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Veteran Member
Premium Member
I wonder if the governing body apologises for these things?
Never. In fact, it is the sheep that get blamed for believing too zealously in the governing body's predictions.


Well-Known Member
Never. In fact, it is the sheep that get blamed for believing too zealously in the governing body's predictions.

And if someone decided to leave at the time because they didn't agree that rape is sometimes fornication, they have left God. So if people leave because the WT is wrong about something is that not the WT fault? And I am not talking about minors things, rape is not a minor issue. How do you think rape victims would have felt reading those WT at the time? The WT is also guilty for why people leave. Obviously that is not spiritual food if it is wrong food.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
And if someone decided to leave at the time because they didn't agree that rape is sometimes fornication, they have left God. So if people leave because the WT is wrong about something is that not the WT fault? And I am not talking about minors things, rape is not a minor issue. How do you think rape victims would have felt reading those WT at the time? The WT is also guilty for why people leave. Obviously that is not spiritual food if it is wrong food.

It reminds me of how the Catholic Church proclaims to be the only organization headed by "God" but they've changed their minds on a number of things over the centuries. For example, teaching that Christians should hate Jews and encouraging their persecution for over a millenia but then all of a sudden changing their tune in the '60s, declaring antisemitism a sin and talking about how much they love the Jewish people. What a ******* joke! And we're supposed to take these groups seriously?!


Avid JW Bible Student
I do have ill feeling if what is being taught is wrong, yes even if it is in the past think of all the people who it effected for decades at the time it was being taught. I wonder if the governing body apologises for these things?

If you understand that the whole rape scenario was part of God's law to Israel then perhaps we need to ask why? What was Jehovah's thinking on the matter? Was this law wrong in God's eyes? Why would he make it part of the law if it was not important to him? :shrug:

You appear to be looking at this whole thing through purely human eyes. Some common attitudes that were taken for granted back in ancient times are obviously not acceptable today. (like the rights of women) But when you look at the effect that resistance, especially screaming, has on an attacker, it is often the only positive thing most women can do to ward off an attack. It is not that the woman welcomes the attention of the rapist, but rather that she at least offered some resistance. Elders would not make accusations against any woman in that situation or make a woman feel guilty if she didn't or couldn't scream. Jehovah knows if screaming was going on in her heart.
In the instances mentioned, it appears to be the fears of the woman herself that make her feel that she could have done more to repel her attacker. Part of the trauma perhaps?

It is not only the WT past that gets brought up.
I critise WT because its the only religion I was taught to believe in. I wasn't brought to any other religion. I think people tend to go over what they are familiar with. I don't have Ill feelings towards JWs, if a JWs approached me I wouldn't behave like many people do.
I'm glad to hear that at least. But just because you don't understand something or you disagree with a procedure, doesn't make everything else in the organization wrong. A bad example does not make the entire brotherhood responsible. It is a mistake to 'throw the baby out with the bathwater.'

I had a person comment to me once how appalled they were that a certain person was ever allowed to be an elder because they felt that this person was ill suited to the position, committed wrongs in his own family and if he was not removed, then they were considering leaving the organization altogether.
Think about that scenario for a moment. What do you think of this person's attitude? Is it correct or is it not?

If this is Jehovah's organization, then shouldn't Jehovah be the one to correct whatever is wrong. This is something Jehovah has always done, in his own time and in his own way. Elders have written instruction from God's word concerning some actions in the congregation, but others need Jehovah's personal attention.

If that elder was not fulfilling his role (for which he is doubly accountable) and he was permitted to keep shepherding in the congregation, then would you say that Jehovah doesn't care? Or would you assume that he is not capable of fixing the problem? What do you think?

Do you know how long Jehovah permitted the shepherds of his people to lead in error before Christ came? About 400 years. No wonder that Jesus said he came to no others but "the lost sheep of the house of Israel". :eek:

The humans that have been permitted by God to lead his people over thousands of years have never been perfect. Some of them were absolute rotters and the people suffered because of them. Jehovah is their judge and none of the damage they did was permanent.

Meanwhile, the person who has judged the elder as unworthy of his position, and has left the organization, has just committed spiritual suicide over the actions of a mere man, who is just as imperfect as himself. Where does that leave him? Jehovah's nation didn't cease to be his nation because of the actions of a few men who didn't get it right.

