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Islam will dominate!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So are you telling me that you are making an excuses to these vile satanic sins as you have been doing for the past few pages?
Uhmmm....no. What I was saying is just basic biology and the path of child birth that STDs, along with other diseases, bacteria, viruses, genetic dispositions, and alot of other stuff does pass from mother to offspring. Sometimes father to offspring, but with STDs it most likely to passed from mother to child.

She has a sexual fetish which she let consume her and she was having non-consensual sex. This I do believe is a condition in which therapy should be sought if the person is unable to control such urges. The same goes for child molesters. Urges are controllable, and while usually unhealthy to bottle up such urges, however in this situation the well being of a child is at stake, so the urges must be controlled.

They are influenced probably by Old testement teachings in the songs of solomon. Which many anglican christians and many other dominations believe that it is corrupt Old testement manuscripts. Secular child pornography epadamic.
Ok, here is a small bit of Church history. The Catholic church is the oldest Christian denomination. They decided the rules, what books made it to the Bible, set forth their own dogma, and they got to decide how every aspect of the religion would be. It has nothing to do with weakness or what they follow, it has to do with them being an unofficial global super power, and for decades they have been getting away with it.

You could have saved yourself alot of ink and paper here. Bad for the environment. what a waste. Irresponsible secular enviromental policies.
I believe most religious texts to be a waste of paper and ink, but you don't see me complaining. And it's kinda hard to waste any ink or paper with online posting when what is written is being stored electronically in cyber space.
Lol, How about a waste of DNA space. does that sound like a joke too?
Yes. And a very bad one at that.

So you gona use some sort of fireearmm or self defence equipement everytime you step out?
Well, I am against firearms, so I won't be using those. However, if I should ever have to defend myself against more people than I can handle, then there is no shame in using a self defense weapon such as pepper spray or a stun gun. Of course even just one person who would act violently towards another would deserve these from the start, but I am confident in my own abilities to defend myself without weapons in most situations. Actually the only time I have had to defend myself me and a few friends were outnumbered and we fended off our assailants without using any weapons. And your stereotype of women are weaker and need protection is very out dated, archaic, absurd, false, and laughable. Have you ever heard of Joan Laurer? She used to be a massive woman who had muscles larger than most men. She used to be a pro-wrestler, and the reality was was that most of the men in the locker room were scared of her.

Wear whatever you want just dont be bothered by weak minded drunked secular men spilling their saliva on you
Most of them get the idea after just verbally telling them no. And if it doesn't, that why we invented something called a ***** slap. It's good for warding off annoying and pesky people, leaves a nice red mark that stings, and is known to occasionally knock a tooth out when a good slap is landed.

An ant to an elephant. the Ant is a secular Ant
If you want to use that analogy, I think saying secularism is a tiny, furry, harmless, and even cute mouse would be more accurate.

Chill, have a word with Nichole Queen from Texas. Model Photographer and future dumps secular dress code for the modest islamic dress code.
Good for her. As long as she isn't harming anyone, it's good that she is living her own life; after all the only thing we have is our own lives to live, no one elses. But you may not be aware of this, and while I can't judge this Nichole Queen as I don't know her, but models aren't known for their intelligence, rather the common theme is a total lack of intelligence. Some of them are smart, but for far too many of them worry about their looks, rather than brains, and when the industry considers them used up at the ripe old age of about 28 or 30, they are left with a dwindling income and often not alot of education.

No not really but what can I say my caring takes over my valueable time.

Nah nah let him explain it away as he is been doing it so bravely lately.
I don't know what point you are trying to prove by your persistent use of male pronouns, but it is only making you look like an idiot. To put it in perspective, how would you feel I insisted on calling you a woman?

And you making me an expert? HA! If I took to heart what you are preaching then I can kiss my dreams of getting a Ph.D. good bye.


Well-Known Member
From the Islamic side, those that feel the need can all too easily point the finger at the negative occurrences in secular systems and fallaciously think that what they point at is the whole story.

It is a system in operation and implementation. Influenced the world through it is global export system. Almost all of planet earth is running its system. Therefore I blamed it squarly for everything.

