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Judgment Day May 21st 2011

I'm sure everyone at your church will see you on Sunday. Then, once that happens, will there be another day of rapture you will be counting down until? Because from where I sit, all of these "judgment days" and "days of rapture" that people have been waiting for have. never. happened.

The end.


Facts not Faith
Why is it that you will not accept that evidence does not have to be of ancient origin? I get so tied of hearing people holler "WHAT EVIDENCE IS THERE!"

The evidence that validates the word of god comes in many forms and the tangible ones can almost always be argued over. Real time revelations from a real time God is the best evidence. Tangible can be disputed while revelation cannot, but only to the person to whom it is given. All others must either scoff at the claims of those who really know or take a "sour grapes" attitude. Either way I cannot make you know and understand what I know and understand so lets argue about it (or not) but in the end those who know will benefit thereby and those who do not - will not, it really is that simple.

I am sure that annoys you. One Santa Clause believer tried to kill me with a candy cane for asking for evidence for the evidence of Saint Nick.:D Ok seriously, this is not sunday school, this is a debate forum. Whenever you claim that a position is true expect for people to ask for evidence. Not all of us live on blind faith you know.

Two facts still remain. Just because some book says that mythological beings really exist does not mean that you should believe it(e.g. Thor). Just because someone wrote a holy sounding book does not make it the word of God(Book of Judas). So if you have evidence, then present it. If you don't, then I win this debate.: hamster :


Active Member
I'm curious about when the rapture will start. Will it be like Santa time so we can watch the earthquakes etc. Travel across the time zones? I've got few things to do tonight but I can set my tivo up to record it


godless wonder
The interesting thing to me here is if no christians think that the rapture will happen tomorrow, what makes them think it will EVER happen?


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
The interesting thing to me here is if no christians think that the rapture will happen tomorrow, what makes them think it will EVER happen?

It might not ever happen, but I think the point that Jesus/Christians are generally trying to make is that we should live life to its fullest and that we should endeavor to live lives free of guilt and regrets.


Facts not Faith
I'm curious about when the rapture will start. Will it be like Santa time so we can watch the earthquakes etc. Travel across the time zones? I've got few things to do tonight but I can set my tivo up to record it

Im actually planning to steal my Christian neighbors cool big boat after he is raptured away. Imagine, after May 21st we are having a secular nation! Well, at least for the most part.:sarcastic


New Member
Ecclesiastes 9:5 (New International Version) 5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten. Doesnt this mean the (rapture) is gonna have a hard time bringing up the dead for their reward?just asking..because the bible does have conflicting verses on the subject.because here it does say the 'dead have no reward',even there name is 'forgotten'.does god forget?let me go to the bible for this awnser. Jeremiah 18:7-10 (New International Version) 7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, 8 and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. 9 And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, 10 and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then 'I will reconsider the good' I had intended to do for it. this tells me he has to wait and see what people are going to do,before he decides what to do.."good or evil". "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus and why does god "need'to send a (so called) extension of himself to do a job he is capable of doing himself? Job 7:9 (New International Version) 9 As a cloud vanishes and is gone, so one who goes down to the grave does not return. james 2'9 You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. isaiah 43'11 I alone am the LORD, and there is no savior except me. at this , i would like to know,when did god change his mind?and what made him decide he would need a savior and he couldnt save us by himself.theres been too many false rapture dates..im not falling for it.theres proof against it,coming from the bible itself.a true god would have no contradictions in his book..so all should be more cohesive..old testament and new, should flow..its just erratic
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Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
The interesting thing to me here is if no christians think that the rapture will happen tomorrow, what makes them think it will EVER happen?
Oh I'll think it'll happen at some point. Just that we'll never know when. That's why I don't think it'll happen today, because someone has predicted it, and the Bible clearly says that no man knows the hour or the day, not even the Son of God.


New Member
First off. 100% it's not happening today. Just read the bible; not only the "no one will know" verses, but read what the Bible actually says must happen first. Here's what I sent to Camping, while calling him out.

"Your information is very inaccurate. First off, we will in fact know the times, which we can both agree we are in the midst of. However, if you were to be correct about May 21, that would mean the antichrist must be revealed and the entire mark of the beast system must be set up and fully enforced by the end of today.

I feel you focused on faulty calculations rather than reading the word. 2 thessalonians tells us that day shall not come until there is a falling away and then the son of perdition is revealed first. Also, it speaks of those who were beheaded for not taking the mark of the beast going in the rapture, in the book of revelation. Obviously the mark system has not been set up yet, and this will happen before the rapture. How can those beheaded for not taking the mark go in the rapture...if the rapture is before the mark of the beast? Only takes two seconds to realize. I honestly can't believe your statements you made, before actually sitting down and reading the bible.

