Consider Nicodemus, teacher of Israel, smart dude, asked Jesus how to enter kingdom of heaven. Jesus told Nicodemus he can't help him, that he must be born again. Nicodemus said how can man enter the womb a second time? The point Jesus was trying to make was that we can no more control the time and place of our second birth than we can out first birth, God and God alone is responsible for that transformation. There is no real estate change between the kingdom of heaven and hell, it's here and now, those who believe that God is in control are on the shady side, those who don't are on the sunny side to varying degrees. If God isn't in control then who? You? Demons? The devil? That's the point Jesus was trying to make in his ministries, in my opinion. And because everything according to god's perfect plan, no harm no foul whichever side your are currently on, I believe everyone will come to that realization and no one will be lost, least of all because of what you think you chose to believe.
Bet I catch flack from that, best refill my glass, right?