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The Isreal of God are Christs annointed followers.

Not all are annointed, only 144000 according to scripture.
The Isreal of God are Christs annointed followers.???
In your deluded dreams, read the bible again, take the blinds off this time round!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This is my opinion:

To define what it is to be an anointed follower of Christ is dangerous. How so?

If a person IS one of the anointed "kings and priests" with Jesus Christ but he does not fit your definition of what it is, then you have excluded him.

To exclude someone is the opposite imo of what Jesus said identifies a person as his true follower destined for everlasting life.

John 13:34-35
New International Version (NIV)
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Matthew 25:31-46
New International Version (NIV)
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left....40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’....

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment

How is denying a person his right to be a "anointed follower of Christ" doing good to him? To deny him his place with Christ is to NOT DO good to him. Those not doing good to the kings and priests of Christ are destined for destruction.


Veteran Member
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What am I twisting?

In a scene where you know who make up the 144,000, even though you are not one, and one who is one of them approaches you but you say to him or to her "you do not fit my criteria for the 144,000", how are you providing for that person a kind word, a cool drink, some good food et cetera as prophesied in Matthew 25?

The question is ; how?

You might say you are sure all the 144,000 think just like you. How?


Well-Known Member
The Isreal of God are Christs annointed followers.???
In your deluded dreams, read the bible again, take the blinds off this time round!

Pegg is right--until Israel accepts Jesus as the messiah--they are cut off of being Gods chosen. God said Israel must accept Jesus as the Messiah. They never will.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Pegg is right--until Israel accepts Jesus as the messiah--they are cut off of being Gods chosen. God said Israel must accept Jesus as the Messiah. They never will.

He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive. Luke 20:38

What does this mean please?

What it means to me is Moses and David and all the faithful ones that to us seem to be dead but to God they live, accept Jesus as the Messiah. As a matter of fact they did not know him but they loved him anyway.


Veteran Member
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The question I have for you is this.

The faithful Israel that is alive to Jehovah, do they accept Jesus as Messiah?


Veteran Member
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I shall answer the question myself. Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe faithful members of Israel who have died have accepted Jesus as Messiah until they are tested after the resurrection. So far as we know presently if they do not accept the faithful and discreet slave as God's appointed representative then they will die again with all the rest who die the second death.


I shall answer the question myself. Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe faithful members of Israel who have died have accepted Jesus as Messiah until they are tested after the resurrection. So far as we know presently if they do not accept the faithful and discreet slave as God's appointed representative then they will die again with all the rest who die the second death.

Many believe these verses below mean Jesus preached the "Good News," during his three days in the land of the dead, before rising, to all the Jews that had died before his arrival.

1Pe 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

1Pe 3:19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

That "prison" is also "held," so "Spirits held."



Pegg is right--until Israel accepts Jesus as the messiah--they are cut off of being Gods chosen. God said Israel must accept Jesus as the Messiah. They never will.

Don't be so sure.

Romans 11:25, 26: 'I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and in this way all Israel will be saved. As it is written: “The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob..."'
Pegg is right--until Israel accepts Jesus as the messiah--they are cut off of being Gods chosen. God said Israel must accept Jesus as the Messiah. They never will.
Please do not confuse ISRAEL with Jews.
Israel are those who run the show on the planet.
Also, Israel by definition means WAR, that is why the world is at war, constant war, war on everything.
ISRAEL (or the roman emperor, take your pick) are the same people who invented the J-zesus stories and the "script".
It is a script and it is played on the world stage as we speak,
Confounding the language and our minds happens now.
YHVH is a concept, it is the fruit created on the third day of creation (second half), the life force, the sex, the 'serpent in the garden'. That is why you see sexual motifs in the Vatican and in every church, synagogue and mosque.
Hard to accept, I grant, almost everything we were told is false.


Veteran Member
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Seeing that most of what is going down on The Planet is not nice and good it is wicked to blame a person or a group for it. Isn't blaming what started WWll?

