The Quran says regarding hell that no one denies it except the wicked people. It also says who fears God will enter paradise. It seems then per Quran our destiny almost solely based on if we accept hell or not. If we accept hell and believe in it, we are automatically fearful of God as we would be believers in his wrath and automatically fear hell.
If we deny it, we probably, have lost fear that we can go there and more over per Quran, we are of the wicked people.
If you just hear one side to a stance, you will, probably, take one side. Taking both sides is a lot harder. As stated in the past, I've done a poem when I was a non-believer that showed my problem with hellfire during that time.
Heretic's defiance:
Say Islam was true
And I was a Jew
Would God torture me
For what I did not see?
In the name of justice
Pain as the flames burn
Days turn into weeks
Weeks into years
All for disbelief
I will have no relief
Billions of years pass by
Justice is still not served
All good is rejected
My good actions are ineffective
And I would not burn if my mind was reflective?
This is the creed that I use to follow
But now I realize such a creed is shallow
Whomever desires other than the true religion
Let him burn in the fire?!
As oppose to loving him, having compassion for him
Appreciating his good,
Honoring his struggles,
Being his friend,
No! No! That is not the way!
For God is enemy of those whom disbelieve!
Friend and Protector of those whom believe!
All are reduced to the lowest of the low!
Except - of course - for those all special and great believers!
Everyone but them, to hell they go!
All astray souls - be prepared for increasing burning!
For none but the guided will have peace!
Is that the remembrance that is suppose to bring ease?
Peace you say?
Bowing Five times a day!
To a Lord whom will watch humans burn in agony?
Having the believers laugh at them for the sake of an irony?
A Lord whom tortures everyone but the righteous guided?
A Lord whom loves not the disbelievers!
Hates them with a strong hatred!
And all this teachings is suppose to be sacred?
Most Merciful, Most Compassionate is he called by all!
But threatens all to hell, except those whom respond to the call?
If you have to be righteous to enter heaven.
What mercy was ever spread in creation?
Or is God accepting regret from a righteous person
Truly a show of ultra mercy, forgiveness, and compassion?
As if it's not justice to accept his regret and reformation!
At the end, O Lord of Islam!
If you are to burn me for this heresy
Then you truly were not a Lord of Mercy.
Not Worthy of Worship, not worth anyone's time.
This is to show, I've been empathetic and even sided with the view that hell-fire is not just and a compassionate God would be above it.
What I will be showing through posts, is why I believe hell-fire is a very rational and morally good thing to believe.
It's important how we phrase things, because often conjecture from Iblis, is said in a flowery way, that sounds good, but reason doesn't accord to it.