Every time I've ventured into a church (or have seen/heard) a precher preaching, the sermon always ends the same way -- asking me (or anyone) to come forward and (basically) agree that accepting Jesus is the *ONLY* way to salvation (and yes, the word ONLY is EMPHASIZED every time).
And every time, I'm sittin' there thinking -- 'nope - no can do -- sorry preacher guy.' I simply will not / cannot agree that the Jesus path is the *ONLY* way to 'salvation.' Because by doing so, I am (basically) saying that the 'other' guys have it all wrong. I cannot agree to that concept. It tanints the whole organization.
I've been to a Methodist church a couple of times that had NO talk whatsoever of exclusivity, hell, damnation, etc. AT ALL. My girlfriend, who used to be a Christian who attended that church, tells me that they never spoke of it in the past.
PS: You're welcome. ^_^ I look forward to further discussions (including this one.)