The Earth is everyone's problem. To be blaming Israel is to excuse yourself from being a part of the problem, therefore a part of the solution. I see this scene playing out between individuals, between countries and races. "It's not MY problem, it's yours". If it is always someone else's problem then HOW will you fix it?

If someone else is causing all the trouble then what is the SOLUTION? Murder. Isn't it? To get rid of the trouble makers is the only solution if they are they only problem.

Get rid of the problem causers, get rid of the problem. That is a fairy tale. It isn't real. So we have Murder making it's way around The Earth because of BLAME. And blame isn't real.

Some wise character on TV said focusing on what can go wrong will make it happen.

Why not focus on what can go right? The World can't do it because trouble isn't the world's fault (is how they believe). How can You make something go right if the fault for wrong is someone else's? Can't.


Veteran Member
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Israel might be related to war like you say. Here is what I think: It might be my opinion that war is Earth's greatest Problem. Problems call for solutions. Can the problem of war be solved? God knows. Nobody knows except God. So.....the problem of war leads a mind to search for an answer and the answer resides only with God. To find the answer a person must FIRST find The God. Israel is the only one that I know of who has (have?) left clues to the way to God.

If there were no problems there would be no reason to find solutions. For me problems have led me to Israel's God. Israel and G-d do not mean war. They are the solution to it. Of it?
Israel might be related to war like you say. Here is what I think: It might be my opinion that war is Earth's greatest Problem. Problems call for solutions. Can the problem of war be solved? God knows. Nobody knows except God. So.....the problem of war leads a mind to search for an answer and the answer resides only with God. To find the answer a person must FIRST find The God. Israel is the only one that I know of who has (have?) left clues to the way to God.

If there were no problems there would be no reason to find solutions. For me problems have led me to Israel's God. Israel and G-d do not mean war. They are the solution to it. Of it?
Israel = war,
There are two sides to a coin, like 2 crosses, or a double cross if you like.
One is the spiritual the other belligerent.
According to the Venetians and dear old Henry who jumped on the concept, the world is all about a physical war, physical struggle for survival, if you like.
They created the concept of 'Testamentary Trust', freezing all assets until disputes are resolved, from that,the concept of the 'Estate' and statutes, were created.
Israel's Elohim (the one dictating their thinking and actions) is YHVH, YHVH is the Lord of armies (hosts).
Peace was never declared since 1540, so we are physically and spiritually in a constant state of war.
Peace was never declared between the corporations of UK and US either, after their 1812 war.
Different rules apply in peace time and in war time.
In a state of war all assets are frozen and managed by, guess who? The Cohens, who were given the "Temple" (read planet) to manage.
We cannot 'own' anything, we can not grant nor gift anything.
We can only use things under license (letter of marquee, mark) and everything has to be registered to the crown, the Lord God.
Who are these "Cohens"?
These are Israel, the 'House of Jacob', James, the Royal Houses who also act as the 'entertainers' in the temple (planet).
That is a fact.
They made a pact with the concept of YHVH and they entertain us through Hollywood and every other media outlet, including but not exclusively, the bible.
Now, the bible is written in a proper way, but we are taught to read it wrong.
We have no eyes to see, we were blinded by the fantasy side of the story, more like hypnotized not to see.
The bible is a script to be played on the world's stage, but we need to know the proper meaning of words before we can see the play and we need to spot the actors who wear disguise, camouflage their faces, as per Moses Ex. 34,
Then we can discuss Hitler and Disney, the crossing of the red sea (read; tearing the sea of end), with the Moses fascist arm salute over the 'water', the sacrificial burnt offering and all the other plagues visited upon Mitzrayim (not territorial Egypt, that never happened).
Perhaps then you will see the 400 years of captivity in a different light.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Am I alone believing struggle and war are not synonymous? Am I alone believing war and conflict are not the same thing?

Do you see this?

armies (23), army (79), army* (1), battle (1), combat (1), conflict (1), forced to labor (1), hardship (1), host (30), hosts (292), hosts is the army (1), most (1), service (10), struggle (1), trained (1), war (35), warfare (1).

Why do the mighty men make it to mean "war" which it clearly does not?