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Islam will dominate!


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Indeed. there are several Muslim members who engage in the relevant debates of current events and work to present their side, while threads like this only handicap the time and energy they invest.
Though I understand where you are coming from, I think that 301 is providing an invaluable service. He is showing a distinct aspect of the face of Islam. We would be somewhat foolish to assume that Badran and the more sensible (and articulate) Muslims represent the Ummah. Sadly, they are only, yet another aspect.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Though I understand where you are coming from, I think that 301 is providing an invaluable service. He is showing a distinct aspect of the face of Islam. We would be somewhat foolish to assume that Badran and the more sensible (and articulate) Muslims represent the Ummah. Sadly, they are only, yet another aspect.

We certainly don't represent all muslims, however, the kind of thing being said here, is not wide spread.

I mean, at least not with this combination. May be some aspects. But this combination of attributes being displayed here, is not a usual thing i see at all.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
We certainly don't represent all muslims, however, the kind of thing being said here, is not wide spread.

I mean, at least not with this combination. May be some aspects. But this combination of attributes being displayed here, is not a usual thing i see at all.
301 is most certainly unique, but I have encountered many like him in the past. Heck, part of the reason you got your first frubal from me was because you actually made sense. It is a somewhat rare commodity coming from the Muslim "camp".


Agnostic Pantheist
Though I understand where you are coming from, I think that 301 is providing an invaluable service. He is showing a distinct aspect of the face of Islam. We would be somewhat foolish to assume that Badran and the more sensible (and articulate) Muslims represent the Ummah. Sadly, they are only, yet another aspect.
Ymir, I've experienced first hand the violence of radical Islam. but I somewhat beg to differ, many people who have Islam as their religion are sensible and honorable people, and this is also from experience.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
301 is most certainly unique, but I have encountered many like him in the past. Heck, part of the reason you got your first frubal from me was because you actually made sense. It is a somewhat rare commodity coming from the Muslim "camp".

:) well, perhaps you've met bad examples. But let me tell you, the combination being displayed here, is very rare. I'm born and raised in a majority muslims country. A lot of muslims don't like secularism, but not all of them express themselves in this fashion.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Ymir, I've experienced first hand the violence of radical Islam. but I somewhat beg to differ, many people who have Islam as their religion are sensible and honorable people, and this is also from experience.

Thank you very much Caladan.


Agnostic Pantheist
Thank you very much Caladan.
You are welcomed Bardan. the vast majority of people in your country were welcoming and respectful to me, even those who realized i'm from Israel. several Egyptian tour guides and me have exchanged information on both of our societies and discussed the history of Egypt, ancient and modern from my questions as an archaeologist, and from their knowledge as Egyptian men of profession.


Active Member
Extremism gets a heap of the attention, because it is extreme.

From the Islamic side, those that feel the need can all too easily point the finger at the negative occurrences in secular systems and fallaciously think that what they point at is the whole story.
Likewise the secular can look at the negative occurrences of the religious and fallaciously think that all religious are like that.
Neither of these views give a worthwhile and realistic representation of what is actually happening in either system, the views are biased.

One must look at many consequences, at the very least the negative, positive and neutral consequences, of a system over a long period of time before one can reasonably decide if that system is worthwhile or not, without bias.

Those that are black and white in these matters ignore that everybody is unique no matter their belief's or the system the person is in.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you say I am beautiful when I wear a modest Sikhi turban? :sad4::(

I would love to but we have enough on our plate to worry about and encourge in the face of tidle hatered towards modesty then to worry about the plate of others..
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Well-Known Member
Good for her. At least no one MADE her do it.

Ofcourse. The secular men are MAKING her to do it and actually forcing her to do it because of the unforeseen levels of their bad behviour and attitudes to anything that is uncovered.

No matter how much the secular woman try to please the men with less and less clothing and more and more skinning they will never be happy with her. They are only swiming in these men own lustfull desire. Mirror, makeup, more mirror, more makeup, still not quite there yet. Cloths, more less cloths, a bit more less cloths. That is it finally I got their head turned and satisfied their desire.

Still will not be happy because the next one apple a day fake tanned leggs will walk by in few minutes and all will desert you and leave you there standing looking even more at the mirror.

We dont need talibban, the only thing we need is secularman to do the job for us. All thanks to them very nice of them. :D
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Well-Known Member
Regarding Nicole Queen, shoot...it's easy when you look as great as she does in a Hijab. I'd look like crap.

