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Israel Plans 50,000 New Housing Units on Occupied Territory

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Agnostic Pantheist
Nope. But where else would they go? Isn't it promised to them in their scripture or something?
Israel was born out of a secular movement. there is no need to confuse between some of the traditional ethoses of Jewish society and practical politics and international affairs.
Are you going to address this post aymen amir?

sorry didn't notice it ...

ISRAEL doesn't belong here because its surrounded by Muslim countries and other reasons also such as the fact that ISRAEL doesn't want to make peace with the Palestiens and that it wants to take the whole land ..and they are trying to destroy the AQSA mosque THERE ARE many reasons why ISRAEL doesn't belong here


Premium Member
sorry didn't notice it ...

ISRAEL doesn't belong here because its surrounded by Muslim countries and other reasons also such as the fact that ISRAEL doesn't want to make peace with the Palestiens and that it wants to take the whole land ..and they are trying to destroy the AQSA mosque THERE ARE many reasons why ISRAEL doesn't belong here

Will you admit that the surrounded by Muslim countries argument is void?
Nope. But where else would they go? Isn't it promised to them in their scripture or something?

there were offered a land in UGANDA by England but they refused ... about them being promised the land am looking for a Jew to ask him about a verse from their book which states that


Veteran Member
Lava its not simple but the simple fact is the Hamas Charter represents their ideology and its full of rubbish and hatred:

this is not exactly what i was talking about. i am just saying that if you were born in Gaza as a Palestinian, you may have easily agreed with that kind of statements, you could have been the one of the people who wrote it. IMO we can't possibly know what we would become in the same conditions. therefor i am not willing to look down upon people who's experiencing stuff i'd never experienced in my whole life. they may not have chance to keep balance emotionally but we can. this is why i think it is strange to compare one of us with a Palestinian. we'd probably never know how it feels like to be Palestinian. that's all i am saying. i personally dislike hatred and i find it destructive for both sides. it does matter whom or why you hate. nothing good can come out of it. hate brings more hatred and that's all


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
this is not exactly what i was talking about. i am just saying that if you were born in Gaza as a Palestinian, you may have easily agreed with that kind of statements, you could have been the one of the people who wrote it. IMO we can't possibly know what we would become in the same conditions. therefor i am not willing to look down upon people who's experiencing stuff i'd never experienced in my whole life. they may not have chance to keep balance emotionally but we can. this is why i think it is strange to compare one of us with a Palestinian. we'd probably never know how it feels like to be Palestinian. that's all i am saying. i personally dislike hatred and i find it destructive for both sides. it does matter whom or why you hate. nothing good can come out of it. hate brings more hatred and that's all


I am not looking down on the Palestinian people but i see nothing of any use for any peace ever in their leadership or rather lack of it:

Peaceful Solutions, Initiatives and International Conferences Article Thirteen
The initiatives, the so-called peace solutions, and the international conferences for resolving the Palestinian problem stand in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement, for to neglect any part of Palestine is to neglect part of the Islamic faith. The nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its [Islamic] faith. It is in the light of this principle that its members are educated, and they wage jihad in order to raise the banner of Allah over the homeland.
"And Allah has full control over His affairs; but most people do not know." (Koran, 12:21)
From time to time there are calls to hold an international conference in order to seek a solution for the [Palestinian] problem. Some accept this [proposal] and some reject it, for one reason or another, demanding the fulfillment of some condition or conditions before they agree to hold the conference and participate in it. However, the Islamic Resistance Movement - since it is familiar with the parties participating in the conference and with their past and current positions on the issues of the Muslims - does not believe that these conferences can meet the demands or restore the rights [of the Palestinians], or bring equity to the oppressed. These conferences are nothing but a way to give the infidels power of arbitration over Muslim land, and when have the infidels ever been equitable towards the believers?
"The Jews will never be content with you, nor will the Christians, until you follow their religion. Say: 'The guidance of Allah is the right guidance.' But if you follow their desires after the knowledge which has come to you, then you shall have no protector or guardian from Allah." (Koran, 2:120) There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are a waste of time and a farce. The Palestinian people is far too eminent to have its future, its rights and its destiny toyed with. As stated in the Hadith: "The people of Al-Sha'm are [Allah's] rod in His land. Through them, He wreaks vengeance on whomever He wishes among His servants. The hypocrites among them are not allowed to be superior to the believers among them, and they shall die in grief and distress." (Recorded by Al-Tabarani with a chain of transmitters to Muhammad, and by Ahmad [Ibn Hanbal] with an incomplete chain of transmitters to Muhammad which may be the accurate record, the transmitters in both cases being trustworthy - Allah alone is omniscient).


