Christians believe there is only one God (monotheism). Their explanation is:
The Father is Yahweh
The Son is Yahweh
The Holy Spirit is Yahweh
Isn't Genesis 1v2 clear that God's spirit is his powerful active force that he used in creation?
The Son never claimed to be Yehweh, nor did any of Jesus followers, nor Jews.
John 1v34 for the record [bare record] Jesus is Son
Nathanael v29 Jesus is Son
Peter 6v69 as spokesman for all 12 apostles said Jesus is Son
Jews 10v36 accused Jesus because Jesus said he was Son
Martha 11v27 Jesus is Son
Jews 19v7 Jesus ought to die why? claiming to be Son
Jesus 20v17 Jesus believes he has a God over him - [Rev 3v12]
Jesus believed he had his own will and so does Yehweh have his own will.
[Matt 26v39; Luke 22v42; John 4v34; 5v30; 6v38]
So professed or so-called Christians might say Jesus was Not created as the beginning of God's creation [Rev 3v14b] but that is not what Scripture teaches.
Trinities or Triads or gods can be traced back to its roots at the birthplace of pagan religion at ancient Babylon. From Babylon the people migrated and spread their pagan ideas world wide into a greater religious Babylon or Babylon the Great.
There is no belief in a trinity or triad in the Hebrew OT Scriptures.
It was after first-century Christianity ended that there became a fusing or mixing of pagan thought with Scripture. -Acts 20vs29,30