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Jesus and Money


Rogue Theologian
sounds like the price for admission to me...

Many here at the forum would say 'nay'.
They prefer that price of blood, paid by the Christ.

I don't believe in scapegoating.

Nor do I believe in money....or poverty.
See post#12.


Veteran Member
Many here at the forum would say 'nay'.
They prefer that price of blood, paid by the Christ.
are you changing the subject?

I don't believe in scapegoating.

what don't you believe about it and how does jesus paying for your sins any different?

Nor do I believe in money....or poverty.

well you do...
if you didn't you wouldn't be here on the forum, pay your mortgage, car payments, college tuition, groceries and pay for a nice vacation...

not very many people want poverty, only the upper 1% do


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
matthew 6 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Being what is given is a well paying job, nice house, nice car etc...

As I see it, put truth and whatever your sense of righteousness first before your desire for money etc. IOW be honest and truthful even if it may cost you a promotion or well paying job. However nothing wrong with being well paid for honest work.

I think being charitable helps people to put value in it's proper place. We shouldn't put material wealth above the well being of our fellow human beings.


1 who doesnt know believe
In Matthew 10, Jesus tells his disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils.

Matthew 10:8-9
8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
9 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,

They were doing far more than any preacher I ever heard of yet they did it for FREE!!!


Well-Known Member
It's too much desire and greed of material things that Jesus is against, not having those things.


Well-Known Member
Once Jesus was gone the apostles quickly turned it into give all your money to the church so they can take care of it for you. Most christian churches have since followed that same ideal.

Deserves this :facepalm:
Hi! What Jesus meant is also written in Luke 12:15- "Then he said to them: “Keep YOUR eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses."

Jesus meant that, of course, we need money to support ourselves. But the root of all problems is the love of money. Now, when we cultivate a right view of the material posessions, we are to adhere and follwo Jesus more closely.


Jesus meant that, of course, we need money to support ourselves. But the root of all problems is the love of money. Now, when we cultivate a right view of the material posessions, we are to adhere and follwo Jesus more closely.

I think that when we cultivate the "right view", we will automatically sell our possessions and live with the minimum possible, because we will not be attached to possessions anymore and we'll know that it's far better to feed starving people than to have anything we don't need.


Well-Known Member
You'll have to back that up with scripture. "Sell all your possessions" and "rich man....eye of a needle" is pretty specific.

Well if you're not going to be literal with those verses, you'll pretty much get my point. Besides, at this point in time, how can you give what you don't have? How can you, for instance be able to help the poor and the needy if you yourself doesn't have a source of help, aka some money? duh...


Well-Known Member
Then check this out:

"The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up" (1 Samuel 2:7)

If being rich is really evil, then why would God make a person rich?

"If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother" Deut 15:7

Isn't a land a form of possession too? Then why would God give it if having possessions is evil? What he said is that we should not harden our hearts to the needy, and not 'having possession' itself 'is evil'..

Philippians 4:11-13
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

The verse didn't say that living in plenty or in want is evil. What it said is that we need to learn to be contented.

What the Bible opposes is the love of money, not the money itself:

1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

It didn't say that money itself is evil... What it said is that the LOVE of money is evil. Those were different.

Jesus never says not to work.
Do you realize that you are actually earning if you're working?


Veteran Member
Well if you're not going to be literal with those verses, you'll pretty much get my point. Besides, at this point in time, how can you give what you don't have? How can you, for instance be able to help the poor and the needy if you yourself doesn't have a source of help, aka some money? duh...

because it's not all about you...

"you" meaning the person, not you :)


Deut 15:7

This thread is about Jesus and money, not the Bible and money. I only wholly trust what Jesus said, so if you're depending on the rest of the Bible for your views on this topic, then we can just agree to disagree since that is a different debate.

It didn't say that money itself is evil... What it said is that the LOVE of money is evil. Those were different.

I don't think money is evil, I think that having money for anything but necessities is a sin when people in the world are starving. And I think that if you have any money or possessions that you don't need in light of this, then you love money too much.

Do you realize that you are actually earning if you're working?

Not necessarily true. But even if you are earning money, you can funnel it directly to the poor, which I believe is in the spirit of what he teaches.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Well if you're not going to be literal with those verses, you'll pretty much get my point. Besides, at this point in time, how can you give what you don't have? How can you, for instance be able to help the poor and the needy if you yourself doesn't have a source of help, aka some money? duh...

By earning money but not using it for you but mostly using it for poor people.

It is incredibly simple actually, his proposal is nothing of unclear.

You earn money, you only use it for the minimum basic for your survival and everything else you give to the poor. You don´t stop working or earning money, you just keep giving all that you don´t need to the poor.
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Veteran Member
You earn money, you only use it for the minimum basic for your survival and everything else you give to the poor. You don´t stop working or earning money, you just keep giving all that you don´t need to the poor.

where does jesus say that?

if anything he's been saying god has provided the grassland to be clothed with flowers and thusly he will provide for you...whatever that means

jesus told the guy to sell everything
he didn't say keep the basic minimum...
so really what we got here is an all or nothing type of sitch...