Well-Known Member
THE JEWS only because they are trying to take over the whole land

The whole land?

You mean all of what the British classified as part of Palestine? Including the entire nation of Jordan?

What of the Arab-Israeli citizens?

It's just all Jews with you.

Do you care what the Arabs do to the Kurds? Do you care what the Arab imperialism, and Afro-Arabs, do to indigenous peoples of Africa? Do you care about the infighting in Yemen?

Doubtful because for you there are Jews nearby!

aymir said:
aren't there any JEWS around here i have some QUESTIONS i need to ask them ???

Why would a Jew want to discuss anything with a small minded racist. For that matter, why do any of us. Now I feel like a fly to .......
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Devotee of the Immaculata
The United Nations has declared Israeli settlements on the West Bank to be illegal. Israel should withdraw from the West Bank completely. The Palestinians deserve a contiguous, autonomous state free of Israeli occupation.


I think that the US is also the highest contributor to aid to the Palestinians.



International Development (USAID) funds programs that help people living in the West Bank and Gaza lead healthier and more productive lives. Since 1994, Palestinians have received more than $2.9 billion in U.S. economic assistance via USAID projects - more than from any other donor country.

We give Israel more than we have given Palestine yearly. Not that this is relevant, I was commenting of the "super country that did so much in 60 years while the other jealous 1.2 billion Arabs still live in sand houses".


this is not exactly what i was talking about. i am just saying that if you were born in Gaza as a Palestinian, you may have easily agreed with that kind of statements, you could have been the one of the people who wrote it. IMO we can't possibly know what we would become in the same conditions. therefor i am not willing to look down upon people who's experiencing stuff i'd never experienced in my whole life. they may not have chance to keep balance emotionally but we can. this is why i think it is strange to compare one of us with a Palestinian. we'd probably never know how it feels like to be Palestinian. that's all i am saying. i personally dislike hatred and i find it destructive for both sides. it does matter whom or why you hate. nothing good can come out of it. hate brings more hatred and that's all


Friday June 26th
I had always felt that to write about Palestine, and the reality -- and often brutality -- of life there, I also have to be there. I have since decided this is not true. There are a number of reasons for my change of heart. First, I watch the news and read the media and am frustrated by some of the interpretation and analysis of current events affecting the region. Second, and more importantly, my nephew was forcibly removed from his home by the Israeli army over three weeks ago.

Amir is currently being held in the notorious Russian Compound (al-Muskubīya) in Jerusalem, under interrogation. He is, along with many thousands of Palestinians, being deprived of his liberty and his rights. He will also be tortured. Torture is routinely used to gain information or confessions. Most often, any information obtained is useless. After all, when you are suffering excruciating pain and mental anguish, you’ll say whatever you think will make them stop.

You may be thinking, what has he done? Amir is a quiet and thoughtful young man who has never been politically active, nor has he ever had any affiliation with any party. Amir’s current situation is fundamentally about a sequence of events over which he had no control. No Palestinian has complete control over anything, especially their own life. The story started a few years ago, when Amir accepted a university place in Tulkarem. If you know the West Bank, you will understand how difficult the relatively short journey between Bethlehem (south of Jerusalem) and Tulkarem (the north) is. Amir’s course was Islamic studies. Within the first week he had been detained and beaten at one of the checkpoints. This happened a few times and after less than a month, Amir quit his studies. Students are regularly targeted for the simple reason that Israel fears an educated Palestinian population.

