secularism can be pretty opressive for true believers
Secularism is not your problem. Secularists created freedom of and from religion. Look at the history of the pilgrims, who emigrated from a government that they believed were oppressing them only to start colonies of varies dominant denominations of Christianity that established official religions of their own and limited religious freedom for those not with the majority. The American Constitution prevents that.
What you are likely perceiving as oppression is religion being limited to its believers, who generally want to impose their beliefs on others just as the colonists did and the Church of England that they were fleeing did. Christians want to put prayer into public schools, teach creationism in their science classes, establish Christian monuments on government building and spaces, forbid same sex marriage, and forbid abortion.
You're not being oppressed by being thwarted in your effort to oppress others. You are still free to believe as you like, pray around your tables, read scripture alone or in groups, meet regularly in private spaces to reinforce your faith, evangelize, engage in rituals such as baptism, wear religious icons around your neck, and put religious bumper stickers on your car.
If that's not religious freedom enough, then you are asking for too much. For too long, the church has taken liberties piercing the church-state veil, and only now, is feeling the blowback for getting undeserved tax breaks and inserting religion into the public space as with prayers opening congressional sessions. Christianity deeply resented the removal of prayer from the public schools, where it never belonged in the first place.
"The problem with being privileged your whole life is that because you have had that privilege for so long, equality starts to look like oppression." - Mark Caddo