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Islamic Immigration In Europe


Get me off of this planet
Europe is the only thing getting screwed in the arrangement.


At the current immigration rate Islamist will outweigh Catholics, Christians and Jews because
1st world religious parties really do not seem to care anymore. People are sick of religion and
general and it's been made prejudice and bigotry to refuse the radical Islamist and refugee's.

Europe should have taken Turkey back.

It started to look like Turkey was waning towards European culture then these Islamist bureaucrats
want to enforcing Islam while refuting European culture and influence in Turkey.



......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Well open immigration was a pretty radical experiment. Poorly thought out, historically- blind, and arrogant in the first place.

I think that UKIP is - to some degree - a healthy reaction to this bad experiment.
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In some parts of the West (such as the United States) the Republican party is in bed with these Wahabbists for their oil and greed.

So much for the 'right wing'


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
If I could buy "Wahabbist-free" gasoline, I'd happily pay a higher price.
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......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I'm curious to hear from folks in Western Europe concerning this. We hear horror stories in the news, and I wonder if they're accurate or overblown or what?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Probably depends on the horror stories.

Well I was assuming the context to be the OP...

So I hear of attempts to have Sharia encroach into legal systems, I hear of heavily skewed crime statistics, high unemployment, and no-go-zone ghettos.


Well-Known Member
Well as far as Sharia is concerned, i dont live in Britainistan.
Recently in the german city of Wuppertal some Muslims tried to start a "Sharia Police". They did that for about 2 days. Then the Police stepped in.
(funny note: Wuppertal is in the German state of Northrhine Westphalia whose Interior minister's name is "Jäger", Hunter in English)

Heavily skewed crime statistics: Thats true. But you learn to read the PC code in the newspapers when they talk about "youth"(aka young immigrants) and try to avoid obvious words.

High unemployment: Well yeah thats true. But always remember, there are always a few you can present to the public and claim that everything is alright. :D
As far as Germany is concerned, Muslim kids are a tiny minority at a Gymnasium or University.
Some try to claim its because of racism but at the same time Vietnamese and Japanese are overrepresented at these schools. Its all about culture.

No-go zones: Well let's say that i don't go through Muslim areas anymore. The average German may do so but i am not gonna test my luck again.

A very prominent no-go Zone for Jews would be all of Malmö in Sweden.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Ok, so it sounds like from your perspective, the reports I hear are not sensationalized. wow!

I'd like to hear more about your perspective on "Britainistan"...


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Well you might be closer to the situation than I am. And as always, it would be great to know of the most even-handed news source.


I work with several variations of immigrants. Everything goes a long fine. Of course, I be in America, so, I don't know what Europe is like.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I just saw a video by Pat Condell called Ship of Fools.

It's pretty incendiary. I don't know if it's too much to post here. Condell is claiming that in parts of urban Sweden, Islamic gangs have taken over that the police won't shut them down.

My question is this: Is Pat Condell accurate here? Is there anyone who has recent first hand experience in Sweden?


Well-Known Member
A very prominent no-go Zone for Jews would be all of Malmö in Sweden.

While Malmö is overrepresented in antisemitic hate crimes, that doesn't mean that it's only or mostly because of islamic immigration. Southern Sweden is overrepresented in the amount of nazis, which is one of the explanations for why Malmö (the only large city in southern Sweden) is overrepresented. Malmö also has an extra police institution only for hatecrime, which means that more hate crimes are reported. There is a lot of islamic immigration in Stockholm as well, but there's less hate crimes of antisemitic nature.

There are many hate crimes against homosexuals, and even more hate crimes against muslims, but that doesn't mean that Malmö is a no-go zone for those groups.

I just saw a video by Pat Condell called Ship of Fools.

It's pretty incendiary. I don't know if it's too much to post here. Condell is claiming that in parts of urban Sweden, Islamic gangs have taken over that the police won't shut them down.

My question is this: Is Pat Condell accurate here? Is there anyone who has recent first hand experience in Sweden?

I live in Sweden and it's not true.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I asked if the Pat Condell video made true claims...

I live in Sweden and it's not true.

Understand, that I live in the US, but I have a Scandinavian heritage. I'm concerned about Sweden. Here are some claims I've heard from a few different sources concerning Islamic immigration in Sweden:

Are any of these true, or is this all false?

- Sweden voted to recognize a a Palestinian state.
- Open immigration policies were recently reaffirmed.
- Sweden's rape statistics have gone up sharply over the last few years.
- Immigrant rioters recently attacked the police in Stockholm and were not arrested "so as not to provoke" the rioters
- An artist was recently imprisoned for artwork offensive to Islam.
- People have been arrested for speaking out against Muslim immigration.

- multiculturalism is now in Sweden's constitution.
- Sweden is deporting Iraqi Christians
- Anti-semitism is on the rise in Sweden
- The mayor of Malmo encouraged Jews to distance themselves from Israel

- Immigrants have set many schools on fire
- Muslims protested against a cartoon of a dog and threatened violence
- Police cars are now painted with the word "Aino"
- Muslims immigrants are bankrupting the social welfare system
- Discussion of Sweden's immigration policy is not allowed
- Immigrants have set fire to hundreds of apartments and police stations
- Interpol reports that Sweden has Europe's highest violent crime rate

Again, perhaps this is all propaganda. But many sources are reporting similar things. Can folks living in Sweden confirm or deny these claims?



Well-Known Member
Ok, so it sounds like from your perspective, the reports I hear are not sensationalized. wow!

I'd like to hear more about your perspective on "Britainistan"...

I hope you don't mind me (a orthodox veil wearing muslimwoman and immigrant living in western europe) joining this discussion. I lived in Western Europe my entire live (my parents immigrated ) so maybe you would like to hear my perspective.
I'm sorry that I have to disappoint you but the reports are sensationalized. Living in Britain I haven't seen any no go areas . You do see a lot of Muslim/immigrant professionals and university students. In general immigrants are taking part of society. Yes I believe as immigrants we have to integrate but it doesn't mean we have to assimilate. I believe I can still practice my religion love my culture and be a productive person in British society. Most of the immigrants aren't here to claim benefits and life of the government, most of the immigrants here come to build a better future for themselves and their children. And they all hope to study, work and give back to this society but also be a hope to the people in the war torn countries they left.

What I would advice you and others like you is to stop believing everything what media says and try to talk to those Muslims and immigrants you fear so much because if you would do that you would see that you have a lot in common.. immigrants aren't planning to take over Europe they are just living their daily lives and worry about the same daily things you worry about.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Hi MuslimaInBlack,

Thanks for your response!

Of course I don't live in Europe, and even if I visited I could only hope to see a small slice of the big picture. It's heartening to hear your perspective.

I'm struck that you said you think you'll "disappoint me". Really? I don't want these things to be true. But I really want to know what IS true. I'm also struck that you assume I fear Muslims. Once again, I just want to know what's true.

I can tell you that in the U.S., I often hear Muslims claim that valid criticism of Islam is "Islamophobia". Such actions are not conducive to peaceful integration. I can tell you that for years and years now the OIC has been pushing to introduce blasphemy resolutions into the UN. Also not conducive to peace.

And finally, you speak of your experience in England, again I'm glad to hear your report, but that doesn't in any way refute the questions I asked about what's happening in Sweden. Does that make sense?