First off. 100% it's not happening today. Just read the bible; not only the "no one will know" verses, but read what the Bible actually says must happen first. Here's what I sent to Camping, while calling him out.
"Your information is very inaccurate. First off, we will in fact know the times, which we can both agree we are in the midst of. However, if you were to be correct about May 21, that would mean the antichrist must be revealed and the entire mark of the beast system must be set up and fully enforced by the end of today.
I feel you focused on faulty calculations rather than reading the word. 2 thessalonians tells us that day shall not come until there is a falling away and then the son of perdition is revealed first. Also, it speaks of those who were beheaded for not taking the mark of the beast going in the rapture, in the book of revelation. Obviously the mark system has not been set up yet, and this will happen before the rapture. How can those beheaded for not taking the mark go in the rapture...if the rapture is before the mark of the beast? Only takes two seconds to realize. I honestly can't believe your statements you made, before actually sitting down and reading the bible.
Also, your conclusion of when the Earth was created is nearly pathetic; how do we know its age when the sun wasn't created until the fourth day? Obviously those days were not 24hour days, as 24 hour days did not exist for the first three "days". And I highly doubt God changed his measurements after he made the sun, like " that I have this sun, might as well make a day 24 things called hours". And the day is as 1,000 years...just wow. He's saying what he's saying; don't misconstrue it. He is outside of time and space; maybe this Camping guy who calculated this actually isn't clever enough to study time and space, as it gets a bit complicated. Though a day could be a million years, a thousand years, essentially these scriptures tell us that a day has no meaning to God. Seriously, I can't believe this nonsense is being pushed by you all, and I can't wait for your excuse next week after nothing happens. What will you say? "God decided to give you all more time!" God doesn't falter. God isn't indecisive. Please just read the Bible and stop trying to do math that is honestly pathetic. We are in the end times, and we will know the season, but stop trying to figure out the day; because you're a man. Which also means, your brain is tiny and cannot even fathom the works of God. "