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Israel Plans 50,000 New Housing Units on Occupied Territory

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Well-Known Member
MMMMM i heard a different story but pertaining to Muslims in your Country
I guess you will tell us now about their jahiliya and entertain us with quotes from Sayyed Qutb's writing. :rolleyes: LOL!

No worries, Coptic Christians support the Palestinians and reject Zionism.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I guess you will tell us now about their jahiliya and entertain us with quotes from Sayyed Qutb's writing. :rolleyes: LOL!

No worries, Coptic Christians support the Palestinians and reject Zionism.

From your last post concerning the MB you don't seem to know much about it so perhaps we should focus on Palestine as you appear to know everything about that.;)

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
the only way for this to be settled is for us Arabs to unite and chase the Jews out of the middle east



About time too.


Active Member
YES am dead serious Israel thinks that the land belongs to it and its trying to take the MUSLIM'S mosques

Just like Syria and Lebanon think that their land belongs to them.
French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So why should Syria and Lebanon have the right to exist as a new independent state while Israel don't? Because Arabs lived there during the French occupation prior to that the Ottoman occupation and so one, but Jews lived in Israel and in Jerusalem during the British and Ottoman empire and the list goes on and on. So what gives them more rights then Israelis?
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Active Member
do you think there is a solution other than chasing the out

Who's fault is it? rather then being angry at the Israelis go ask your government leaders, why don't they get together and help their Arab brothers and help them build a Palestinian state, where were they for the past 70 years? They surely have the money from all that oil, haven't you guys learned that using terror only brings you to loosing more land.

If only Muhammad would be a prophet of piece you guys would help each other out and build a Palestinian land but since he was a prophet and a war lord no wonder you act the same way.


Well-Known Member
call it what ever you want to call it we don't want them in the middle east

So it's racism two ways.

One, you wish to expel the Jewish ethnic group.

Two, you are generalizing all Arabs.

What do you think of Yemen?

What do you think of the Kurds?
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