"Let go...and let God" is good advice. We need to just get on with what Jehovah asks of us personally and forget about what others ought to be doing. How easy it is to judge others but not use the same judgment on ourselves. :(

When the judgment comes, there will only be sheep or goats. How will Jesus judge us whilst we are busy pointing fingers at others? We have one job...to preach the good news and sound the warning about God's coming judgment before it is too late.

Jehovah doesn't require that his servants be perfect, but he does require that they be obedient to his word. If any are not, they will answer to him. There is no permanent damage to any worshipper of Jehovah who is born into this system of things, no matter what God allows to happen. Satan's rulership over this world is temporary, lasting just a 'week' in God's counting of time. (2 Pet 3:8) Anyone harmed by life in this world will be completely healed in the "new earth". Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. (Isa 65:17) Nothing bad will remain. It will not even be called to mind.

They do not come down to my road though.
Why? :confused:

You sound like you were raised a JW, yet your story is very strange if that is the case. Unfortunately some families are more messed up that others. Upbringing and circumstances get in the way. That is a great pity. But it is not representative of the brotherhood or the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Only when people reject Jehovah's standards do we hear of problems. If we all just did as we were told, (Deut 5:29) no avoidable outcomes would hang around to cause us disturbance and heartache. :no:


Oldest Heretic
There is a certain logic in not allowing the expression of God's name.
That there seems to be many to choose from, indicates that we can not be certain that we will choose correctly.
That the Jews prefer to use "place holders" also seems entirely reasonable.
The word God is in itself is a place holder. It is capitalised to mean "Our true God" as against all the other gods that have been worshipped over the years.
Unlike the word "God" Muslims have given the word Allah to mean only the God they worship.

For some reason the JW's feel the need to use a personal name when they speak of God. For this they have invented the name Jehovah. The rest of us need not be the least bothered by this as it can be seen to be no less a "Place holder" than any other word for God.


Well-Known Member
If you understand that the whole rape scenario was part of God's law to Israel then perhaps we need to ask why? What was Jehovah's thinking on the matter? Was this law wrong in God's eyes? Why would he make it part of the law if it was not important to him? :shrug:

You appear to be looking at this whole thing through purely human eyes. Some common attitudes that were taken for granted back in ancient times are obviously not acceptable today. (like the rights of women) But when you look at the effect that resistance, especially screaming, has on an attacker, it is often the only positive thing most women can do to ward off an attack. It is not that the woman welcomes the attention of the rapist, but rather that she at least offered some resistance. Elders would not make accusations against any woman in that situation or make a woman feel guilty if she didn't or couldn't scream. Jehovah knows if screaming was going on in her heart.
In the instances mentioned, it appears to be the fears of the woman herself that make her feel that she could have done more to repel her attacker. Part of the trauma perhaps?

I am talking what the articles teach and they were clearly telling that if a woman does not scream or put up enough resistance then she has committed fornication.
I'm glad to hear that at least. But just because you don't understand something or you disagree with a procedure, doesn't make everything else in the organization wrong. A bad example does not make the entire brotherhood responsible. It is a mistake to 'throw the baby out with the bathwater.'

I had a person comment to me once how appalled they were that a certain person was ever allowed to be an elder because they felt that this person was ill suited to the position, committed wrongs in his own family and if he was not removed, then they were considering leaving the organization altogether.
Think about that scenario for a moment. What do you think of this person's attitude? Is it correct or is it not?

If this is Jehovah's organization, then shouldn't Jehovah be the one to correct whatever is wrong. This is something Jehovah has always done, in his own time and in his own way. Elders have written instruction from God's word concerning some actions in the congregation, but others need Jehovah's personal attention.

If that elder was not fulfilling his role (for which he is doubly accountable) and he was permitted to keep shepherding in the congregation, then would you say that Jehovah doesn't care? Or would you assume that he is not capable of fixing the problem? What do you think?

Do you know how long Jehovah permitted the shepherds of his people to lead in error before Christ came? About 400 years. No wonder that Jesus said he came to no others but "the lost sheep of the house of Israel". :eek:

The humans that have been permitted by God to lead his people over thousands of years have never been perfect. Some of them were absolute rotters and the people suffered because of them. Jehovah is their judge and none of the damage they did was permanent.

