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Israel Plans 50,000 New Housing Units on Occupied Territory

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And? Arabs have billions of dollars from all the oil rather then building 7 star hotels help out your own citizens. You don't see Muslims growing farms, education and so on.

Wow, I don't think you comprehend America's involvement in the Middle East at all...

Let's take Iran for example. The Shah was put in power by Western Powers, which exploited it's own people and sold oil to Western Powers while the wealth from said sell never actually benefited the people whom lived within the country. If there was a public reaction against the Shah, the Shah would simply violently suppress it's own people to maintain it's power, with the help of Western aid. Do you see a bit of difference here?

I maintain that the majority of Arab nations aren't seeking to compete with Israel in who is better or has the most money or has 'achieved the greatest technological advances', but would rather just stop being exploited by business interests, foreign or domestic.

Ah, thank you so much guys! We really needed more technology for weapons to continuously spout war against anyone who is not with us!

That sure was a well spent 3 billion dollars a year investment!


Well-Known Member
So, you'd be cool with All the Western countries barring Muslim/ Arab immigrants because they don't want you there? You wouldn't have any objection at all?
I believe you need to educate yourself on the situation before anything.


And? Arabs have billions of dollars from all the oil rather then building 7 star hotels help out your own citizens. You don't see Muslims growing farms, education and so on.

all that aid that America gives to Israel doesn't come free. You can do your own research on it.
USATODAY.com - U.S. military employs Israeli technology in Iraq war
Israel’s Technology Creates an Investment Goliath | isRealli - The New Blog of the State of Israel

And yes, aid does come for free. That's why it's called 'aid'.

"U.S. military aid has helped transform Israel’s armed forces into one of the most technologically sophisticated militaries in the world. U.S. military aid for Israel has been designed to maintain Israel’s “qualitative military edge” (QME) over neighboring militaries, since Israel must rely on better equipment and training to compensate for a manpower deficit in any potential regional conflict. U.S. military aid, a portion of which may be spent on procurement from Israeli defense companies, also has helped Israel build a domestic defense industry, which ranks as one of the top 10 suppliers of arms worldwide.

For many years, U.S. economic aid helped subsidize a lackluster Israeli economy, though since the rapid expansion of Israel’s hi-tech sector in the 1990s (sparked partially by U.S.-Israeli scientific cooperation), Israel is now considered a fully industrialized nation with an economy on par with some Western European countries. Consequently, Israel and the United States agreed to gradually phase out economic grant aid to Israel. In FY2008, Israel stopped receiving bilateral Economic Support Fund (ESF) grants. It had been a large-scale recipient of grant ESF assistance since 1971."



Well-Known Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there already a "two state solution" during the creation of modern Israel? Wasn't the "Palestinian state" supposed to be Jordan?


Higher and Higher
Oh, please. Everybody in Israel knows that Jerusalem is not on the table. It's the rest of the world that has convinced itself that somehow Israel might permit its capital to be split down the middle again. Never gonna happen. Even in the '97 and the '99 border finalization plans (which gave the Palestinians 97.5% of all land they asked for), almost all of J'lem and the Gush Etzion suburbs (because contrary to Western newspapers calling it a "settler bloc," the Gush Etzion neighborhoods are just suburbs of Jerusalem: over 200,000 Jews live there) were Israel's in exchange for land swapped from elsewhere. If I recall right, the Palestinians got part of Abu Tor, an outlying Arab semi-suburban neighborhood of J'lem. If they want to put their capital there, whatever. But Jerusalem is just not gonna be on the table. Never gonna happen. The Orthodox would never allow it, the veterans who fought to regain it in '67 would never stand for it, and anyone with a lick of common sense remembers that before Israel retook the Old City in '67, the Arabs didn't even let Jews into the Old City to pray at the Western Wall, much less to live there. And yet, since Israel reunited Jerusalem, the Arab neighborhoods in the Old City have flourished, and Muslims are free to pray at Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock.

As for Israel's right to exist, why is this even a question? Israel was one more state formed out of the ashes of the British Empire and the European Colonial movements. So were most of the states in the Middle East, and likewise in Africa. But nobody ever questions Saudi Arabia's right to exist, or Jordan's right to exist, or Iraq's right to exist-- still less South Africa's or Zimbabwe's or Nigeria's. Pretty much every country that rose from the ashes of colonialism has blood on its hands of some kind: tribal wars in Africa; apartheid; Jordan's Black September massacre of Palestinians; Saudi Arabia's brutal oppression of women and gay people, their medieval justice system enforced at literal swordpoint, their gross exploitation of foreign laborers, and their discrimination against Shiites and non-Wahhabists. And yet nobody would think to question their right to exist as a country. None of those countries have their right to exist questioned. Singling Israel out, among all the nations of the world, to question their right of existence is nothing but anti-Semitism in pseudo-progressive clothing.

Israel has suffered attack from its larger, wealthier neighbors for its first 25 years of existence, and terrorism from Arabs at home and abroad ever since. Despite that, the government of Israel spent more than a decade negotiating fiercely with the Palestinians to try and give them a state of their own. When the deal was at the point of being finalized, the Palestinians walked away from it and began another intifadeh. Since then they've elected terrorists to office, their government has disintigrated, their politicians steal the people's money, and they can't seem to find a leader that more than a dozen people at a time will trust. So why shouldn't Israel just impose the best borders it can, shut the door behind them, and the Palestinians can call them to renegotiate when they give up terrorism-- especially religious terrorist rhetoric, stop indoctrinating their kids with anti-Jewish rhetoric, and canpick a trustworthy leader who can peacefully conduct productive diplomacy with Israel?

