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Israel Palestine Conflict?


It was so pathetic that i was just
And after 5 minutes i was
I watched part of that video and the color commentary by the reporter guy. I have also noted it's dismissal by several people in the thread. I have however not heard a single reason why.

I do not know that guy. He does not seem to be an apologist or a theologian. He does not talk too much about doctrine or general history. He seems to be simply describing his experience. I do not know how his personal experience can be dismissed unless the critic has access to it. His testimony is consistent with many others I have heard of ex PLO members or members of radical Islamic societies and groups. I do not think he is describing things that are generally true in most of the places where Islam is dominant but know many who claim the same things concerning areas where a more primitive or fundamental Islamic influence exists.

In summary I claim nothing about this guy but also do not see beyond some emotional preference how his statements may be dismissed. Not personally liking something is a poor judge of what is fact or not.


That means that James and the few other verses that on the surface teach works can't possibly mean what they see, to.
Or that could mean that James and Hebrews clashes and contradicts with Paul and that there's a good reason many of the Nazarenes and Ebionites rejected Paul. I do like how F.C. Baur concludes that "Simon Magus" was code word for Paul in the Pseudo-Clementines.

One might think that James wouldn't repeat "Faith without works is dead" Five times in a row in Chapter 2 if he wasn't try to drill something in to counter an opposing doctrine.


Avatar of Brittania
I watched part of that video and the color commentary by the reporter guy. I have also noted it's dismissal by several people in the thread. I have however not heard a single reason why.

I do not know that guy. He does not seem to be an apologist or a theologian. He does not talk too much about doctrine or general history. He seems to be simply describing his experience. I do not know how his personal experience can be dismissed unless the critic has access to it. His testimony is consistent with many others I have heard of ex PLO members or members of radical Islamic societies and groups. I do not think he is describing things that are generally true in most of the places where Islam is dominant but know many who claim the same things concerning areas where a more primitive or fundamental Islamic influence exists.

In summary I claim nothing about this guy but also do not see beyond some emotional preference how his statements may be dismissed. Not personally liking something is a poor judge of what is fact or not.
Probably because the man isn't nor has ever been a Muslim he is a Lebanese Christian who has worked his entire life with Right Wing Christians like yourself.

Tranquil Servant

Was M.I.A for a while
1. The covenant made with Abraham is not identical to the one that a Christian enters into by being born again. In fact the Bible says fault was found with the OT covenant and Christ established a better one.
O-K... But I fear that even the covenant made through Jesus is becoming like those of the Old Testament; in the sense that many Christians use the Holy name of Christ and his sacrifice as a "free pass" to sin; the same way Hebrews of the Old Testament used and abused the laws of "sacrifice." They disregarded and even forgot the true meanings behind those laws.
2. The covenant with Abraham can't be conditional because it was guaranteed concerning people who existed even after he died. How could it be guaranteed if he could have nullified it through disobedience?
He didn't disobey and that's why it was guaranteed. He obeyed God and God knew that he would.
3. The covenant always existed even if it's conditions were violated. Abraham lost faith in promises at times, his descendants made countless mistakes but yet the covenant remained. They suffered terribly for their sins but the promises were still fulfilled.
the unconditional promises were fulfilled because they were in accordance with God's plan (or will). God kept the promises that would fulfill his will (especially concerning the Messiah) but would break other agreements when Israel would break their end of the agreements; mostly the agreements which allowed certain privileges to them. A covenant can be a promise or an agreement.
I agree with most of this. I meant that Baptism (the ceremony) does not in anyway save anyone. It is an outward sign to indicate an inner spiritual event. I believe "house of Israel" is used in it's spiritual sense not in a literal sense.
..Yes symbolic.
You are drawing a parallel between salvation and the covenant made with Israel that I am not suggesting. God "favored" (if that is the right word) Israel as his instruments of conveying revelation. I do not claim that he automatically saved them nor gave them a free pass in anyway. In fact I claim the opposite. He favored them by using them as a conduit through which to reveal his message but that also came at a steep price. They were challenged to be far more moral than the other nations of the earth and they suffered terribly when they failed. It is a feast or famine relationship. Salvation through Christ is a completely separate relationship which guaranties heaven for it's members but also requires (temporally speaking) greater demands concerning obedience. They are two seperate covenants.
1. God "favored" Israel concerning revelation and relationship throughout history but not salvation as a Christian thinks of it.
2. God "favors" people based on faith not race as it concerns salvation.
3. I also believe the modern Jewish people are favored by God in that they were given their nation back in 1948 and have been blessed by God by allowing them to defeat all their enemies even outnumbered many times over since then. I do not believe that God will ever allow them to be destroyed as a nation again no matter how many of their dishonorable neighbors gang up on them until armegeddon. That however has nothing to do with heaven if my understanding of the prophecies are correct.
4. There are two distinct issues here.
As I said before, I believe God favors or blesses those who are chosen.
War is no blessing; peace is.
However, everything does go according to God's will.
Galatians 3:8
The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”
Galatians 3:14
He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.
Ephesians 2:11-22
[ One in Christ ] Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (that done in the body by the hands of men)—12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.
19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
..I think we should move this to another thread if you wish to continue the discussion. God Bless.
O-K... But only If you need more clarification, then I will gladly continue this discussion on another thread. I just wanted to make myself clear. Otherwise, I rather not continue this debate. I like agreeing and exchanging knowledge; not disagreeing and debating.
Peace and Blessings :)