Also, your conclusion of when the Earth was created is nearly pathetic; how do we know its age when the sun wasn't created until the fourth day? Obviously those days were not 24hour days, as 24 hour days did not exist for the first three "days". And I highly doubt God changed his measurements after he made the sun, like "Oh...well...now that I have this sun, might as well make a day 24 things called hours". And the day is as 1,000 years...just wow. He's saying what he's saying; don't misconstrue it. He is outside of time and space; maybe this Camping guy who calculated this actually isn't clever enough to study time and space, as it gets a bit complicated. Though a day could be a million years, a thousand years, essentially these scriptures tell us that a day has no meaning to God. Seriously, I can't believe this nonsense is being pushed by you all, and I can't wait for your excuse next week after nothing happens. What will you say? "God decided to give you all more time!" God doesn't falter. God isn't indecisive. Please just read the Bible and stop trying to do math that is honestly pathetic. We are in the end times, and we will know the season, but stop trying to figure out the day; because you're a man. Which also means, your brain is tiny and cannot even fathom the works of God. "


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
some good points, but what makes you believe we are in the 'end times'? What exactly are the 'end times' (like, does it constitute a time period of 100 years, 50 years etc?) and considering that Christians have been predicting that it is the end times for the last 2000 years, what makes you think it's finally here/now?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand those that try to twist the words "no one will know the day or the hour" to no one will know the day or the hour in that generation. Didn't Jesus also say it will come "like a thief in the night" sounds like a pretty inept thief if you can see them coming.

I've heard some people are planning/joking to leave piles of clothes in the street to mess with these peoples minds, I thought that was pretty funny.

My personal belief is the end of the world is a deep spiritual metaphor, not a literal event. The end of the world happens daily for many.


Active Member
As I said in a similar thread...

Harold Camping claims the Rapture will occur on May 21,2011.
On May 22, Camping will claim the Rapture did indeed occur, but he and others were "Left Behind" to warn everyone about his other prediction, the date of October 21, 2011 for the end of the world.


Um....hate to be a killjoy....but tonights news is pointing out that this is Harolds >second< crack at predicting the end of the world...the first was earmarked for 1994.

So i'm kinda wondering why so much attention is being paid to a prophet who so far has a 100% failure rate?:shrug:

John D


List of Earthquakes for 21 May 2011.
Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days

Update time = Sat May 21 11:00:03 UTC 2011

y/m/d h:m:s
RegionMAP 4.6 2011/05/21 10:42:29 38.790 142.133 37.8 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPANMAP 4.6 2011/05/21 10:24:45 37.239 141.371 35.3 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPANMAP 2.8 2011/05/21 10:04:44 57.506 -153.911 25.5 KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKAMAP 5.0 2011/05/21 09:53:55 -7.265 147.003 42.6 EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEAMAP 4.8 2011/05/21 08:51:49 35.911 140.261 67.3 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPANMAP 5.2 2011/05/21 08:33:21 65.369 -166.891 19.2 NORTHERN ALASKAMAP 3.3 2011/05/21 07:42:46 58.164 -151.463 32.9 KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKAMAP 4.9 2011/05/21 06:31:53 -25.821 179.500 523.6 SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDSMAP 4.6 2011/05/21 05:35:27 39.040 142.311 35.3 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPANMAP 3.0 2011/05/21 04:45:31 19.288 -155.772 10.2 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAIIMAP 4.8 2011/05/21 04:35:38 -9.889 160.861 41.7 SOLOMON ISLANDSMAP 2.8 2011/05/21 02:44:11 51.538 -176.820 19.5 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKAMAP 4.5 2011/05/21 02:43:18 4.749 -82.573 9.9 SOUTH OF PANAMAMAP 3.4 2011/05/21 02:17:40 20.127 -157.655 0.6 OAHU REGION, HAWAIIMAP 4.6 2011/05/21 01:34:39 -3.505 -80.304 35.0 PERU-ECUADOR BORDER REGIONMAP 3.7 2011/05/21 01:09:22 33.502 -119.118 15.3 CHANNEL ISLANDS REGION, CALIFORNIAMAP 5.1 2011/05/21 00:41:37 -55.997 -27.195 40.7 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGIONMAP 2.6 2011/05/21 00:38:23 59.870 -141.439 3.8 SOUTHEASTERN ALASKAMAP 5.9 2011/05/21 00:16:27 -56.066 -27.165 64.8 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

Looks like just another ordinary day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm just curious, John, but are you aware there are many earthquakes every day in the Pacific rim?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I thought he sounded like he was against the May 21st thing by pointing out it was like any other ordinary day... I dunno..

What difference would that make? I was asking whether he knew how common earthquakes were in the Pacific Rim, not whether he is for or against the rapture thingie.