Meanwhile, the person who has judged the elder as unworthy of his position, and has left the organization, has just committed spiritual suicide over the actions of a mere man, who is just as imperfect as himself. Where does that leave him? Jehovah's nation didn't cease to be his nation because of the actions of a few men who didn't get it right.

"Let go...and let God" is good advice. We need to just get on with what Jehovah asks of us personally and forget about what others ought to be doing. How easy it is to judge others but not use the same judgment on ourselves. :(

When the judgment comes, there will only be sheep or goats. How will Jesus judge us whilst we are busy pointing fingers at others? We have one job...to preach the good news and sound the warning about God's coming judgment before it is too late.

Jehovah doesn't require that his servants be perfect, but he does require that they be obedient to his word. If any are not, they will answer to him. There is no permanent damage to any worshipper of Jehovah who is born into this system of things, no matter what God allows to happen. Satan's rulership over this world is temporary, lasting just a 'week' in God's counting of time. (2 Pet 3:8) Anyone harmed by life in this world will be completely healed in the "new earth". Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. (Isa 65:17) Nothing bad will remain. It will not even be called to mind.
I think there is a different between one elder and watch is taought in the WT
I have been asking myself this very question, I have no idea, I live on a very long road, they may just not come down this far. I have been at the place over a year now, maybe because it's something the neighbours did before I got here.
You sound like you were raised a JW, yet your story is very strange if that is the case. Unfortunately some families are more messed up that others. Upbringing and circumstances get in the way. That is a great pity. But it is not representative of the brotherhood or the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I was not raised a JW not really, I was just taught that they are the only religion that is right, but I wasn't raised in a strict JW way if that make sense?
Oh yeah I found out, my dad was baptised. I couldn't remember if he was or wasn't.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Elders would not make accusations against any woman in that situation or make a woman feel guilty if she didn't or couldn't scream.

I think you mean Elders should not make accusations. They do, but they shouldn't.

I'm glad to hear that at least. But just because you don't understand something or you disagree with a procedure, doesn't make everything else in the organization wrong. A bad example does not make the entire brotherhood responsible.
It is taught and believed that Jehovah is directing the organization spiritually. A bad example is Jehovah's fault.

I had a person comment to me once how appalled they were that a certain person was ever allowed to be an elder because they felt that this person was ill suited to the position, committed wrongs in his own family and if he was not removed, then they were considering leaving the organization altogether.
Think about that scenario for a moment. What do you think of this person's attitude? Is it correct or is it not?
It is taught that Jehovah appoints the elders. Bad elders is proof of either Jehovah does not care or the organization is not being led by God's Spirit.
If this is Jehovah's organization, then shouldn't Jehovah be the one to correct whatever is wrong. This is something Jehovah has always done, in his own time and in his own way. Elders have written instruction from God's word concerning some actions in the congregation, but others need Jehovah's personal attention.
The idea that God should serve men, not men serve God. Please remember Genesis 2:2 and keep it in mind.

If that elder was not fulfilling his role (for which he is doubly accountable) and he was permitted to keep shepherding in the congregation, then would you say that Jehovah doesn't care? Or would you assume that he is not capable of fixing the problem? What do you think?
People think God does not favor the organization and they leave. Actually it is God's command "Get out....quit touching the unclean thing"

Meanwhile, the person who has judged the elder as unworthy of his position, and has left the organization, has just committed spiritual suicide over the actions of a mere man, who is just as imperfect as himself. Where does that leave him? Jehovah's nation didn't cease to be his nation because of the actions of a few men who didn't get it right.
But this is what you believe and teach. Jews will die at Armageddon just like everyone else who will not accept the faithful and discreet slave. The Pharisees who rejected Jesus were few and their rejection was prophysied. Was it not? The bad leaders of the Jewish Nation caused God to forsake them (according to You) but the bad elders of the Jehovah Witness organization do NOT cause God to reject it. Why?

Jehovah doesn't require that his servants be perfect, but he does require that they be obedient to his word. If any are not, they will answer to him.
Actually I believe the requirement is not to obey but to listen. Is there a scripture that says "obey"?