Sunni muslim
I watched part of that video and the color commentary by the reporter guy. I have also noted it's dismissal by several people in the thread. I have however not heard a single reason why.

I do not know that guy. He does not seem to be an apologist or a theologian. He does not talk too much about doctrine or general history. He seems to be simply describing his experience.

That's because you didn't finished the video.
The problem with liars is that they don't know when to stop.


Or that could mean that James and Hebrews clashes and contradicts with Paul and that there's a good reason many of the Nazarenes and Ebionites rejected Paul. I do like how F.C. Baur concludes that "Simon Magus" was code word for Paul in the Pseudo-Clementines.
One might think that James wouldn't repeat "Faith without works is dead" Five times in a row in Chapter 2 if he wasn't try to drill something in to counter an opposing doctrine.
James and a few verses in Hebrews do clash at least on the surface with Paul, John and most of the rest of the NT. God can't contradict himself (or at least that is the supposition we operate under) and so it must be determined which of these verses have a deeper or more complex meaning and which are saying what they seem. It always astonishes me the shaky ground or reasons appealed to in order to justify the dismissal of Paul the most prolific NT author when it is actually based in preference not evidence. I think your position was chosen by preference and then reality was expected to adjust accordingly and when it doesn't, I guess any port in the storm is fine. Why is it always German scholars that do most of the redacting and revisionist histories? If you are consistently adopting Baur then I guess you are now a trinitarian.

1. The majority of the NT stresses grace and denies works for salvation.
2. Logic mandates grace and rejects works.

I spent years after I was born again trying to figure out why faith was the standard and not performance. We are so conditioned by life to judge everything by merit that it is hard to switch gears. His ways are not our ways. I only started to understand by examining the impossibility of a merit system. Any works based salvation is absolutely impossible to lay out. It invariably would mean that where ever you arbitrarily draw the line that the man immediately above the line and the man immediately below the line would have one sin difference between them. So one gets heaven and the other hell based on one sin. It would take me a thousand words to point out all the reason a works based salvation does not work but would rather have you state what a works based system would look like instead. Where is the line? How does it compensate for differences in opportunity and knowledge? Where is it clearly defined in the Bible? What if I meet all its works requirements but have one sin I had not repented for when I am hit by a bus? etc...An attempt to illustrate the requirements of a works based salvation would take volumes and be more complex that quantum physics.

3. Paul prevailed in every dispute between the apostles and himself.
4. The other apostles accepted his commission.
5. He knew more about the law and Judaism than the rest put together and was by far the most authoritative on it.
6. All ten of the most respected Biblical commentators agree with what I stated about these issues.
7. Only grace requires the historic death of Christ. Works did not need his death.
8. The Bible states on almost every other page that we will all sin and fall short. Hoping the Bible was inaccurate and we will meet the standard is futile.
9. Works does not explain or account for the born again experience I and billions of others have had.
10. Works or the LAW was the corner stone of the covenant that the Bible said fault was found with.
11. Christ established a new covenant hence (new testament). If it was works like you think it has always been then what was new about it?

I keep forgetting this does not belong in this thread. The discussion should be moved somewhere else if pursued.


Probably because the man isn't nor has ever been a Muslim he is a Lebanese Christian who has worked his entire life with Right Wing Christians like yourself.
How do you know all this dingbat? Do you think he, the cowriter of his book, the nationally respected publisher of his books and materials (Simon and Shuster), and the national organizations that hire him to speak are all unaware that people will inevitably check up on him?
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Though I often feel a need to shower after a brief visit to Loonwatch, I have to say that this article is near spot on.

I will see your loonwatch and raise you:
  1. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/jul2002/ham1-j05.shtml
  2. http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/300/320/324/324.2/islamism/shia-islam-leb.html
  3. http://www.nmhschool.org/tthornton/mehistorydatabase/arabisraeliwars.php
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/1266534.stm
  5. http://www.islamonline.net/english/In_Depth/PalestineInFocus/TheStruggle/History/03.shtml
  6. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-31722875_ITM
  7. http://www.cfr.org/publication/10855/
  8. http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/world/libya/facility.htm
  9. http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/300/320/324/324.2/musa-sadr/
  10. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Abdullah_Yusuf_Azzam
Every one of those links backs up a point made by Kaleem. The entire article can be found at:
and it explains which claims apply to which source and gives many more sources.
I am still reserving judgment but it does not look good for his critics so far.
I have also been researching many of the other famous former Islamic converts to Christianity that say similar things to Kaleem. It seems anyone who does not agree with Islam can't possibly be telling the truth according to Muslims. I think "claims I do not like" translates as liar in Arabic.