The Israelis are very good at gathering and compiling data on Palestinians. And so, because of his checkpoint experiences, Amir’s record is likely to indicate that he as an “Islamic sympathiser”. A few years passed, and the tension between Fatah and Hamas in the West Bank increased. The Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority started a campaign of harassment against members, or alleged members of Hamas. Amir’s home was raided by the PA and he was detained for a few days of “questioning”. I have no doubt that the techniques used by the PA do not differ much from those used by the Israelis. Amir was subsequently detained on a number of occasions over the following two years.

It is also likely that someone, maybe another innocent Palestinian unable to bear the horror of torture, said Amir’s name to make them stop. Or maybe it was a collaborator who had no information to give but their handler was demanding something from them. It happens more often than you might think.

And so, this sequence of events has led to Amir’s imprisonment. There is no doubt that what he is experiencing now will affect him for the rest of his life: he’ll never be the same person again. Who knows how anyone can accept being the target of groundless accusations and suffer physical and mental abuse. I know many Palestinians who have been through this, time and time again. Most rarely speak about it, especially with one another. Often this is because they know that all their friends have suffered in similar way, so why should they make a fuss about it? What’s the point of discussing something that is such an integral -- and abnormally normal -- part of every day life? "

Life in Palestine



International Development (USAID) funds programs that help people living in the West Bank and Gaza lead healthier and more productive lives. Since 1994, Palestinians have received more than $2.9 billion in U.S. economic assistance via USAID projects - more than from any other donor country.

We give Israel more than we have given Palestine yearly. Not that this is relevant, I was commenting of the "super country that did so much in 60 years while the other jealous 1.2 billion Arabs still live in sand houses".

Well i suggest that if a political solution was determined and the Violence was rejected the aid flowing in to the Palestinians from the US and the west would be increased greatly. The Arabs have been let down by their own governments for decades. The perception of Israe as the enemy of Islaml and the Evils of the west serve those governments well. There is no military solution to this problem.


Well i suggest that if a political solution was determined and the Violence was rejected the aid flowing in to the Palestinians from the US and the west would be increased greatly. The Arabs have been let down by their own governments for decades.

Then you could possibly understand that never have given money and arms to either sides would have been the best viable solution in the first place.\

And I've aware that all governments are evil kai; I thought you knew this about me.

The perception of Israe as the enemy of Islaml and the Evils of the west serve those governments well.

Yea, and the perception of Israel of a god-endowed purely ethical institution and the idea that every single Muslim is bomb strapped and blood hungry serves the funneling of money into a neo-liberal war-dependent economy for a few CEO's with no bid contracts.

There is no military solution to this problem.


Then you could possibly understand that never have given money and arms to either sides would have been the best viable solution in the first place
Hindsight , The original idea was to have two states Israel and Jordan the Arab regimes didn't want this and started a war that has never really ended.

And I've aware that all governments are evil kai; I thought you knew this about me. OK some are more evil then others though eh?

Yea, and the perception of Israel of a god-endowed purely ethical institution and the idea that every single Muslim is bomb strapped and blood hungry serves the funneling of money into a neo-liberal war-dependent economy for a few CEO's with no bid contracts.
Thats not Not my perception


I believe the solution is the total condemnation of Violence by Palestinian leaders the giving up of arms. the recognition of the state of Israel and then and only then will the Israelis be on the back foot.I also believe that, that option is unthinkable to Arab leaders and Hamas who are really more interested in Israel than they are Palestinians.


I believe the solution is the total condemnation of Violence by Palestinian leaders the giving up of arms. the recognition of the state of Israel and then and only then will the Israelis be on the back foot.I also believe that, that option is unthinkable to Arab leaders and Hamas who are really more interested in Israel than they are Palestinians.

That's fine, but Israel has to stop building settlements and tear down the wall, treating civilian Palestinians like ****.
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