Likewise the secular can look at the negative occurrences of the religious and fallaciously think that all religious are like that.
Neither of these views give a worthwhile and realistic representation of what is actually happening in either system, the views are biased.

Nothing in comparison. An ant to an elephant and the ant being a secular ant. You should know better.

One must look at many consequences, at the very least the negative, positive and neutral consequences, of a system over a long period of time before one can reasonably decide if that system is worthwhile or not, without bias.

240 years is not enough? it is not like its improving and shining as it walks through a sunny beach? What is coming will make the past a child's play.

Those that are black and white in these matters ignore that everybody is unique no matter their belief's or the system the person is in.

It is not black and white but secular in colour. Jesus of Nazarath pbuh was reddish in colour.

Will see who he will imbrace as brother and who as a foe of secularisim.


Well-Known Member
Dallas and Baywatch...:facepalm:
(Unfortunately, the image the world sees and mistakenly attributes to American society)

Been to dallas fortworth myself. Lived for many years in secular EU. No mistake well and truly. Trust.

It is actually happening baywatch style on all the resort beaches and adjucent markets of secular muslim lands all over. Even a muslim named secular person will serve you the best of cooled beverages and sun protection all for the price of 1:

'Sex on Dubai beach' couple Michelle Palmer and Vince Acors ...

LOL. muwhahahah my eyes have tears even their names include Palmer. Hehhehe such an amazing coincedence. :D


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
You might not feel that way, but let me assure you, this thread is doing a tremendous job in showing Islam, as nothing more than a religion which is intolerant to anything, and muslims to be unstable fellows that want to take over the world.

Unfortunately, I agree with you. This thread does much to confirm false prejudices.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
301 your remarks about women dressing in an attractive, provocative, and sexy manner are very alarming indeed. It seems that you have some very deep issues with being around attractive women. You want to blame society for the hardships of women, but the reality is is that men are beaten, harassed, pressured, and even raped. Not as much as women, but it still happens. And it has happened all throughout history.
When a man rapes a woman, it is never her fault. Nor is the fault of the attire. Also, rape is rarely about the actual sex. It's mostly about control. Rape is often to humiliate and control the victim, not because the rapist is just cannot withhold his sexual urges. And also it is ultimately the rapist's fault because the guy could not keep his junk in his pants.
To turn the table, do you know that women rape men? Actually one of my good friend's is a guy who was raped by a woman. You put all the attention to these anxieties you have about women and you miss the big picture.
Read a history book. You will find that in the Christian controlled Europe of the Medieval era, there were many horrific crimes committed by the men of the church towards pretty much everyone. These scandals have even survived and are happening today. Islam also has a violent history. Even the Jews were commanded by God to destroy rival tribes, down to the last woman and child. You want to blame secularism, but the facts are that every society has problems. There is no such thing as a perfect society. We can work towards building one, a society in which everyone regardless of race, gender, religion, language, or whatnot is welcomed to walk hand-in-hand in peace, but this type of world will probably never happen. There are mental disorders in which can turn people violent, people are corrupted by the pursuit of power and money, and some people are unfortunate and get stuck being raised in a negative environment. There are just so many variables and factors to take into consideration that you can't place blame on any society. Rome fed the Christians to the lions, and later the Christians burned anyone who was mentally ill, left handed (which was seen as a mark of the devil), or just didn't go to church. Some cultures which were under the law of their religions pleased the gods by offering human sacrifices. The early Puritan societies in America though of the Native American's as godless savages, and killed the Natives if they didn't convert, and often would kill them even if they did convert. That was under a Christian society. Islam has also been spread by the sword in many areas, and set up it's own convert or die policies. As a secular nation, we do not have such laws or ideologies, and people aren't executed by the state for not being of a certain religion. Now, some "christians" have taken it upon themselves to murder those who they see as being evil, but in reality people also get killed over non religious purposes.
But as far as women go, you should try to open up. A beautiful painting, powerful music, or awe inspiring poetry isn't as good if it isn't shared. A good looking woman (or man) should be able to show off their bodies, in a tasteful manner of course, and everyone, much like a piece of art, should be able to admire the beauty of a body. A curvaceous girl or muscle toned guy shouldn't have to hide their bodies. Or even if a person doesn't fit societies standards of beauty, they should still be able to express themselves.
Next time you see a good looking person, take a moment to enjoy the sight. Make eye contact and smile. It's a good feeling when other people admire you, and it's also a good feeling to know you have made someone feel better about themselves.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You might not feel that way, but let me assure you, this thread is doing a tremendous job in showing Islam, as nothing more than a religion which is intolerant to anything, and muslims to be unstable fellows that want to take over the world.
Fortunately some of us are intelligent enough to know this isn't a very good portrayal of Islam. Not all of us got caught in the post 9-11 anti-Muslim hysteria, because we know that like every other path in life, there are good people, and there are bad ones.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Fortunately some of us are intelligent enough to know this isn't a very good portrayal of Islam. Not all of us got caught in the post 9-11 anti-Muslim hysteria, because we know that like every other path in life, there are good people, and there are bad ones.

