Nope! This is another false interpretation of Scripture by the universal church that was established in 325 AD, by the non-christian King Constantine.
The Logos is the divine animating principle that pervades and activates the entire universal body and all therein.
In the Beginning was the Logos and the Logos was God, all things came into existence through the Logos, and all things that exist were made by the Logos and without the Logos was not anything made that was made, and all things exist for the Logos.
quote=URAVIP2ME; According to Psalm [90v2] God is from everlasting: meaning God had No beginning, no start. So the only one that existed before the beginning was God.
Correct! The infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity of origin that was torn asunder and spatially separated by the Big Bang, has evolved to become the universe and everything
that is within the universe, and without the singularity that is the Logos/God, all that was , all that Is, and all that ever will be, could not exist, for all is He, and He is one.
quote=URAVIP2ME; Jesus [Word] was Not before the beginning.
Of course he wasnt, Jesus began his life as a human being, born of human parents 2,000 odd years ago, the 11th of the seventh born son of God, who was the Father of Adam, see Luke 3: 38.
quote=URAVIP2ME; According to Rev 3v14 B Jesus is the beginning of the creation by God. Jesus is 'firstborn' in the heavens according to Col 1v15. God is un-begotten.
Correct! The Logos God, who is the singularity in who all exists, is un-begotten. Revelation 3: 14; This is from the Amen, the faithful and true witness, who is the origin of all God created. Nope, cant see nothing there about the Man Jesus.
quote=URAVIP2ME; In the first chapter of John in verse 18 John continues writing that 'No man has seen God at any time' [Ex 33v20], and John knew people saw or did see Jesus.
Correct! Which is proof positive that Jesus is not the Logos/God, who was in the beginning through who, by who, and for who, all things that were, that are, and that ever will be, exist. And John, the young beloved disciple of Jesus, knew Jesus to be a man who was glorified by Gad and is now incontestably divine.
quote=URAVIP2ME; In the first chapter of John in verse 34 John bare record, or for the record, John writes that Jesus is the Son of God.
Deuteronomy 18: 18; The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, says to Moses; "I will send them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will tell him what to say, and he will tell the people everything I command. He will speak in my name etc. Peter confirms that Jesus was that man. Acts 3: 22; For Moses said; "The Lord your God will send you a prophet, just as he sent me, and he will be one of your own people, etc." And the people of His day who cried out, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, knew that Jesus was the fulfilment of the prophecy in Deuteronomy 18: 18.
John and the entire Jewish nation was waiting for the prophet that Our Lord God and saviour had promised that he would send in his name and speak in his name, a prophet that would be one of their own people and like Moses, would deliver them out from under the rule of their oppressors.
John the Baptist was sent by our Lord and saviour to baptise with water, which symbolized the immersion of the old animal Adamite body of man in the Baptismal waters and the rising of the new Enochian post flood body, in which the ancestral spirit of Adam had been replace by Enoch the seventh born son of God, who was the indwelling spirit that ascended to the ends of time within the post flood body of Mankind. The only exception of all mankind to have ascended to the eighth eternal heaven of Light.
We read in John 1: 35; John says in reference to his second cousin the man Jesus, I still did not know that he was the one chosen by God. But God, who sent me to baptise with water, had said to me, You will see the spirit come down and stay on a MAN: he is the one who baptises with the Holy Spirit.
When his cousin Jesus came to the river Jordan, who John must have known very well and known also that he was greater than He, because even before he knew that His cousin was the promised one, before he even he saw the spirit descend on him in the form of a dove, he said to his cousin Jesus, No! Do not ask me to baptise you, for it is you who should baptise me. But Jesus said to him, Let it be this way. And as he rose from his immersion, John saw the spirit descend upon him, and then understood, After hearing the voice saying You are my beloved in whom I am pleased, Today I have become your Father, that his cousin Jesus had been chosen as the heir and successor to the son of man, who is currently still developing within the body of mankind and will be born into the invisible fourth dimension, which co-exists within this visible three dimensional world, and it is he to whom all the sins of the body in which he develops are inscribed, who descends through time and enters the first temple (The Body of Jesus) where he is treated with outrage and lifted up upon a tree, and when the veil of that temple is torn, the spirit of our God and saviour is poured out as fire on the heads of all they who believed his words as spoken through his obedient servant Jesus. Of course John the Baptist, was to later doubt if his cousin Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah, when he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask if he really were the promised one, or if they had to wait for another? CONTINUED: