Constantine appointed bishops, convened the Counci of Nicaea, financially supported the churches, expelled Arius, established the pagan festival of Astarte as Easter, in place of Passover, at his Council of Nicaea. The "hierarchy" started with Constantine being the Pontifex Maximus, which came by way of Caesar, by way of the head priests of the pagan religion, and has been passed down to Peter's heir the pope, who is destined to "fall", in "that day" (Isaiah 22:15-25). The "bishop" of Rome was not even at the convening Council of Nicaea. As for "ordination", Yeshua said you only had one teacher, leader, and Father. It was the false prophet Paul, who later established teachers, prophets, etc. Before the Council of Nicaea, all you had was chickens with their heads cut off, with many different parchments, and teachings. They were all corralled by the influence of the Roman Army, and told to come up with a uniform code in order to produce order in his empire. Constatine headed the Council, and inoculated his pagan abominations (Rev 17:5) into the new church.