I'm glad to hear that, Thank you.


Well-Known Member
You are one of a kind aren't you. :yes:

This is the big difference between the calipate/islam and secularisim.

In that in Secularisim you believe in it or you dont you still have to indulge in it and practise it as long as you keep within its basic rules. Eitherway still no choice. The victim too fall pray to it. This is true oppression.

While in Caliphate/Islam you have free will in believing in it and you dont have to indulge in it and practise it as long as you keep within its basic rules. Eitherway still you have a choice. This is true free will.

I told you secularisim is the most intolerant system devised for mankind.

I told you secularisim is the most deciving system devised for mankind.

True secular satanica in every sense.
I am not one of a kind in this case. My parents are the same. And I know other people who are.

And I guess we are fortunate that the system you speak of does not exist. Secularism simply means a separation between the state and religion, an ideal secular state is neutral in religion matters and does not take a position for or against any religion. It does however provide a basis for a tolerant and free society, which means it will make laws to protect the rights of individuals, no matter their religion.

At last that is what I believe in, there are probably people who suggest another implementation, in which case it would only prove that secularism is not a system.


Active Member
Pretty easy actually people, simply recognize that 301 is not like the majority of muslims, just like the news posts being put up are not like the majority of secular life. The media wants to highlight the extreme or fundamentalists because they are the exceptions to the norm and it's what is news worthy, for the normal is too normal to be interesting enough for us to watch it.

The youtube 301 has posted up reveals that yes there are people in our society who are doing the wrong things - yet that revelation comes from within the secular society itself. The media commenting upon the media and revealing deeper truth. The youtube itself reveals that the cameraman was stood down due to his inappropriate behaviour pending an investigation.

A mistake made, a mistake investigated and a mistake discussed and it's consequences applied. The youtube was both an example of something nasty and something good. 301 wants to look only at the nasty and claim that is all that secular society is.

Today I had an acquaintance come around to my house. She did not suffer road rage on her journey. She was not raped when she walked from her door to the car, and from her car to the door, she was safe inside my house, in her jeans and jumper, I thought of her without sexualizing her. I considered her and gave her food and drink freely and in kindness. She drove home and is going out to a quiz night for some fun with her husband and some friends, she will have a fun and safe evening.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Ymir, I've experienced first hand the violence of radical Islam. but I somewhat beg to differ, many people who have Islam as their religion are sensible and honorable people, and this is also from experience.
For clarification: I am speaking of the hundreds of Muslims I have spoken with online over the last 9 years. I should have said that in odd juxtaposition to these Muslims, the Muslims I have met in real life are usually very kind and unassuming people. Perhaps what I am seeing is a zealous vanguard of a sorts. That is what I am meaning. In that respect, on a weirdness bar, 301 is pretty unique, but hardly alone. I did manage to survive on Islam.com for a couple of years and frankly their forums are almost like a sideshow.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Today I had an acquaintance come around to my house. She did not suffer road rage on her journey. She was not raped when she walked from her door to the car, and from her car to the door, she was safe inside my house, in her jeans and jumper, I thought of her without sexualizing her. I considered her and gave her food and drink freely and in kindness. She drove home and is going out to a quiz night for some fun with her husband and some friends, she will have a fun and safe evening.
Exactly. Frankly, I think that 301's fixation on aspects of our society that he finds repugnant tells us more about 301 than it does about our societies. So far, we have not seen him provide any serious interaction with those who question his thinking. That too, is very telling. In some ways, it's like sitting on MEMRITV.ORG for a month, looking at every video and concluding that all Muslims must be insane. The reality is that not even the loopier than bat droppings ones are actually crazy, though I am sure that many, just like in secular societies, DO have issues.

