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It is possible that Jesus sinned.


Da man, when I walk thru!
Jesus' role seems to be that of a revolutionary..

He consorted with people who normally the upper crust or priestly elements would not be caught with... prostitutes, tax collectors, etc.

He healed on the Sabbath ..

He drove out the money changers and sellers of animals for sacrifice in the precincts of the Temple...

He was "unclean" for going inside a tomb and allowing certain women to touch Him...

At the same time He was sinless...

Another good point is that sin can be qualified as a transgression against religious or moral law according to the definition I cited above, and according to Jewish law at the time, he voilated almost every Jewish law there was lol, it's all subjective to your personal definition of sin.


St. James VII
He didn't come to judge and God judges no human. But he does judge? Strange teachings almost like lying to cover yer butt?

I don't think God judges us, but rather that he makes judgment calls. I believe that when we die, our soul is tested for purity, and from that testing, a judgement is made about whether we are ready and/or prepared for the kingdom. Everyone does not go to heaven after they die.

For example: The rich man died and was buried, and while being in the place of departed souls [Hades], he found himself in torments. The Greek term for torments is basanos, which literally means to test ... like testing the purity of gold and silver. The rich man's soul (inner being) was being tested for purity.

The lesson in the story of the rich man and Lazarus was simply that the testing of our souls determines whether we will be accepted into God's everlasting kingdom or not. The rich man lacked what was necessary to enter into the kingdom.


: to regard (someone) as either good or bad

God doesn't make the above type of judgments. He only judges our spiritual purity, whereby we will or we won't be given access to his kingdom.
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Premium Member
Yep and Jesus didn't judge (condemn) any prostitutes, thieves, adulterers either. So if you do any more then those you are SOL.

Forgive my ignorance, but what does SOL mean?

I try my best to not condemn anyone (at least with words). I don't believe that judge means the same thing as condemn. I wouldn't be able to condemn someone even if were to want to, but everyone judges. Jesus said that we would be judged the same way we judge others and He told us to worry about what we are doing rather than worry about what others are doing. (The whole command of the log in your own eye and the splinter in your brother's eye).
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Active Member
Forgive my ignorance, but what does SOL mean?

I try my best to not condemn anyone (at least with words). I don't believe that judge means the same thing as condemn. I wouldn't be able to condemn someone even if were to want to, but everyone judges. Jesus said that we would be judged the same way we judge others and He told us to worry about what we are doing rather than worry about what others are doing. (The whole command of the log in your own eye and the splinter in your brother's eye).
something out of luck;)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
One of my favorite sites is Debate.org which is conducted by rounds and follows rules of formality by which a vote is cast by viewers to determine who won the particular debate using a point system.

I came across one questioning as to whither Jesus had sinned or not recorded in multiple scriptural texts. The winner of this particular series of rounds was the con taking the position that Jesus did not sin according to the works written about him. However I felt the debate fell short. The debate can be viewed here.......

Debate Argument: Jesus Sinned! | Debate.org

Personally I think there were instances where Jesus sinned on the pro side, yet the con came up with some counterpoints to refute some of the assertions but not all. This particular debate was won by default wheras pro cut the exchange short.

Do you agree or disagree with this debate?
Pro didn't even set up the argument correctly. Sin isn't "breaking any of the 613 commandments..." Sin is separation from God. In the old Covenant, Jews kept the Law as an act of uniting with God. When Jesus refuted and broke some of the Law, the religious authorities were unable to find that he had committed any wrongdoing, based upon Jesus' interpretation of the Law, which was based, not upon adherence to the letter, but upon loving God and loving neighbor. Only by using an interpretation that falls short of the intent of the Law can one conclude that Jesus "sinned."

Further, since Jesus is God, Jesus cannot, by definition, separate from himself.

Pro was an epic fail from the start.


Well-Known Member
I don't think God judges us, but rather that he makes judgment calls. I believe that when we die, our soul is tested for purity, and from that testing, a judgement is made about whether we are ready and/or prepared for the kingdom. Everyone does not go to heaven after they die.

For example: The rich man died and was buried, and while being in the place of departed souls [Hades], he found himself in torments. The Greek term for torments is basanos, which literally means to test ... like testing the purity of gold and silver. The rich man's soul (inner being) was being tested for purity.

The lesson in the story of the rich man and Lazarus was simply that the testing of our souls determines whether we will be accepted into God's everlasting kingdom or not. The rich man lacked what was necessary to enter into the kingdom.


: to regard (someone) as either good or bad

God doesn't make the above type of judgments. He only judges our spiritual purity, whereby we will or we won't be given access to his kingdom.

You wanna be judged all the time from Bible Stories then Go For It. Be Judged.


Well-Known Member
Forgive my ignorance, but what does SOL mean?

I try my best to not condemn anyone (at least with words). I don't believe that judge means the same thing as condemn. I wouldn't be able to condemn someone even if were to want to, but everyone judges. Jesus said that we would be judged the same way we judge others and He told us to worry about what we are doing rather than worry about what others are doing. (The whole command of the log in your own eye and the splinter in your brother's eye).

Nobody said you judged anyone. Christians are always on the defensive of bible scriptures. What makes you think you have the only teaching or interpretations?
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Veteran Member
Yes Jesus did sin, if he didn't, then how could he ever be an example for us, he then would have one over us being the son of god and all. Sin is simply being of target, the center of the target is our true Essence, the Christ Consciousness, Jesus became the Christ, he transended from his carnal self just like you and I can. Sin isn't a dirty word, we do it it all the time, just like an archer with his bow and arrows, sometimes he misses the target, sometimes hes doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Yes Jesus did sin, if he didn't, then how could he ever be an example for us, he then would have one over us being the son of god and all. Sin is simply being of target, the center of the target is our true Essence, the Christ Consciousness, Jesus became the Christ, he transended from his carnal self just like you and I can. Sin isn't a dirty word, we do it it all the time, just like an archer with his bow and arrows, sometimes he misses the target, sometimes hes doesn't.

But the point of Christian teaching is Jesus was and is God. He cant sin, yet demands sinning humans to follow him ( really it's the Christian religion that demands it, they made up the stories). Get it? A story about a God/Man that no man can follow. But he was sacrificed for mans sins so man doesn't have to follow but just have faith. None of it makes any sense.


New Member
Jesus was killed for a reason. Crucification was a punishment used only for the worst of criminals of the time. Think about it, why would the son of "God" have been executed in such a manner if he was such a great person. What could he have possibly done wrong? This prompts us to think that perhaps Jesus did commit a crime or a sin, because Jesus certainly didn't die for us or anything remotely similar to this. It is not like Jesus was murdered, Jesus was tried and executed by the state. Perhaps he wasn't as good a person as many are led to believe.


Veteran Member
But the point of Christian teaching is Jesus was and is God. He cant sin, yet demands sinning humans to follow him ( really it's the Christian religion that demands it, they made up the stories). Get it? A story about a God/Man that no man can follow. But he was sacrificed for mans sins so man doesn't have to follow but just have faith. None of it makes any sense.

Yes I sure do get it, but i do see a great metaphor in the story which has nothing to do with Christianity, as if they own the rights to the story lol.


Doubting Thomas
Jesus was killed for a reason. Crucification was a punishment used only for the worst of criminals of the time. Think about it, why would the son of "God" have been executed in such a manner if he was such a great person. What could he have possibly done wrong? This prompts us to think that perhaps Jesus did commit a crime or a sin, because Jesus certainly didn't die for us or anything remotely similar to this. It is not like Jesus was murdered, Jesus was tried and executed by the state. Perhaps he wasn't as good a person as many are led to believe.

So the State always executes bad guys.