You sound like you were raised a JW, yet your story is very strange if that is the case. Unfortunately some families are more messed up that others. Upbringing and circumstances get in the way. That is a great pity. But it is not representative of the brotherhood or the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Only when people reject Jehovah's standards do we hear of problems. If we all just did as we were told, (Deut 5:29) no avoidable outcomes would hang around to cause us disturbance and heartache.
I don't know how you can use the law of Israel as your own. Deut 5:29 is saying they obey ALL God's commands. Jehovah's Witnesses do not do that.
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Avid JW Bible Student
I am talking what the articles teach and they were clearly telling that if a woman does not scream or put up enough resistance then she has committed fornication.

Seeking to reflect Jehovah's view of things is never wrong. This was part of Jehovah's law. It wasn't given by man. Though Christians are no longer under the law, the principles remain.
Man's view of things may be very different. This scenario would be so rare that I don't believe I have ever heard of such a thing in my 40 years as a JW.

The blood transfusion issue was also very emotive, but later blood borne viruses such as HIV proved that blood transfusions were not as safe as once believed. Further research by medical professionals now reveals that blood transfusions are actually detrimental to a patients recovery. Hospitals dedicated to bloodless surgery are now found all over the world. (Google bloodless surgery or the dangers of blood transfusions)

I think there is a different between one elder and watch is taought in the WT
What is taught to Jehovah's people via the faithful slave is "food at the proper time". No one is force fed. Every single teaching is from the scriptures and we are all encouraged to research all the scriptural principles that have led to any conclusions reached. We are free to seek clarification on any topic, but we are not forced under penalty to conform. We choose to remain as part of Jehovah's nation, with all that this entails. We believe that this is the only organization on earth that is fulfilling the commission Jesus gave for these last days. (Matt 24:14) He said that he would oversee this life saving work (Matt 28:19, 20) and that his disciples would be hated and persecuted. (John 15:17-21) We are active in every nation preaching in every language, calling on people wherever they live. No effort is spared to reach even those in remote areas. Who else loves their neighbor this much, that they will sacrifice their time and resources to fulfill their commission? This is not just missionaries, but every one of Jehovah's people see their obligation to warn people of the coming judgment and how they can be saved to enjoy the blessings of the coming kingdom.

I have been asking myself this very question, I have no idea, I live on a very long road, they may just not come down this far. I have been at the place over a year now, maybe because it's something the neighbours did before I got here.
If there is no valid reason for Witnesses not to call, invite them to come and talk through your issues. It is a dangerous thing to expose oneself only to apostates and their twisted thinking. Half truths are more dangerous than outright lies, that is why apostates are shunned by us. Their words are poison.

Can you imagine what was said about Jesus and his disciples? It was twisted enough for God's own people to cry out for his execution....and he was the perfect son of God! (Matt 27:25) Do you think it can't happen again? Jesus already said it would.

I was not raised a JW not really, I was just taught that they are the only religion that is right, but I wasn't raised in a strict JW way if that make sense?
Oh yeah I found out, my dad was baptised. I couldn't remember if he was or wasn't.
You know H, I am so sad for those who have been raised on the fringes of the truth. They seem to have one foot in the world and the other in a bad example of what JW's should be. That makes for some serious twisting of the way Jehovah says things should be.

I would love to show you how wrong you are in your estimations of Jehovah's people. We are not perfect by a long shot, but I would not be anywhere else but among these people. When I went overseas, I met some Witnesses who were out preaching and when I identified myself as their sister, there were warm hugs and a feeling of meeting a loved family member. They invited me back to their home even though they had never met me before. It wouldn't matter where I went in the world, it would be the same. The one thing you cannot buy in this world...is real, genuine Christian love. It was to be the true identifying mark of Christ's disciples. (John 13:34, 35) it is truly sad to see some throw that away and never find it again. :(


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Half truths are more dangerous than outright lies, that is why apostates are shunned by us. Their words are poison.
Half truths are poison? Really? What is it that the "faithful and discreet slave" feed you before the light gets bright enough?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
A half truth is poison but a wrong truth (because the time is not right yet) is food for everlasting life. And is this something a person must believe to be saved? If a person will obey Psalm 146:3 how is the person to tell the difference between a half truth and a wrong truth? The only way I can see is to thrust the men who are telling the wrong truth believing they will correct it in time. How is it not breaking the command at Psalm 146:3

How am I twisting the meaning of Psalm 146:3 please?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I might have a little bad girl tantrum right here in my little rroom all by my little self if they won't give proof I am "apostate", "twisting scripture", and a slanderer. Also they won't give us any proof their slave is right and I am wrong. How am I twisting Psalm 146:3 please?


