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It is possible that Jesus sinned.


Well-Known Member
That is irrelevant. I mentioned that a lot of non-Christians tell me how to me how to follow my faith in a different thread and it's true. I never said that all non-Christians know nothing about my faith, I actually said the opposite in another post which you totally ignored.

Why on earth are you taking those posts so personally? I wasn't directing them at you and I wasn't even directing them at the people I quoted (which I explained).

I'll repeat some of what I said about it: 1. My mother, when she was an atheist, knew the Bible incredibly well. 2. Some atheists and other non-Christians know the Bible BETTER than some Christians.

Please, stop making judgments about me from a few posts.

Any public post will be judged on how one is to answer. Non Christians Knowing the bible better then some Christians makes wonder why some Christians still claim to be Christians then. But I know that answer. Christianity is no longer based on the teachings of Jesus in the Bible. That's why none of the things he did are repeated by Christians. AKA raising the dead, walking on water, healing all sickness. Ya see following Yeshua includes performing those duties, which Christians for some reason forget.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Christianity is no longer based on the teachings of Jesus in the Bible.
Xy never was "based on the teachings of Jesus in the bible." The first Christians didn't have the teachings of Jesus written in the bible. Nor could most of them read.
Before you begin to judge, perhaps you'd better get a better grip on what you're judging...
Just a suggestion...


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right! Xy isn't "about" theology, although well-grounded theology helps us to understand what we are "about." And, even though Xy isn't "about theology," the question of whether Jesus could have sinned is a purely theological question. So, my comment was completely cogent to the topic up for debate, while yours here...

is not.

Even though I do agree with you, with some caveat. Xy is about relationships (IOW, "insiders and outsiders"). But I'm not the one drawing the distinction between the two -- "insiders and outsiders" -- at least not in the way it appears you're suggesting. You see, when people abide in community, they make meaning of their lives together (each individual providing one "thread," the combination of "threads" creating a "tapestry" that has meaning beyond the individual "strands." That's what I was talking about when I mentioned the "context"in which teachings are grounded. So long as "threads" are interwoven, meaning can be made of the relationship between them. One cannot stand outside a relationship, however, where her or his "strand" is not interwoven and comment on the meaning that is made within a relationship. Therefore, unless you choose be in relationship with those of us who foster the teachings, you have no hope of being able to aptly criticize the meaning that we, as Xtians, make together. It's not a matter of "we know something you don't" (as it appears your post is accusing us of). Rather, it's a matter of, "you don't want a relationship, so there's simply no meaning to be made."

It goes well beyond simply critiquing the teachings, themselves, as I've mentioned, because the teachings are teachings of relationship, or context. And that relationship must be taken under consideration if the teachings are to be adequately critiqued.

Wow, how many years of seminary did it take you to say the above? Jesus didn't say any of that. He just healed who asked him, ate with anyone who invited him, drank with anyone thirsty and most of all went out to the people and after he taught them sent them on their way without even having and alter call or taking up a collection. He was so simple even cave men knew it.


Well-Known Member
Xy never was "based on the teachings of Jesus in the bible." The first Christians didn't have the teachings of Jesus written in the bible. Nor could most of them read.
Before you begin to judge, perhaps you'd better get a better grip on what you're judging...
Just a suggestion...

I'll judge and criticize how I see to. Your exclusivity includes me before we start.


Premium Member
Any public post will be judged on how one is to answer. Non Christians Knowing the bible better then some Christians makes wonder why some Christians still claim to be Christians then. But I know that answer. Christianity is no longer based on the teachings of Jesus in the Bible. That's why none of the things he did are repeated by Christians. AKA raising the dead, walking on water, healing all sickness. Ya see following Yeshua includes performing those duties, which Christians for some reason forget.

I see Christians not only knowing the teachings of Jesus and actually following the words of Jesus daily. I am not sure why you mention walking on water, healing the dead, etc. Those were Jesus' miracles, not what He told us to follow. I don't recall Jesus saying "You need to walk on water" or "You need to raise the dead". What He did say is for us to do was to not condemn, to love others, to love God, etc. Which is what we do.

