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I've NEVER been able to get a straight answer on this + it BUGS me!...


Well-Known Member
Ok, this has to do with 'religious exclusivity.'

Each religion claims it is the *ONLY* way to salvation?

How can that be?

I cannot join a religion that forces me to believe that all other 'paths' lead to damnation.

That's huberis -- no?

How can a Christian sit down across a table from a Jew -- and get along just fine -- but all the while, between smiles, the Christian is THINKING (about the Jew), "Umm, you're a nice guy -- but you do know you're going straight to hell, right?" (because Christians believe their way is the ***ONLY*** way to salvation) -- and the Jew is thinking the same thing about the Christian (?)

That 'exclusivity' aspect of organized religions is something I CANNOT get past! And it seems to be an integral part of (at least) Christianity. Further, Christianity asks followers to reach out and 'save' others. So, in the above encounter, the Christian would be compeled to 'save' the Jew from himself! -- Because the Jew's religion falls outside the "*ONLY*" correct path (accepting Jesus as one's ONLY savior). In other words, the Jew's beliefs are 'wrong.' Or at least 'misguided.'

I can't bring myself to believe that perspective is correct!

Please advise.


Frankly, I do not know what a JEW believes. There are 'Messianic" JEWS who are fully convinced that JESUS was the CHRIST/MESSIAH. They believe one is saved by faith (provided by the HOLY SPIRIT) in the atonement provided through their MESSIAH, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Now, the Old Testament Hebrew (BELIEVER) would sacrafice an animal that they knew would not save them but pointed to an atonement GOD would one day provide to cover their sins. Of course, there were those among the Hebrews who were clueless and simply went along with ceremony because that is what was "expected" by their forefathers.

Personally, I do not believe all Hebrews were ever saved. GOD looks on the heart. Today, JEWs do not even have a temple. They have not performed even what the LAW dictated ---------- much less understanding it.

I do witness to JEWS and I love them. I believe they need salvation and that salvation has come through the MESSIAH -------- which was JESUS. There is not other sacrafice equal to HIS.


Higher and Higher
Now, the Old Testament Hebrew (BELIEVER) would sacrafice an animal that they knew would not save them but pointed to an atonement GOD would one day provide to cover their sins. Of course, there were those among the Hebrews who were clueless and simply went along with ceremony because that is what was "expected" by their forefathers.

Personally, I do not believe all Hebrews were ever saved. GOD looks on the heart. Today, JEWs do not even have a temple. They have not performed even what the LAW dictated ---------- much less understanding it.

I do witness to JEWS and I love them. I believe they need salvation and that salvation has come through the MESSIAH -------- which was JESUS. There is not other sacrafice equal to HIS.

This is an offensive reading of Israelite sacrificial religion, and an offensive attitude toward Jews. Please keep your religion to yourself, and do not attempt to convert us to yours. You notice that we give you that courtesy.


Well-Known Member
True! People who worship money, may choose to steal it or work very hard for it.

People who worship sex might visit brothels, ruin their health, cheat on their spouses, etc...

People who worship amusment, may spend all their time and wealth seeking temporal pleasures, or they may just go for a walk in the woods.

People who worship nothing spend all their time on these forums.
This is an offensive reading of Israelite sacrificial religion, and an offensive attitude toward Jews. Please keep your religion to yourself, and do not attempt to convert us to yours. You notice that we give you that courtesy.

Hear, hear!
When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. Hosea 11:1.