I am sure that amputees, in general, would not return the limb because of some metaphysical or ideological reason, or because of some intercession in the process. After all many people intercede to heal people in coma, so I don’t think that asking permission, or checking whether they would accept to be woken up, would be needed.Well your friend accept the miracle? If he will, he can ask God to do it by the Guide's hand and it will happen I believe. Make a plan, be sincere, ask him to ready his heart for the miracle. Let me know the result.
I truly believe people who don't witness miracles are only those who aren't ready for them but will rather accuse the doers in their rebellious state of sorcery or being possessed by other powerful beings.
so I take full responsibility that he will be more than happy to wake up with symmetric (in the good sense) arms configurations.
so, how shall we start?
- viole