Lastly, it isn't right to take what someone says in one debate and apply to another debate, in my opinion. It also isn't right to take a statement by someone and change it to mean something the person did not truly say, in my view. :foot:


Premium Member
Wow, how many years of seminary did it take you to say the above? Jesus didn't say any of that. He just healed who asked him, ate with anyone who invited him, drank with anyone thirsty and most of all went out to the people and after he taught them sent them on their way without even having and alter call or taking up a collection. He was so simple even cave men knew it.

Post the verse where it says that we had to do all that Jesus did, please.


Well-Known Member
I see Christians not only knowing the teachings of Jesus and actually following the words of Jesus daily. I am not sure why you mention walking on water, healing the dead, etc. Those were Jesus' miracles, not what He told us to follow. I don't recall Jesus saying "You need to walk on water" or "You need to raise the dead". What He did say is for us to do was to not condemn, to love others, to love God, etc. Which is what we do.

Lastly, it isn't right to take what someone says in one debate and apply to another debate, in my opinion. It also isn't right to take a statement by someone and change it to mean something the person did not truly say, in my view. :foot:

So you cant do any miracles even though Jesus said his followers would do greater works then he? OK


Premium Member
So you cant do any miracles even though Jesus said his followers would do greater works then he? OK
Let's just end this by saying my idea of being a Christians is apparently much different than yours. I don't see the benefit of going around in circles.


Well-Known Member
Let's just end this by saying my idea of being a Christians is apparently much different than yours. I don't see the benefit of going around in circles.

Well you've never posted your ideas. You just claim to follow Yeshua and I just read what he supposedly said in The Holy Bible.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Wow, how many years of seminary did it take you to say the above? Jesus didn't say any of that. He just healed who asked him, ate with anyone who invited him, drank with anyone thirsty and most of all went out to the people and after he taught them sent them on their way without even having and alter call or taking up a collection. He was so simple even cave men knew it.
In fact, Jesus did say it. "Love your neighbor as yourself." "Love your enemies." "Anyone who does the will of my father is brother and sister and mother." "Go out and make "us" out of "them."
and to those who refused to become intertwined with him he said, "It is as if I never knew you."

...in fact, we do the same thing: eat and drink with any with whom we connect, show them love, hospitality and acceptance, and send them on their way. No altar call. In fact, our table is open to all -- even those who don't believe, or who have failed to follow.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I'll judge and criticize how I see to. Your exclusivity includes me before we start.
Of course you will.

But you'd better know right off the bat that I'm far, far, far from "exclusivity." You wanna make community? Fine. We'll make community. But it ain't gonna be on your terms -- or mine. Community comes about through mutuality and consensus.;)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Well you've never posted your ideas. You just claim to follow Yeshua and I just read what he supposedly said in The Holy Bible.
The church isn't found "in the bible." The church is the community, and the community was built before the bible was available. So, if you're looking for the church to be "in the bible," it's no wonder you're not finding it. The church is in the here and now. "Just [reading] what he supposedly said in the Holy Bible" ain't gonna cut it.


Well-Known Member
Of course you will.

But you'd better know right off the bat that I'm far, far, far from "exclusivity." You wanna make community? Fine. We'll make community. But it ain't gonna be on your terms -- or mine. Community comes about through mutuality and consensus.;)

I do it every day when I'm out without the label of Christian.


Premium Member
The church isn't found "in the bible." The church is the community, and the community was built before the bible was available. So, if you're looking for the church to be "in the bible," it's no wonder you're not finding it. The church is in the here and now. "Just [reading] what he supposedly said in the Holy Bible" ain't gonna cut it.

Yes, that's exactly it. I wish I was as good with words as you are. :)

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
God allowed the devil to tempt Jesus, which suggests that he was indeed capable of sin (otherwise such tests would have been useless). So it is "possible" that Jesus sinned. However, in addition to the fact that there is no scriptural account of him committing any sins, to do so would completely invalidate his sacrifice on the cross on behalf of all mankind. If Jesus sinned, then he DIDN'T save humanity because only a sinless man could atone for everyone else's sins. If he sinned, then he'd be no better than any of the rest of us; he'd be unqualified to be our judge.

"could atone for everyone else's sins"? Three facts you've missed.
1. Prior to Jesus' crucifixion he said "When he comes he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin" So there is at least one sin his crucifixion did not resolve.
2. To obey the Acts 2:38 command at least one sin had to be repented of to be saved. Which one?
3. "For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous." Rom. 2:13 What is the law you must obey to be declared righteous by God?
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