Jesus said he and the Father are one, those who see him have seen the Father, and the Scriptures make it clear our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is Divine, and can be assisting many people at once, and all things were created through Jesus!
But I wouldn't have a problem with people rejecting the trinity, but because they are so judgemental, bigoted, condemn everyone who doesn't agree with them as Idolators, it is only because of that , and that alone is why I point out they are unbiblical!
Muslims oppress and kill more people in the name of God, in my life time, than all religions combined! If they didn't act so violently, with so much hate, bigotry, and cruelty, I wouldn't say anything bad about their Religion!
I read the Quran! Over and over again it condemns Christians (those who join associates with God), polytheists, Jews, and non Muslims, and has much hatred and graphic tortures, mutilations, and amputation of limbs!
If it wasn't so hateful, and Muslims didn't rob hundreds of millions of people of freedom (oppression) in my lifetime, I would love Islam and their prophet!