WHY do people fall for this nonsense? WHY aren't these people exposed on national TV, shut down, publicly humiliated? Why does no one defend the poor, low-income, insecure people who waste their precious time and money on this guy?
Out of sheer curiosity, I went to church one Sunday at Joel Osteen's mega-church in Houston. There were easily 7,000 people in the former basketball stadium, with gigantic plasma screen TVs, a fog machine, mood lighting, etc. I knew from the second I heard Joel Osteen on CNN a year ago that he was a con man, because a caller asked him and his bejeweled wife what percentage of the church's income they took home, and he wouldn't answer. But what surprised me was how
obvious it is even inside the church. (Joel and his wife pictured below. See the enormity of the church
He just tells cute stories, and tells people what they want to hear. Then it's off to the massive bookstore inside the church. Send the kids to the separate,
children's bookstore. Go to a different counter, where they are selling DVD's of today's sermon for $7.95.
There was even a brochure to do mission/charity work in Jamaica....if you wanted to "volunteer" you had to pay $1600. You could go to an all-expense paid resort in Jamaica for less! With group/church/non-taxable rates, they're probably making a
profit, then taking credit for the charity work their poor, deluded "volunteers" are doing!
This is a symptom of the evangelical "non-denominational" mega church in America. No taxes. Your customers pay in
cash (perhaps 10% of their income, if they are tithing). Book sales. DVD's. The band and the singers and the ushers are all probably volunteers. No democratic participation from the members. No financial oversight.
It all comes down to one thing: big, stinking profit for one guy, and all he has to do is spout nonsense for an hour a week. He actually inherited the church from his father.
It was the exact same story at the "Solid Rock" church in Dayton, which I also attended one Sunday with some friends, out of curiosity.
This monstrous mega-church by the highway is known for its monstrous "touchdown Jesus", which is so distracting as you drive past its a wonder there aren't more car accidents there (shown below).
The son of the guy who founded Solid Rock gave the sermon, and my friends and I are pretty sure he was actually
drunk! He said his parents were doing mission work in South Africa. Yeah, probably at some white-sanded resort.
Another pastor, a black guy with bright white teeth and a suit that looked like it was made in Italy, gave a mini-sermon in which he thanked the Lord for saving him, even though he lost his way years ago and went to jail for credit card fraud. After that, he said, he got saved, but lost his way and went to jail again. But the second time he got saved for real!
In other words, he found a racket that is actually legal in the U.S....the private, "non-denominational" evangelical racket.