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I've NEVER been able to get a straight answer on this + it BUGS me!...


Higher and Higher
Each religion claims it is the *ONLY* way to salvation?

(raises hand) Um...ours doesn't....

Judaism teaches that it is the proper path for Jews. We expect that other people will have their own ways of worshipping God, which are appropriate for them. We're actually even forbidden to proselytize. We don't even believe in "salvation." We just believe in Jews following the commandments, and everyone else worshipping God in their own way, and generally behaving themselves like decent people between each other.

I'm just sayin'....


Well-Known Member
Ok, this has to do with 'religious exclusivity.'

Each religion claims it is the *ONLY* way to salvation?

How can that be?

I cannot join a religion that forces me to believe that all other 'paths' lead to damnation.

That's huberis -- no?

How can a Christian sit down across a table from a Jew -- and get along just fine -- but all the while, between smiles, the Christian is THINKING (about the Jew), "Umm, you're a nice guy -- but you do know you're going straight to hell, right?" (because Christians believe their way is the ***ONLY*** way to salvation) -- and the Jew is thinking the same thing about the Christian (?)

That 'exclusivity' aspect of organized religions is something I CANNOT get past! And it seems to be an integral part of (at least) Christianity. Further, Christianity asks followers to reach out and 'save' others. So, in the above encounter, the Christian would be compeled to 'save' the Jew from himself! -- Because the Jew's religion falls outside the "*ONLY*" correct path (accepting Jesus as one's ONLY savior). In other words, the Jew's beliefs are 'wrong.' Or at least 'misguided.'

I can't bring myself to believe that perspective is correct!

Please advise.


It is a human trait, birds of feather flock together, and every flock believes they are exclusively right.

Now we atheism throwing their hat in the ring and saying, follow me, follow me, religion leads to damnation, we have the way of truth, and the way which is right.

I would suggest if you don't like the rest, be a religion to yourself and follow your own belief. It has just as much chance of being right as any other.


Hostis humani generis
As others have said, that's a very broad brush you're painting religions with. Sadly this is quite a common practice.

Not all religions believe they are the only way, some not even "the best" way - you will find many who don't. Not all religions believe in "believe or perish" - not all faiths have an emphasis on an afterlife. Some have reincarnation. Some are universal, everyone will go to Heaven eventually.

If you don't want to believe that God sends people to hell based on their religious choices, then don't.

You may want to check out Eastern and Pagan (and maybe Universalism and Unitarian Universalism) religions, as others have said. If you were that way inclined, you could find some Christians who aren't exclusive, especially liberal Christian groups.

Hope this helps. Oh, and welcome to RF. :)


Well-Known Member
The answer to the question "Why does every religion claim to be the only way?" is in fact very simple!

ALL the great religions are in fact stages in a single continually-evolving faith, the Faith of God! And as such, they ALL contain truth for their own day and are thus the only way for that Age!

I can provide you quotes from five or six religions all making this same "only way" statement if you like.

And the differences between them are a matter of changing circumstances from Age to Age, as this quote from my scriptures states:

"There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God. The difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed. All of them, except a few which are the outcome of human perversity, were ordained of God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. Arise and, armed with the power of faith, shatter to pieces the gods of your vain imaginings, the sowers of dissension amongst you. Cleave unto that which draweth you together and uniteth you."

—(The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, p. 114;
also Gleanings, CXI, pp. 217-8)

So now you have your answer.

Best! :)


Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Are you building on what I've said, or attempting to argue with it? It may be the case that Hinduism grants equal credence to all religions (and I'll trust you on this point, that it does), but this doesn't at all deter from what I'm getting at. "Exponents of all faiths mirror each other's convictions," I said. Even if Hindus don't think Christians or Muslims necessarily have it wrong, by choosing Hinduism over Christianity and Islam, they've displayed the same preference towards Hinduism that the Christian has about Christianity, and the Muslim, Islam, and still believe that they've chosen one of the correct paths. In simpler terms, every religious person thinks they've got it right, whether or not they embrace the possibility of other "rights" is irrelevant.

It is not that way at all. Hinduism is seen as a methodology to realize truth. Every person has a different personality, they are from different cultures,so they have different needs. My path is correct for me and might be wrong for you.

There might be a mixing of the paths also.
A Hindu might worship Christ and Krishna at same time. If a Christian makes sense to me I believe it and I incorporate it into my belief system. Many Hindu ideas have come from Buddhism. It is not as cut and dry as you seem to think.


Well-Known Member
Every great popular religion has claimed to be the only way, because that's the best way to get new recruits! Its called the "carrot and stick" approach. The carrot is eternal "life" (which they are safe in promising, as its after you are dead and nobody has yet come back for a refund), and the stick is "hell and damnation", or just eternal torment by them if you dont convert in this life.:preach:


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Well, okay, just the ones aiming at world domination. :angel2:
Which is two, maybe, when addes to the "great and popular" standard you set earlier. There are many, many other paths.

