In the Bible, God did not spare the children of parents who were wicked or rebellious. Those are traits that are passed on.
There are no “wicked” or “rebellious” genes, if that’s what you mean.
Such traits may or may not be present in a person’s offspring, but it certainly isn’t guaranteed – we are all responsible for our OWN actions, not the actions of others – that’s the point. Babies and young children are innocent creatures that certainly don’t deserve death sentences for something someone else has done. You’d think an all-knowing, all-seeing god would be aware of that. I have no use for such an immoral and unjust god.
If you recall the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were razed to the ground with not a soul preserved, except Lot and his family. Why? Because the children in those cities were so corrupted by their parents, that God did not deem a single one as worth saving.
Like I said, this is disgusting. I find your god to be utterly immoral for commanding the killing of babies and children.
Children are counted as being the same as their parents until they reach an age where they can judge things and act for themselves. No child is responsible for the conduct of their parents, but parents are responsible for teaching their children to be honest, morally upright human beings. Children are not born wicked....they generally learn it from others, especially their parents and peers.
So basically your god punishes children for the errors made by their parents. That’s what this says to me. And that’s what the Bible says. And you condone it. And people wonder why I think that religious beliefs can cloud a person’s rational thinking and common sense.
Up until the early 1900's both cannabis and cocaine were freely used in medicine. Coca Cola originally contained small amounts of cocaine....hence the name. Medicinal qualities in these plants were put there for a reason. Overdosing on anything...even water...can be fatal. Common sense is the key.
Yes, I know. So then, what’s wrong with prescription meds like opiates?
Caffeine too is a drug of who is trying to ban coffee?
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Nobody is trying to ban coffee because though regular use can produce mild physical dependence, at best. It doesn’t cause severe withdrawal symptoms (if there are any at all), as other drugs do, and people addicted to caffeine aren’t prone to the harmful types of drug-seeking behavior that people addicted to “hard” drugs tend to carry out. That’s probably why.
In reality, anybody can become addicted to anything. People can become addicted to drugs, shopping, gambling, exercising,
Regular use can cause mild physical dependence but it doesn’t threaten a person’s health, and we It’s also a mild painkiller than enhances the effectiveness of other pain killers. Cool, eh?
Tobacco and alcohol are both highly addictive and cause untold damage to human health, costing governments millions of dollars every year...anyone trying to ban those? Ever wondered why? Cannabis is not addictive and has no side detrimental effects.
I totally agree with you that marijuana should not be considered a Schedule 1 drug, because it makes absolutely no sense to lump it in with narcotics. I’m not sure what your situation is in Australia (?), but here in Canada, we are looking toward fully legalizing marijuana sometime early next year. As it stands now, medical marijuana has been legal for a number of years. Maybe you should consider moving here. Or to the US. Several American states have medical marijuana available, and in other states it’s fully legalized for recreational use.
I also agree that cannabis is much safer than tobacco and alcohol, though many don’t see it that way. Various peoples and groups have tried (and continue to try) to ban alcohol and tobacco at various times over the last century. Anybody who knows anything about Prohibition in the US knows how well that turned out. I do find drug categorization in the US to be somewhat bizarre and arbitrary.
Statistically, prescription medicine is costing more lives than it is saving.
Improperly used prescription medication is what is costing lives.
I think you need to be more specific here then. Which specific prescription meds are you talking about?
Side effects are the bodies way of telling us that what we have ingested is not compatible with our system. Putting more poison into an already protesting body is asking for trouble.
Side effects aren’t our body’s way of telling us that we’ve ingested something incompatible. Rather, side effects are the results of the drug’s interaction with the various parts of our bodies that they come into contact with. It’s extremely difficult to design a drug that interacts only with the one specific part of the body that it’s targeting – our bodies just don’t work that way.
All people have to do to get well and stay well is eat the right food and exercise regularly. Unfortunately, in this modern world, no truly nutritious food exists in the commercial system of production.
It’s not as simplistic as that though. Such a view ignores the many other factors involved including genetics and environment. A person can stay well, eat right and exercise and still end up with an illness or condition that must be dealt with. At that point, they may need medical intervention and prescription medication.
Various strains of Cannabis have been shown to "cure" many cancers, but like all medicines, a person's own metabolism determines the outcome. It isn't a cure all, but it needs to be available to all without the need for constraint, just as alcohol and tobacco are legally available to any who know the risks.
At this point in time, various strains of cannabis have
not shown to cure many cancers. They’re working on it though, and studies continue. On the positive side, I have seen many more studies cropping up than there used to be.
The safest and most effective drug in existence is kept out of reach for the majority.
That is not the case here. Wherever you are, you need to do what you need to do to push for the legalization of medical marijuana. Or move somewhere that already has it. Canada would be happy to have you.
Doctors are trained by a system that manufactures the drugs they push. They are licenced by that system and educated by them. Any research done on those drugs is done by the drug companies themselves and the side effects are played off against any benefit that might only reduce symptoms. Drugs are designed to give short term symptomatic relief, not to cure anything by actually getting to the cause of the problem and treating that. Diet is often at the base of all of it. The thing I find dangerous and irresponsible is putting the fox in charge of the hen house.
Doctors are trained by universities with the most current information available at the time. Plenty of universities carry out drug testing and trials.
Cannabis also provides symptomatic relief and doesn’t actually cure anything.
In Australia, where I live, medicinal cannabis is supposed to be legal in my state. But those who are campaigning for it to be made available here, are furious at the system for all the bureaucratic red tape that is preventing access to it. Doctors are not on board because they are told that its just a fad. They are not investigating the evidence for themselves because the system that issues their right to practice medicine has not "approved" it. We all know why.
That’s an Australia problem then, not necessarily a global problem.
I think some doctors are probably afraid to “approve it” because of it’s stigma as a recreational drug. Also, there’s a certain attitude among some in the general public that people wishing to seek marijuana for medical use are just a bunch of stoners looking to get high. Those things need to change.
The stalling is to allow the drug companies time to synthesize and patent a component of cannabis that they can then market and sell as the real deal, but a synthetic look-alike is never going to work the way the natural plant does.
I’m not sure you’re qualified to make such an assessment, but no matter.
People in Canada are able to purchase marijuana in its natural form. We’re also able to grow and sell it, with the proper permits.
Patenting medicine is the way they make their money. Just recently there was an online petition for a woman to access an anti-cancer drug that her family thought might prolong this young woman's life. The cost? $3,000 per injection! Wealthy drug companies could afford to reduce the price to save many lives if this drug really works......where is the humanity? Why does money come before life and suffering?
The costs associated with research and development of new drugs are extremely high, especially given that only a very small amount of the drugs that are tested actually end up on the market. Patents are good for about 10-20 years (depending on what country we’re talking about), after which time generic versions of the drugs are allowed to enter the marketplace, which usually are somewhat cheaper than the original version.
Occasionally we get people like Jonas Salk, who offer their patents up to the greater good. Good men do exist.
I don't think most people have a clue as to how corrupt this system really is. But for Christians, I believe it's a no-brainer. (1 John 5:19)
I don’t believe that any “evil one” is in charge of the world.