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Veteran Member
Premium Member
God told them--- if you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and bad you will positively die

Satan said-- you will positively not die.

contradiction is how=

OK. Jehovah said the law of Moses will be forever but it isn't. Is it not a condradiction? Which one is it?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Does following The Shepherd as in Psalm 23 require an obeying of the law of Moses or not? Once it did but now it doesn't. Is that right?

How do you know that the command not to eat from the tree was still in effect when Eve ate from it?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
According to you Eve knew the law about eating from the tree had not been changed but she ate from it anyway. Now you know the law of Moses has been changed so you do not obey it. How? She knew the law was still in effect. You know the law is not still in effect.

I am asking for an explanation please. How do you explain the difference?

You believe you are not wrong to put aside the law of Moses even though you believe it was once in effect for God's people. According to you Eve was wrong to put aside the law. Why was she wrong but you are right?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God told them--- if you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and bad you will positively die

Satan said-- you will positively not die.

contradiction is how=

God told Israel to obey the law of Moses means blessings and life. Now men say it is not necessary to obey the law of Moses for blessings and life.

These are a cntradiction. How am I to understand sometimes the right way to worship God changes and sometimes to believe it changes is wrong.


Avid JW Bible Student
Rom 10:1-4 NET
"Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God on behalf of my fellow Israelites is for their salvation. 2 For I can testify that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not in line with the truth. 3 For ignoring the righteousness that comes from God, and seeking instead to establish their own righteousness, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. 4 For Christ is the end of the law, with the result that there is righteousness for everyone who believes."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Rom 10:1-4 NET
"Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God on behalf of my fellow Israelites is for their salvation. 2 For I can testify that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not in line with the truth. 3 For ignoring the righteousness that comes from God, and seeking instead to establish their own righteousness, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. 4 For Christ is the end of the law, with the result that there is righteousness for everyone who believes."

Thank you. I know that. Now the question is how do you know Eve did not hear the same thing?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The question is not about why the law of Moses is not longer in effect. The question is this: How do you know if Eve did not know if it was God who had decided for her?


The question is not about why the law of Moses is not longer in effect. The question is this: How do you know if Eve did not know if it was God who had decided for her?

You're saying maybe it's the same "voice" which told Eve and Paul both not to listen to God/obey the laws?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You're saying maybe it's the same "voice" which told Eve and Paul both not to listen to God/obey the laws?

I am saying we do not know if Eve knew she was disobeying God when she did. It is written "she was deceived". Jehovah's Witnesses teach it means she believed she would not die if she ate. I am saying it is possible she believed the voice was God's voice not a stranger's voice. And that is how she was deceived. So I am asking them how do they know Eve chose to ignore God's voice?


I am saying we do not know if Eve knew she was disobeying God when she did. It is written "she was deceived". Jehovah's Witnesses teach it means she believed she would not die if she ate. I am saying it is possible she believed the voice was God's voice not a stranger's voice. And that is how she was deceived. So I am asking them how do they know Eve chose to ignore God's voice?

Yeah, either way it would have been set up from the get go. Putting the bad, evil knowledge tree there was like many have said - similar to leaving a bunch of sharp knives or firearms out for a kid to stumble upon and then pretending you are not at fault when something bad happens.

Myths taken literally usually means losing out/missing the whole point.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yeah, either way it would have been set up from the get go. Putting the bad, evil knowledge tree there was like many have said - similar to leaving a bunch of sharp knives or firearms out for a kid to stumble upon and then pretending you are not at fault when something bad happens.

Myths taken literally usually means losing out/missing the whole point.

I agree. The knowledge tree was not bad and evil. The timing was off. It is something very good when ripe. Eve spoiled it by taking the fruit of it before it was time for ripe fruit.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Do you think I am making it up? How do you know what you believe wasn't "made up" too? How do you know? Do you like yours better than you like mine? That makes you a judge. Does it not? Is it righteous to judge The Word? Personally I think not.

Judging is what The World does. I like my country better than I like yours. I like government my way and not yours. I like my people. I do not like yours. I have judged who is worthy to come in and remain in my group. Hey! Where is my group?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You believe your endurance to the end means to keep believing God your way. But doesn't it mean endurance in seeking, knocking and asking? You need not keep seeking the way of Jehovah. You believe you have found it. You need not knock on the King's door. You believe he is with you. You need not ask for truth. You believe it will be provided at the right time.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My question is: You have heard from God the law of Moses is not longer valid for you. MAYBE Eve heard from who she thought was God that the law about the tree was no longer valid for her. How do you know Eve believed she was disobeying God?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There is another thing bothering me today. Someone on forum keeps on saying that a person's worship of God is not good without other people with her worshipping God the same way. I think it is like saying "Jehovah dear, you are not good enough alone. You are not even good enough with your son and The Holy Spirit. I know that to please you well I must find the others who will worship you with me." Does that sound right?


Well-Known Member
There is another thing bothering me today. Someone on forum keeps on saying that a person's worship of God is not good without other people with her worshipping God the same way. I think it is like saying "Jehovah dear, you are not good enough alone. You are not even good enough with your son and The Holy Spirit. I know that to please you well I must find the others who will worship you with me." Does that sound right?

Gods word teaches--- Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together-- also teaches all would be one with them( eventually)-- how can this happen if some are independent?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Gods word teaches--- Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together-- also teaches all would be one with them( eventually)--

1 Corinthians 12:20 19 If they were all one member, where would the body be?...25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other....27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.

The gathering is not to each other. It is to the Christ. And it is not for being one in doctrine (doctrine changes. Doesn't it?). It is to be one for the will of God.

how can this happen if some are independent?

It can happen. Is your mind dependant on the hair of your head? Your mind is independant of it.

How can the body of Christ gather together if it's members think differently? Don't they gather together in love?

I have said before Hebrews 10:25 is not about gathering together physically. You do not want to know what the writer had in mind whenever he wrote it. I wonder why?

I believe the wanting to know is what we are gathering to.

25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other
Whatt does verse 25 say? Does it say the gathering together should be for becoming the same? Or is it for concern for one another?

I know for a fact that the concern many Jehovah's Witnesses have for people is only as long as they will be favorable to the Jehovah's Witness message. As long as they are? No, as long as they might be. When a JW has evidence a person will never be one of them, their concern stops there. Maybe not every one but it is definitely the norm for many.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
My question is: You have heard from God the law of Moses is not longer valid for you. MAYBE Eve heard from who she thought was God that the law about the tree was no longer valid for her. How do you know Eve believed she was disobeying God?
Yeah, but what does the story say?
It says that God told them not to eat of the fruit. It says that Eve spoke with the serpent, not that she didn't recognize the serpent. We always have to go with what the story says.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
There is another thing bothering me today. Someone on forum keeps on saying that a person's worship of God is not good without other people with her worshipping God the same way. I think it is like saying "Jehovah dear, you are not good enough alone. You are not even good enough with your son and The Holy Spirit. I know that to please you well I must find the others who will worship you with me." Does that sound right?
Everything -- everything -- in Christianity is undertaken in context -- in community -- in relationship. Because God-as-Trinity is God-as-relationship. I wouldn't say that we all have to "worship the same way," but we can only worship in context of our relationships with other people. This isn't a "God-and-I" thing.