Avid JW Bible Student
How am I twisting the meaning of Psalm 146:3 please?
Psalm 146:3 “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.” And at Jeremiah 17:5-7, it says: “Cursed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in earthling man and actually makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Jehovah himself On the other hand, “blessed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in Jehovah, and whose confidence Jehovah has become.”

Is putting confidence in humans always wrong? Those texts are simply making the point that confidence in God is never misplaced, but putting confidence in imperfect humans can at times lead to disaster. For example, people who trust humans to achieve what only God can do—provide salvation and bring full peace with security—are headed for disappointment. (Psalm 46:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:3)

For the Psalm to be read the way you are twisting it, no one should put trust in anything humans say. Did you forget that humans wrote the scriptures. Humans served as God's prophets and humans led God's people for thousands of years. Some of then did a great job and others were a disappointment. God stuck to his people.
He did not leave them unless they left him.

David said:...“And you, Sol′o·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you; but if you leave him, he will cast you off forever." (1 Chron 28:9)

God chose Saul as the first king of Israel. He also removed him when Saul went feral.

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Red Sea and in the wilderness till just before they entered the promised land, but due to an error on his part, he was not permitted to enter. He was allowed to view it from a mountain top before his death.
The God of the Bible is not some all forgiving sop who has no expectations of his servants. You shape up or you ship out. You do things his way or he will show you the door.

On judgment day there will only be sheep and goats. Every human alive at that time will be judged one or the other. Jesus decides who they are, not you...not me...not anyone else.

Of one thing we can be certain..."For all that, the solid foundation of God stays standing, having this seal: “Jehovah knows those who belong to him,” and: “Let everyone naming the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness.” (2 Tim 2:19)

Take your hate glasses off and understand why you have never found a people like JW's even though you have probably been searching for many years?

Have you never wondered why ex JW's never formed their own church to fulfill the commission they know is given to all Christians?
It's because Jesus is directing the work. Others groups have tried to do what we do, and failed. Holy spirit is the force behind the world wide preaching of the good news. Holy spirit directs one united global brotherhood of Christians who all believe the same, teach the same and worship the same in every nation. Would we expect God's people to be split up into different groups with different teachings and doctrines whilst claiming one Lord and one truth? I don't think so. :(


Jehovah our God is One
Pegg have you ever heard of someone being "frozen in terror"? There's a difference between being afraid, terrified, panicked and traumatized, and "complying." No woman says "okay go ahead and rape me I'll just sit here and be quiet." Just because she doesn't "try to make noise and try to fight off an attack", doesn't mean she is complying.

Ever consider that not all women are fighters, that some women aren't physically fit enough to fight back, that attacks happen so quickly and so brutally that you don't have time to react, or that a woman can be confused and panic-stricken or so horrified by what's happening that she doesn't react at all? Humans react to terrifying scenarios with fight, flight, or playing dead. During a rape a woman can just shut down as part of the body's survival instinct.

JWs act like the rapist gives her time to collect her wits and figure out a response. "Could you wait a minute while I try to remember what that one Awake magazine said I'm supposed to do right here..." No surprise that you're one of them, your lack of understanding of the brutality of this act, and lack of compassion for the victim of such a horrific and obscene act is typical. After it happens she needs to relive it with three elders so they can determine if she resisted enough to satisfy them or risk being disfellowshipped. Sick.

dont make excuses for rapists by saying that women are weak and afraid therefore they cant fight off a rapist.

Thats a defeatist attitude and all it does is gives power to rapists.

God wants women to fight back in such a situation. They are capable of fighting back and even if they dont succeed, they have still upheld the sanctity of their body and their chasteness.