If that doesn't sit well enough with the Arabs...well, it's not like there's a shortage of Muslim countries in the world: 48, if you were curious, encompassing over half of Africa (the world's largest continent), the entire Middle East except Israel, and some other countries also). As opposed to how many Jewish countries in the world? Oh yeah. One. Which takes up a dot of land around the size of Delaware.

Oh, yeah. Clearly a case of those relentless Jews and their quest for world domination.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
And negotiating also isn't working so i guess i will choose to fight

and this is because ISRAEL gets support from almost all the wealthy countries while the ARAB leaders are *****

This is very simmilar to what it says in the Hamas Charter,i for one am surprised at Israels willingness to negotiate at all,i cannot think of another Country that would tollerate such a Document from its neighbour.


And negotiating also isn't working so i guess i will choose to fight
and this is because ISRAEL gets support from almost all the wealthy countries while the ARAB leaders are *****

because ISRAEL gets support from almost all the wealthy countries while the ARAB leaders are poor?


And yes, aid does come for free. That's why it's called 'aid'.

"U.S. military aid has helped transform Israel’s armed forces into one of the most technologically sophisticated militaries in the world. U.S. military aid for Israel has been designed to maintain Israel’s “qualitative military edge” (QME) over neighboring militaries, since Israel must rely on better equipment and training to compensate for a manpower deficit in any potential regional conflict. U.S. military aid, a portion of which may be spent on procurement from Israeli defense companies, also has helped Israel build a domestic defense industry, which ranks as one of the top 10 suppliers of arms worldwide.

For many years, U.S. economic aid helped subsidize a lackluster Israeli economy, though since the rapid expansion of Israel’s hi-tech sector in the 1990s (sparked partially by U.S.-Israeli scientific cooperation), Israel is now considered a fully industrialized nation with an economy on par with some Western European countries. Consequently, Israel and the United States agreed to gradually phase out economic grant aid to Israel. In FY2008, Israel stopped receiving bilateral Economic Support Fund (ESF) grants. It had been a large-scale recipient of grant ESF assistance since 1971."


I think that the US is also the highest contributor to aid to the Palestinians.



Well-Known Member
how do you reply to violence ?? please tell me every day huge numbers of kids are being killed you expect Muslims to act with sympathy to wards those guys you tell me

come on dude

Picking back up from before I see you didn't figure out the "How is that" part.

At first I thought maybe this was a big let on. Nah.

You stated drive the Jews out. What part of your religion supports that? Remember, no Jew shall be wronged for being a Jew. Maybe you are taking a purely ethnic and racist stance on the issue.


drive them out of the middle eat because they don't belong there

you know this doesnt surprise me at all, what does surprise me is that someone has actually come out and said it

.Careful aymen you may have let the not so secret, secret out of the bag


Guardian of Asgaard
drive them out of the middle eat because they don't belong there

Thats ****ing disgusting. I've never seen such racism purely stated.

Maybe they should drive the Arabs out of the Middle-East and resolve the constant threat they are to the well being of Israel?


Active Member
It is really sad Arabs and Jews can't live side by side like they once did. If they would both kill their egos (especially leadership, on both sides), move forward in thinking and share it we could end the useless bloodshed.

Being a Palestinian myself this has always been a sensitive subject. I have visited Palestine a few times and seen first hand the friendships that can exist between Jews and Arabs.

Unfortunately, the kids grow up, go back to their propaganda, and come back as enemies. Really what is needed for both sides is a huge change in mentality. It's like hypocrisy vs arrogance, it wont get anywhere.

I don't mean to be biased here but a little video of life before 1948 in Israel/Palestine:

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It is really sad Arabs and Jews can't live side by side like they once did. If they would both kill their egos (especially leadership, on both sides), move forward in thinking and share it we could end the useless bloodshed.

Being a Palestinian myself this has always been a sensitive subject. I have visited Palestine a few times and seen first hand the friendships that can exist between Jews and Arabs.

Unfortunately, the kids grow up, go back to their propaganda, and come back as enemies. Really what is needed for both sides is a huge change in mentality. It's like hypocrisy vs arrogance, it wont get anywhere.

I don't mean to be biased here but a little video of life before 1948 in Israel/Palestine:


you want the British Back? or you want the Turks Back? no there's no going back, its the future that needs to be concentrated on not the past. and that video does not represent life pre state of Israel, Its an opinion by a minority yes.


Active Member
you want the British Back? or you want the Turks Back? no there's no going back, its the future that needs to be concentrated on not the past. and that video does not represent life pre state of Israel, Its an opinion by a minority yes.

We are focusing on the future, we look to the past for examples of peace so we can emulate it in the future.


We are focusing on the future, we look to the past for examples of peace so we can emulate it in the future.

be careful there! the past is not all peace how about the pogrom in Iraq in 1776, 1828,1941 or the jews killed in riots in Tripoli in 1945, Cordoba 1011, Granada 1066,1033 in Fez.I am sure i could find more if i tried. Dont give me the golden age of muslim love for Jews. its not all been a bed of roses.
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