I'd like to get into that....
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
301 is most certainly unique, but I have encountered many like him in the past. Heck, part of the reason you got your first frubal from me was because you actually made sense. It is a somewhat rare commodity coming from the Muslim "camp".

I think 301 is a cancer to the followers of Islam, just as Fred Phelps, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and others give Christianity a black eye.

Every religion has both good and bad followers. In the case of 301, he just happens to have found a platform that allows him to spew his stupidity and hatred to a wider audience than usual.

Then again, it's possible that 301 is really an anti-Islamist, who is doing his best to tarnish the religion by posing as an adherent that is incredibly uninformed and bigoted.

No disrespect intended, of course.
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
For clarification: I am speaking of the hundreds of Muslims I have spoken with online over the last 9 years. I should have said that in odd juxtaposition to these Muslims, the Muslims I have met in real life are usually very kind and unassuming people. Perhaps what I am seeing is a zealous vanguard of a sorts. That is what I am meaning. In that respect, on a weirdness bar, 301 is pretty unique, but hardly alone. I did manage to survive on Islam.com for a couple of years and frankly their forums are almost like a sideshow.

It would seem to be a haven for ignorant zealots like 301 (if he really is a Muslim).

No disrespect intended, of course.


Well-Known Member
Show me statistics which show secular men are weak minded and then we can have a conversation.

Ok. I will define what a weak mind is and if you agree I shall move on with it if not I will still move on with it. :yes:

  • Having or exhibiting a lack of judgment or conviction.
  • Foolish; silly.
  • Of less than normal intellect. Not in scientific use.
weak-mindedness weak'-mind'ed·ness n.

Do you agree?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I agree with you. This thread does much to confirm false prejudices.

All of sudden my exposing this system and comparing it to the likes of superstates of christendom and caliphate, this thread starts to leave a bad taste in your mouth?


Well-Known Member
At last that is what I believe in, there are probably people who suggest another implementation, in which case it would only prove that secularism is not a system.

It has a governing law therefore it is a system. Every system in both creation or man-made has a governing law. Othewise it will become a chocolate factory. Oh even a chocolate factory has a system and rules and regulations.

Do not fool us. We are not that stupid.:yes: We are men with intellect and beauty of harts that has eyes that sees.:yes:

YouTube - Secular Law

Your noble heros are mentioned here and referenced to.:D


Well-Known Member
The youtube 301 has posted up reveals that yes there are people in our society who are doing the wrong things - yet that revelation comes from within the secular society itself. The media commenting upon the media and revealing deeper truth. The youtube itself reveals that the cameraman was stood down due to his inappropriate behaviour pending an investigation.

A mistake made, a mistake investigated and a mistake discussed and it's consequences applied. The youtube was both an example of something nasty and something good. 301 wants to look only at the nasty and claim that is all that secular society is.

mistake, investigated? you kidding me? There are hundereds of such social depravity displayed by the secular system. It is only the odd one gets exposed ONLY because the victims kicked a fuss about it. Otherwise it will be buried under this social depravity carpet.

Today I had an acquaintance come around to my house. She did not suffer road rage on her journey. She was not raped when she walked from her door to the car, and from her car to the door, she was safe inside my house, in her jeans and jumper, I thought of her without sexualizing her. I considered her and gave her food and drink freely and in kindness. She drove home and is going out to a quiz night for some fun with her husband and some friends, she will have a fun and safe evening.

I am really happy it all went well upon reaching their final destination. I was really worried that their life path has not crossed the path of psychopath:

Women killed in restaurant shooting - *******World News - MSN News UK
