Jesus never claimed to have not been created, made, given life by his Father. The fact that the son of God was born to Mary demonstrates he was given birth as a son. God wasn't given birth by anyone. He needed to be fed by his mother. This all says something. God in heaven said Jesus was his son. Not his equal as God or part of a trinity. When Jesus said if you've seen him you've seen the father, he certainly meant he spoke for the father, represented him on the earth, this doesn't mean he was equal. Anyway, while myths may abound, Jesus couldn't feed himself as an infant. He couldn't speak Hebrew or Greek or Aramaic. He needed to be taught. His Father doesn't need to learn Hebrew, Greek, etc. Because He, the Father of Jesus, is God Almighty and Jesus is not equal to him and another part of the "Trinity." Sorry, it doesn't work that way.