Jehovah our God is One
Took the words right out of my mouth or off my fingertips. But this isn't anything new from her. Some of the things Pegg says are quite simply shocking in their idiocy or, in this case, callousness.

the attitude that women cant fight back when being raped is appalling imo :(


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Psalm 146:3 “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.” And at Jeremiah 17:5-7, it says: “Cursed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in earthling man and actually makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Jehovah himself.” On the other hand, “blessed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in Jehovah, and whose confidence Jehovah has become.”

Is putting confidence in humans always wrong? Those texts are simply making the point that confidence in God is never misplaced, but putting confidence in imperfect humans can at times lead to disaster. For example, people who trust humans to achieve what only God can do—provide salvation and bring full peace with security—are headed for disappointment. (Psalm 46:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:3)

For the Psalm to be read the way you are twisting it, no one should put trust in anything humans say. Did you forget that humans wrote the scriptures. Humans served as God's prophets and humans led God's people for thousands of years. Some of then did a great job and others were a disappointment. God stuck to his people.
He did not leave them unless they left him.

David said:...“And you, Sol′o·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you; but if you leave him, he will cast you off forever." (1 Chron 28:9)

God chose Saul as the first king of Israel. He also removed him when Saul went feral.

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Red Sea and in the wilderness till just before they entered the promised land, but due to an error on his part, he was not permitted to enter. He was allowed to view it from a mountain top before his death.
The God of the Bible is not some all forgiving sop who has no expectations of his servants. You shape up or you ship out. You do things his way or he will show you the door.

On judgment day there will only be sheep and goats. Every human alive at that time will be judged one or the other. Jesus decides who they are, not you...not me...not anyone else.

Of one thing we can be certain..."For all that, the solid foundation of God stays standing, having this seal: “Jehovah knows those who belong to him,” and: “Let everyone naming the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness.” (2 Tim 2:19)

Take your hate glasses off and understand why you have never found a people like JW's even though you have probably been searching for many years?

Have you never wondered why ex JW's never formed their own church to fulfill the commission they know is given to all Christians?
It's because Jesus is directing the work. Others groups have tried to do what we do, and failed. Holy spirit is the force behind the world wide preaching of the good news. Holy spirit directs one united global brotherhood of Christians who all believe the same, teach the same and worship the same in every nation. Would we expect God's people to be split up into different groups with different teachings and doctrines whilst claiming one Lord and one truth? I don't think so. :(

The scriptures are for listening to and learning from. It is not possible to trust in God AND trust in men for the same thing. If you trust in Scripture and in God realistically you worship TWO gods. That is what Jehovah's Witnesses do. The men you trust teach you to worship scripture. If you would learn from Psalm 146:3 like I have, you would be safe. You are not able to trust Jehovah with your whole heart. Some of it is for God's promise. Some of it is for the men who gave it to you. And most of it is for what men have wrote (scripture).

Why is EVERYTHING black or white for you? I say you must not trust men for what is God's alone and you say (quote) the way you are twisting it, no one should put trust in anything humans say. (unquote)

Every man is capable of lying. God is not. Trust God, not man. Romans 3:4 Psalm 116:11.

You twist my words. I say trust only God for salvation. You hear me say put trust in nothing humans say.

Who is the expert twister?

If trust is unbreakably linked to worship, you worship many gods, some of them who are dead even.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
the attitude that women cant fight back when being raped is appalling imo :(

Some women and girls can't fight back because of sin but not the sin of fornication. Please go ask you're governing body to teach imagination.

Sin is appalling. Something we agree on! :)
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
I take Psalm 146:3 at face value. You twist it to exclude the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses and it is I who twist it. OK. Once I believed the twisted version, but now I don't. I guess I have twisted IT BACK. From now on please call my occupation untwisting. OK?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This is how I see it. Call it my "agenda". The Jehovah's Witness say their mission from God is to preach the good news. OK. What they really do is preach to others what their error is. The two most important errors that the Witnesses preach is God is not a trinity and God does not suffer people after death. Death is the end of suffering. Also they advertise God's Name.

I occupied twenty years of my life with the job of learning the governing body way and endorsing it. Then when I realized their way is not the same way as Jesus Christ I stopped endorsing them. But I learned that to expose error is the way to go. Jesus did it. The governing body do it. And I learned to do it too.

That is what I am doing. The friends on forum call it hating. But it is what they teach people to do.