Secondly, Jewish people were the most advanced culture of their time, treating one another kindly and well spoken of by other cultures.
Source? When have Jewish countries ever been superior technologically or ethically to others? I mean, I know THEY considered themselves all that and a bag of chips, but women had more rights in ancient Egypt, the Wisest Man Solomon still has to outsource building the Temple because there are no Jewish people good at math or whatever (pi is the least accurate out of all the surrounding cultures), God is a fairy who can be defeated by soldiers with iron, etc.
This is not a dig. I mean, every culture has its pros and cons (my own country thinks itself the best, and well, it's just not, statistically speaking, from many different angles), just Israel/Judah didn't have the pros you're mentioning.
The Greek scriptures are propaganda?
You can tell what parts of the bible are propaganda easily: are there words on the page?
Jesus pronounced the sentence.
Biblical authors SAID he did.
Jesus fulfilled more messianic prophesies than anyone before or since.
It's easy when you write the prophecies after the fact.
They held an illegal trial with false witnesses and when the Roman Governor found him innocent of any charge deserving death, they threatened to report him to Caesar for treason.
Pilate wouldn't have found him innocent. Even Romans knew Pilate was mean, and this was a culture that did unspeakable things.
If he was not the Christ, then why go to such lengths to get rid of him?
Spartacus and friends made an entire forest of crucifixes. So what? Again, Romans did unspeakable things to people, even people they tolerated.
We can accept the scriptures as they are written or we can reject them. Who is telling the truth and who has been misled? Isn't that the real question?
Yup. I see people who needed someone else to blame while trying to get official imperial consent to worship. That's it.
Jesus' description of the Jewish leaders of his day was not exactly flattering.
I can describe Jesus in not-exactly-flattering ways either. So what?
God knows who is right....he will be the judge of all.
Well, given how Yahweh is allergic to iron, that must be why Israel keeps having to get money and weapons from us instead of Him.
Its our choice as to what we will believe.
True, but one side is going to have more evidence than the other.
Deeje: I have the best ice cream. It's rich, creamy, and no one on earth can exceed its standards.
Me: It's got sawdust filler.
Deeje: It's our choice as to what we will believe.
Nothing personal, just centuries of wading through BS ...
I am a JW and my brothers and sisters shared the concentration camps with the Jews in Nazi Germany. Hitler hated both of us so please don't talk to me about antisemitism......many of my own brethren were executed because they would not support that antisemitic regime.
So why sympathize with the position it's all "the Jews'" fault? Usually, if the bad guys and you agree, something is off somewhere.
When Israel obeyed their God, they prospered in the extreme, according to scripture.
At what point? Have any sources ... like archaeology? History? Biology (were Jewish skeletons of that period healthier than ones outside the country)?
But when they disobeyed him, he left them to their enemies.
So much for the Good Shepherd who will go to any lengths to save a wayward flock, huh?
Only those who come to accept the Christ as their Messiah will ever get to benefit from the Messianic promises. Jesus is "the way, the truth and the life"....Jesus said..."NO ONE comes to the Father except through me". Where does that leave the Jews or anyone else who rejects Christ?
I can skip Jesus and ask God. Done.
Messiah would be of the tribe of Judah.
Considering the texts started to be written down largely after Judah was the only kingdom left standing ....
He was to be born of a virgin.
Mistranslated. Unnecessary. Silly. Hellenized.
Babies killed after his birth
Infanticide happened a lot. So what?
Someone like Elijah was to prepare the way for him.
There's always the PR guy before the Leader shows up.
Zeal for God's House would consume him.
LOL, "please take this cup away from me".
Entry into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey.
As opposed to a car?
Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.
Nothing can ever cost that much money without being a prophecy?
I am not sure where you are getting your 'facts', but none of them appear to be correct. Jesus himself predicted how long he would remain in the tomb before his resurrection....
And if you had a text that clearly predates the execution, I'd go for it.
He said he was returning to his God and Father in heaven.
After finding out just how much my message got me killed, I wouldn't want to hang around either. Again, the "Good Shepherd who will stick with you", ladies and gentlemen.
Fleshly Israel had over 1500 years to get their act together and become that "kingdom of priests and a holy nation" that was prophesied for the future under Messiah's rule....but they could not remain faithful to their covenant.
That's because you can't run a kingdom on it.
So once his promise to Abraham was honored, he divorced that unfaithful nation and chose a new nation to serve his interest on earth.
Hosea told me that God was the faithful one, not the one who divorced you after griping about who was taking out the trash.
If the Jews were still God's people, then the temple would have been rebuilt. It never you know why?
It's stupid. Jesus' point was that the Temple was unnecessary. Older prophets tried to tell David to skip building the thing anyway. God doesn't need a physical building.
Do you think Jesus was anti-Semitic or do you think he was trying to correct some arrogant Jewish leaders who forgot how to serve God's people like Moses did?
Depends on the author?
The track record of the Jewish leaders in taking the people off track spiritually is all recorded in your scriptures.
The track record of a biblical author whining about how no one is listening to (I assume) him when he has all the answers is right there in the scriptures.
Jesus lamented that the prophets sent by God to correct his people in the past were often put to death.
But that did not happen, making Jesus a liar (because you are unwilling to separate what Jesus may have said from what authors said he said).
having grown up in a devout Jewish family
The one he rarely saw or spoke to and the one who thought he'd lost his mind? That family?
We each have a choice to believe what our teachers tell us.
And if we want to see if our teachers are legit, we can fact-check them. Oh, wait, your denomination frowns on that. Religion of Truth ... unless we don't feel like it.