.
No disrespect intended, but you seem to live under a rock, have not really actually seen much of the world, have studied beyond the face value of a story (or have studied much about world history, economics, government, psychology, sociology, or a number of other subjects), and you seem to assume that correlation equals causation. No offense, and I wish you many blissful days until your end.
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Well-Known Member
No. I am not going to play your game, 301.
My views are quite irrelevant.
tell me why Islamic society is superior.

Be truthful - if you can.

As I said pick any topic and I will apply it according to the jurisprudence, social, enviromental, financial and economics, and forgin police of the caliphate state.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, married 19 years with four kids.

Frankly, I like it when my wife dresses sexy. I am very happy with her looks and fail to see where hiding them is advantageous. She also enjoys that I find her attractive. Fortunately, I am not distrustful and jealous.
This false modesty that 301 seems to be advocating seems more like a cover for his own insecurities.

Ofcourse there is nothing wrong with a wife dressing up in sexy clothing to please her husband but all within the context of two trusting couple.

It gets tricky is when it is taken out of context and out of the bedroom and onto the praying eyes of drunked, weak minded secular men and there are millions of them.

its all about keeping the secrets and private assests of their honour.:yes:


Well-Known Member
Secularism forces nothing on no one and it certainly doesn't erode values, not unless the individual allows it to erode their values.

It forces it through vile domination and bastardisation of the masses through media, social immoral conduct, promotion of vice all in the name of maximum profits and persuite of happiness.

The weak secular men/woman their morals and values will be easy to erode through these promotions as we clearly see. thereafter when the addiction is complete they will be easier to control.
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Well-Known Member
You want to talk about Christandom with all the sex scandals at the Vatican and all the priests out there molesting little choir boys. Riiiiiiiiiiiight:rolleyes:

They are influenced probably by Old testement teachings in the songs of solomon. Which many anglican christians and many other dominations believe that it is corrupt Old testement manuscripts. Secular child pornography epadamic.

I am not christian so I am just as shocked as any other decent christian out there.

Maybe catholic teachings are not strong enough to keep away such crimes happening among their ranks.

Whatever the influence is they have there is no excuse whatsoever for the dispicable acts brought on these child abuse cases.

I am not an expert in christain theology therefore you can pose this to a learned christian.
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Well-Known Member
Don't sit there and act like you care about me. If you cared you'd let me be me and you wouldn't care what i did as long as I wasn't hurting myself or anyone else I love and care about.

I do care ofcourse. You think I am heartless? Wear whatever you want just dont be bothered by weak minded drunked secular men spilling their saliva on you :drool:

He doesn't care what I wear. He lets me wear what I want. He doesn't control me. You act like that's the only thing that I do wear. He is respectful of my choices and I have his full respect.

I am sure he is respectable to you but the same can not be said of the weak minded secular men who all are after one thing or the other. A grope or two. An opening or two or three.
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Woke gremlin
I do care ofcourse. You think I am heartless? Wear whatever you want just dont be bothered by weak minded drunked secular men spilling their saliva on you :drool:

I am sure he is respectable to you but the same can not be said of the weak minded secular men who all are after one thing or the other. A grope or two. An opening or two or three.

Because Muslims never abuse women, right?


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
I do care ofcourse. You think I am heartless? Wear whatever you want just dont be bothered by weak minded drunked secular men spilling their saliva on you :drool:

I am sure he is respectable to you but the same can not be said of the weak minded secular men who all are after one thing or the other. A grope or two. An opening or two or three.

Show me statistics which show secular men are weak minded and then we can have a conversation.


Well-Known Member

Baltimore Toddler Treated For STD - wjz.com

Sorry, I missed this one. It isn't exactly unheard of for an STD to pass from mother to child. After all, not only do they share the same blood, same plasma, and essentially the same everything for about nine months, the child does pass through the vagina, which can also infect a child..

So are you telling me that you are making an excuses to these vile satanic sins as you have been doing for the past few pages?

Ok. I will make an expert out of you by the time I have finished with you. Will toss one after another and let me see how you fair out:

Woman accused of sexual assault on dogs after police find videos | statesmanjournal.com | Statesman Journal

Jefferson, OR - Sam L. Petterson, 34, and Rachel M. Petterson, 32, were jailed after police allegedly found home videos of the couple having sex with dogs during a child porn investigation.

According to the Marion County Sheriff's Office, the couple was being investigated on allegations that Mr. Petterson encouraged sexual abuse of children. They were searching their home for child pornography when the animal abuse videos were found.

Investigators say two different videos showed Mrs. Petterson having sex with a black dog in July and a brown and white dog in September. Mr. Petterson's cell phone contained even more images of his wife with the dogs, even including himself on at least one of the acts.

Mrs. Petterson admitted to having sex with the dogs, but says she did not know it was being recorded. Detectives also found child pornography in the couple's home.

Mrs. Petterson was booked into the Marion County Jail and charged with two counts of sexual assault of an animal. She was released the same day. If convicted, she could face up to one year in jail and $6,000 in fines for each charge.

Mr. Petterson was booked into the Marion County Jail and charged with 12 counts of encouraging child abuse and using children in display of sexual conduct. He remains in custody and is scheduled for court May 3rd.

A white dog, a black dog and a brown dog a least she is not racist.

Go ahead mr shadow. explain?

Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
I do care ofcourse. You think I am heartless? Wear whatever you want just dont be bothered by weak minded drunked secular men spilling their saliva on you :drool:

Spilling their saliva on me? Really? You may not realize it but I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself against these "drunk secular men" as you like to call them


Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
So are you telling me that you are making an excuses to these vile satanic sins as you have been doing for the past few pages?

Ok. I will make an expert out of you by the time I have finished with you. Will toss one after another and let me see how you fair out:

Woman accused of sexual assault on dogs after police find videos | statesmanjournal.com | Statesman Journal

Jefferson, OR - Sam L. Petterson, 34, and Rachel M. Petterson, 32, were jailed after police allegedly found home videos of the couple having sex with dogs during a child porn investigation.

According to the Marion County Sheriff's Office, the couple was being investigated on allegations that Mr. Petterson encouraged sexual abuse of children. They were searching their home for child pornography when the animal abuse videos were found.

Investigators say two different videos showed Mrs. Petterson having sex with a black dog in July and a brown and white dog in September. Mr. Petterson's cell phone contained even more images of his wife with the dogs, even including himself on at least one of the acts.

Mrs. Petterson admitted to having sex with the dogs, but says she did not know it was being recorded. Detectives also found child pornography in the couple's home.

Mrs. Petterson was booked into the Marion County Jail and charged with two counts of sexual assault of an animal. She was released the same day. If convicted, she could face up to one year in jail and $6,000 in fines for each charge.

Mr. Petterson was booked into the Marion County Jail and charged with 12 counts of encouraging child abuse and using children in display of sexual conduct. He remains in custody and is scheduled for court May 3rd.

A white dog, a black dog and a brown dog a least she is not racist.

Go ahead mr shadow. explain?

You seem to have WAY too much time on your hands.
I do believe it's Ms. Shadow, just saying.