To the OP, please don't judge all religion by conservative Christianity. As has been pointed out to you, not every faith has such teachings. They're not even universal to Christianity.

Someone upthread recommended you look into UU. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. :)


Veteran Member
There are only many paths to a supposed god if there is one.

Often people used the illustration of the spokes of a wagon wheel all leading to the same direction. But in comparison with Jesus teachings at Matthew (7:13,14,22,23) all spokes (paths) do not lead to the same direction.

Psalm 119:105 says the Scriptures are like a lamp (flashlight) to our feet.
A light (Headlight) to our path or roadway. But first we have to turn on the switch.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Often people used the illustration of the spokes of a wagon wheel all leading to the same direction. But in comparison with Jesus teachings at Matthew (7:13,14,22,23) all spokes (paths) do not lead to the same direction.

An indication that, while he may have been exposed to Eastern philosophies, he didn't actually follow them.



I'm sure many people are going through the same inner battle over this issue. It's a hurdle that is keeping my spiritual 'lobe' in arrested development! If I can truly get past it, I would be grateful! A logjam would vanish.
It's thoughts like that that cause you suffering. If you don't mind me saying, what you should do is discover who you are and then you will have all the answers you need. Zazen (sitting meditation) is good for learning who and what you really are. If you're lucky you'll learn that we are all one and it doesn’t matter who follows what religion. Zazen is an aspect of Zen Buddhism and Zen Buddhism is more a philosophy for life than a religion - it teaches the art of living. Perhaps some inner exploration would help you to see beyond the human condition and all the available religions. Check out something called 'The Big Mind', that might give you some food for thought.
Ok, this has to do with 'religious exclusivity.'

Each religion claims it is the *ONLY* way to salvation?

How can that be?

I cannot join a religion that forces me to believe that all other 'paths' lead to damnation.

That's huberis -- no?

How can a Christian sit down across a table from a Jew -- and get along just fine -- but all the while, between smiles, the Christian is THINKING (about the Jew), "Umm, you're a nice guy -- but you do know you're going straight to hell, right?" (because Christians believe their way is the ***ONLY*** way to salvation) -- and the Jew is thinking the same thing about the Christian (?)

That 'exclusivity' aspect of organized religions is something I CANNOT get past! And it seems to be an integral part of (at least) Christianity. Further, Christianity asks followers to reach out and 'save' others. So, in the above encounter, the Christian would be compeled to 'save' the Jew from himself! -- Because the Jew's religion falls outside the "*ONLY*" correct path (accepting Jesus as one's ONLY savior). In other words, the Jew's beliefs are 'wrong.' Or at least 'misguided.'

I can't bring myself to believe that perspective is correct!

Please advise.


Actually there's a faith does not
Claim to be the salvation sought.
It's Old School Baptist that believes
That sovereign grace alone reprieves.
So some in every faith are taken
By God to save, others forsaken.
There's nothing you yourself can do
Contributing to your fate's view.
The church is just a matter of
Obedience to the One above
And may contain the saved or not.
Salvation's not man's but God's plot.

A Strict and Particular Sabbatarian Baptist


New Member
If you're lucky you'll learn that we are all one and it doesn’t matter who follows what religion.

I already do know this. The trouble comes when I see religions that do not seem to embrace this idea -- they seem to preach the opposite.

Also, thanks for the suggestions. I've tried meditation a few times and it was very helpful.


Well-Known Member
There are only many paths to a supposed god if there is one.

True! People who worship money, may choose to steal it or work very hard for it.

People who worship sex might visit brothels, ruin their health, cheat on their spouses, etc...

People who worship amusment, may spend all their time and wealth seeking temporal pleasures, or they may just go for a walk in the woods.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
True! People who worship money, may choose to steal it or work very hard for it.

People who worship sex might visit brothels, ruin their health, cheat on their spouses, etc...

People who worship amusment, may spend all their time and wealth seeking temporal pleasures, or they may just go for a walk in the woods.

"Those who worship the gods will go to the gods."
-Sri Krishna :D


Jesus in me

"Are you asking how a religion that preaches exclusivism can be correct?"

I'm not really asking that -- because (according to my own sensibilities) it feels like a religion that preaches exclusivity, cannot possibly 'correct.' It's not just the exclusivity, but the superiority that goes along with it. Like the 'allowance for ingnorance' idea. It's condescending + patronizing. Like, "you don't believe the 'correct' things, but I'll allow for that, because you are just plain ignorant."


This is your problem because you are going by feeling instead of logical proofs.

If you don't like being viewed as ignorant become informed. I consider you ignorant because you do not appear to have examined the facts. That is different from other people on this forum who know the facts but simply do not accept them as valid.