:p I tease. Good for her. If she is happy and leading a good life, kudos.

head covering is not the win it all and loose it all situation. The next higher level in islamic nunship but with added freedom of experiencing the pleasure of sexual relationship.

Why are they called nuns? will find out.
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Well-Known Member
Ofcourse. The secular men are MAKING her to do it and actually forcing her to do it because of the unforeseen levels of their bad behviour and attitudes to anything that is uncovered.

No matter how much the secular woman try to please the men with less and less clothing and more and more skinning they will never be happy with her. They are only swiming in these men own lustfull desire. Mirror, makeup, more mirror, more makeup, still not quite there yet. Cloths, more less cloths, a bit more less cloths. That is it finally I got their head turned and satisfied their desire.

Still will not be happy because the next one apple a day fake tanned leggs will walk by in few minutes and all will desert you and leave you there standing looking even more at the mirror.

We dont need talibban, the only thing we need is secularman to do the job for us. All thanks to them very nice of them. :D
Secular men, assuming you mean men who believe in a secular society, are not like that. I know, because I am one of them, and I am not like that.


Well-Known Member
Secular men, assuming you mean men who believe in a secular society, are not like that. I know, because I am one of them, and I am not like that.

You are one of a kind aren't you. :yes:

This is the big difference between the calipate/islam and secularisim.

In that in Secularisim you believe in it or you dont you still have to indulge in it and practise it as long as you keep within its basic rules. Eitherway still no choice. The victim too fall pray to it. This is true oppression.

While in Caliphate/Islam you have free will in believing in it and you dont have to indulge in it and practise it as long as you keep within its basic rules. Eitherway still you have a choice. This is true free will.

I told you secularisim is the most intolerant system devised for mankind.

I told you secularisim is the most deciving system devised for mankind.

True secular satanica in every sense.
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Well-Known Member
Islam wil not dominate ,, no religion wil dominate ,, in fact with the globalisation religions are dying a slow death ,, people are not so naief anymore to believe in hundreds of years old fairy tales ,,
science will dominate ,,,

since secular inception of just over 240 years it has maimed and orphaned more people since both christians and muslims ever did and since mankind ever known that kind of massmurder. Many folds over. What is coming will make it all three of them a child's play. Very sad indeed.


Well-Known Member
You seem to think I should hide her away. Like some private treasure kept hidden in a box, only to be opened when no one is around.

Very joyfull and her crown jewels for the rightous and respectable woman.

I really think you are projecting your inability to look upon a sexily attired woman without thinking of ravishing her. And this scares you so much in your religious dogma that you place the blame for your mental transgressions on the object of your desire.

This is in reference to secular men and not me. thank you v.much.

In your mind you feel that if a woman is wearing a mini dress, it is her fault that you are subject to impure thoughts. This indicate a sever lack of self control on your part, and a desire to exert your control over others to prevent your own 'sinful' thoughts.

This is in reference to secular men and not me. thank you v.much.

More than likely, this is the result of your sever religious dogma. I would suggest that you have a more secular attitude about the world, thus freeing your mind from the unhealthy restrictive prohibitions you have forced upon it.
Self-righteousness is not a healthy state of living.

This is in reference to secular men and not me but the otherway round. thank you v.much.


Well-Known Member
You are welcomed Bardan. the vast majority of people in your country were welcoming and respectful to me, even those who realized i'm from Israel. several Egyptian tour guides and me have exchanged information on both of our societies and discussed the history of Egypt, ancient and modern from my questions as an archaeologist, and from their knowledge as Egyptian men of profession.

Nice for you and it really shows what is left of the last remenant of the attitudes displayed to both the enemyy and forgin guests.

The same can not really be said of secular nations and their 360 degree taekowndoo tornado kicks:

YouTube - Channel Nine Australia Camera man calls Australian Muslim a Terrorist April 2010


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Very shamfull of you to say that.

What else can i say?

You are not addressing the arguments presented seriously.

You are generalizing in the very way we hate.

You are making false claims.

This thread is supposed to be about Islam taking over, as horrible topic as that is, but you spent countless pages bashing secularism.

You might not feel that way, but let me assure you, this thread is doing a tremendous job in showing Islam, as nothing more than a religion which is intolerant to anything, and muslims to be unstable fellows that want to take over the world.