Secular publishers and other groups have invested millions in that guys story and any legitimate refutation would cost them dearly. They know this very well but still have partnered with him. I think all of these trump something called loonwatch and its brilliant scholars but I am still in the early stages of research involving him.


Well-Known Member

I will see your loonwatch and raise you:
  1. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/jul2002/ham1-j05.shtml
  2. http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/300/320/324/324.2/islamism/shia-islam-leb.html
  3. http://www.nmhschool.org/tthornton/mehistorydatabase/arabisraeliwars.php
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/1266534.stm
  5. http://www.islamonline.net/english/In_Depth/PalestineInFocus/TheStruggle/History/03.shtml
  6. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-31722875_ITM
  7. http://www.cfr.org/publication/10855/
  8. http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/world/libya/facility.htm
  9. http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/300/320/324/324.2/musa-sadr/
  10. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Abdullah_Yusuf_Azzam
Every one of those links backs up a point made by Kaleem. The entire article can be found at:
and it explains which claims apply to which source and gives many more sources.
I am still reserving judgment but it does not look good for his critics so far.
I have also been researching many of the other famous former Islamic converts to Christianity that say similar things to Kaleem. It seems anyone who does not agree with Islam can't possibly be telling the truth according to Muslims. I think "claims I do not like" translates as liar in Arabic.

Secular publishers and other groups have invested millions in that guys story and any legitimate refutation would cost them dearly. They know this very well but still have partnered with him. I think all of these trump something called loonwatch and its brilliant scholars but I am still in the early stages of research involving him.
Most of those Links and sources arent even about the subject.


Most of those Links and sources arent even about the subject.
If you go to the site I posted at the end. It lists the specific claims and the site that corresponds to it. I read many of them and most do address the claims. The referenced sites were not written to explain his claims and so are not specific answers in response to his specific claims he made but provide more than is necessary to give his claims credability. Many of them point blank show his claims true. The rest at the very least show his claims are not deniable or impossible. Personal testimony is hard to prove but it is easy to show it possible or likely.
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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I support a 'yes' vote. I have also written my Congresswoman urging her to do all in her power to oppose using aid to coerce or punish the PLO for taking this step.

I trust the vote will pass and I congratulate my Muslim friends.


Getting the thread back on track ....
U.N. Will Vote on Status for Palestinians, Defying U.S.
Israel was brought into existence by UN vote and Palestine was promised the same. But now the US and Israel opposes to give that right to the original residents of that land. What a shame !!!
Actually in the original agreement Israel was all for the Palestinians having their own state. Israel agreed to every partition suggested. It was the Palestinian’s that would not agree to anything that gave the Jewish people any land at all. After Israel was attacked by all their neighbors the day they became a nation by UN vote, all bets were off. Israel since then has rightfully kept what land they had taken from their aggressive neighbors needed to maintain a defendable perimeter but gave most of it back. Each time to be attacked from the land they returned. The Palestinians rejected their portion of land and peace with Israel and got exactly what they wanted in the end. Yet complain and shoot rockets at children because they got what exactly what they chose. Truly a shame indeed. Can you prove the palestinians were there 4000 plus years ago when or before the Jewish people were? Unless the Palestinians were Cannanites, Ammonites, or Philistines I doubt it.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Can you prove the palestinians were there 4000 plus years ago when or before the Jewish people were? Unless the Palestinians were Cannanites, Ammonites, or Philistines I doubt it.
On top of everything else the guys numerically challenged ... :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Actually in the original agreement Israel was all for the Palestinians having their own state. Israel agreed to every partition suggested. It was the Palestinian’s that would not agree to anything that gave the Jewish people any land at all. After Israel was attacked by all their neighbors the day they became a nation by UN vote, all bets were off. Israel since then has rightfully kept what land they had taken from their aggressive neighbors needed to maintain a defendable perimeter but gave most of it back. Each time to be attacked from the land they returned. The Palestinians rejected their portion of land and peace with Israel and got exactly what they wanted in the end. Yet complain and shoot rockets at children because they got what exactly what they chose. Truly a shame indeed. Can you prove the palestinians were there 4000 plus years ago when or before the Jewish people were? Unless the Palestinians were Cannanites, Ammonites, or Philistines I doubt it.

Are we still talking about the Israel and Palestine on this earth ? Or may be you have some secret information from some other planet ? :facepalm:
Good entertainment though...:ignore: