I haven't really agreed with outhouse for quite some time, but in this case, I would say this is probably the big factor.
In addition to this though, he was teaching something that was familiar anyway. There was the teaching that the love of money was the root of all evil. Jesus is basically expanding on this.
Its much deeper then that in the bible, we are hearing many versions that do not reflect the truth of the matter
jesus had issues with how the sanhedrin and rome were doing buisiness, in the temple he wasnt ticked off due to religion, It was the taxes romans had that was getting to him.
and as stated many believe yeshua knew not just of the kingdom coming but Yeshua knew his time was coming and that what he was doing would probably leed to his death. he knew he had to be a martyr to make a change. he gambled and it paid off.
money has little value to someone who knows his time is limited