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It's true; fake news is a problem.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
CNN wrongly accused Covington Catholic High School student and MAGA cap wearing Nick Sandmann of being rude and racist towards native American elder Nathan Phillips when it was in fact Nathan Phillips who had approached Nick Sandmann against whom Nathan Phillips was acting confrontational and belligerent towards the young Trump supporter .

Reference: January 2019 Lincoln Memorial confrontation - Wikipedia

Yes. I had even commented on this back when it broke.


Wonder why you aren't hearing much about those Muslim kids in Pennsylvania singing about beheading people.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Why lie about it? You can actually see it in the real world.
Yes, look at how this poor Norwegian boy has to make an improvised gas mask to protect himself against toxic lutefisk fumes:



It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
The truth is Socialism works in a lot of European countries that have a higher standard of living than the USA. Can't lie about that.

That's a myth, because no Western European countries are socialist. They are all Capitalist. And they don't have a higher standard of living. I lived in Germany for 5 years. Most homes (lower and middle class) don't have A.C., dryers, kitchen appliances (dishwashers, stoves, refrigerators). Taxes are insanely high, you can forget about freedom of speech, heck you can get arrested for telling a joke.....

No thanks I'll stick with the good old U.S.

What I question is if socialism is so great how come the people that want it, just move to a socialist country? Go learn the language, move there, and take advantage of, then be apart of the socialism you so much love. Surely they would accept you with open arms. :D

Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Obviously not the Mueller report implicitly clears him on collusion..

Actually? It does the exact opposite: It literally paves the way TO indictment, for other agencies to follow. The list of tЯump's criminal and treasonous actions are listed. At last count, 23 counts of obstruction alone.

If a b.j. was enough to impeach Clinton? 23 counts of deliberate obstruction of Justice ought to be sufficient to put him in jail where he belongs.
If he's guilty of rape how come he's not in jail?.

Seriously? The rape crime system is absolutely broken-- there are hundreds of thousands of rape kits in various police stations-- UNTESTED. Because the USA has a culture of rape-apologizers.

It is fueled by hypocritical "christians" among other reasons.

Moreover? The Filthy Rich never-- EVER face actual rape charges. Unless, you know, you are a person of Color....

Obviously he's been accused, but anyone can accuse anything..


Innocent until proven guilty is how this works in the U.S. not guilt based on "feelings".

The nasty tЯump's guilt is On Record-- pay offs alone, prove his guilt. Stormy Daniels-- THE ONLY PERSON tЯump EVER PAID WHO WAS QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB.

Some self reflection is in order. Trump was a Democrat for the past 40 years..

So freaking what?

He only became a Republican shortly before 2016 election just to get a nomination from a party..



Of course he wasn't a racist when he was a democrat... .

Actually? HE WAS. He has ALWAYS been a member of the KKK-- his daddy was one of the leaders...

odd. Here is Oprah asking if Trump would consider running for President. She wasn't overly concerned about his "racism" then.

Don't give a flying fig what "opera" the Attention Hound, has to say-- don't watch HIGHLY EDITED youtubes.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Except Fox News has a long, well documented history of distortion and dishonesty. Again, not saying that other networks haven't been guilty of it, but the proportions are measurable and verifiable. Also, a a lot of times when someone squeals "fake news", it's only because it was an unfavorable report rather than something that was actually inaccurate/misleading. It's creepy and disturbing how so many idolize and hero worship Trump as if he were incapable of misdeeds or failure.
Is there objective quantitative analysis for this claim?
I ask because I continually hear it from those who hate
Fox News, making it an attractive thing to believe.
So I'm skeptical.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So Trump was right, fake news is a problem
A prime example was NPR's article portraying Trump as Hitler.
Most liberals cannot see how it's fake because it's just too
compelling for them to believe. And their primary tool, prevarication,
gives plausible deniability of lying. To state some real facts with an
intent to mislead is still dishonest.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
It was an interesting article on one fake news creator, maybe a very big creator, in the fake news industry.

I found one point most interesting above all. He knows the target demographic where fake news has the biggest impact and makes the most money. The same group that makes mega-millionaire ministers and uses conspiracy theories to make political decisions. This is reflected in the very successful examples that were provided.

It is a shame that these people can be so easily reached with lies, but have completely protected themselves from the objective truth.

Politics aside, Coler is a businessman and fake news is lucrative business. History is full of those that have capitalized on that fact, whether on the left or on the right. What does not seem to change is the group that responds so well and predictably to it no matter what direction it comes from.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
A prime example was NPR's article portraying Trump as Hitler.
Most liberals cannot see how it's fake because it's just too
compelling for them to believe. And their primary tool, prevarication,
gives plausible deniability of lying. To state some real facts with an
intent to mislead is still dishonest.
It is irrational, but there are some interesting parallels of playing on nationalism, fear and the use of propaganda. Finding targets to demonize is probably easier now than it was 75 years ago.

A good example of one fake news story that did successfully target the left.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
Is there objective quantitative analysis for this claim?
I ask because I continually hear it from those who hate
Fox News, making it an attractive thing to believe.
So I'm skeptical.
I know of examples of Fox News creating fake news spread out over the years, but I do not know of any studies that have been conducted and reported. Though, I would be surprised if there are not a few out there.

Didn't they win court approval to be able to report lies or is that an urban myth?