The subject is about addressing the popular comical meme of "Karen/Ken" and addressing the question of whether it is considered pejorative. As I've already cited using the Wikipedia source, Karen is perceived (according to the website) as a pejorative label that is allocated to white women who are seen as exaggerating an issue that is clearly solvable by contacting the authorities. I've highlighted two events in time citing the earliest Karens who made false allegations that cost the lives of innocent African-Americans.
Let's try again...
Yes, it is not as bad as the kind of things you mentioned. Yes there are women who make spurious complaints with potentially devastating consequences and these women deserve to be criticised. You are right about that.
The problem is these real 'Karens' likely couldn't give 2 ****s about being called a Karen because they are entitled and lack self-awareness. That is what makes them a 'Karen'.
The problem is that humans as a collective lack nuance and so
for some the term becomes 'any white woman complaining', even if this is not the intended meaning of the meme. This has the effect of making
some women feel they can't complain, even when it is justified (and this could have potentially serious consequences). The kind of woman who feels this way is one who cares about not being seen that way, which means they aren't the kind of woman being targeted by the meme. Even if they do complain, then it gives some people an excuse not to take them seriously as they are 'just a Karen'.
Maybe you don't care, but a 'comic meme' can have negative consequences for people even if these consequences are not intended.
If you understand the negative effects of the 'angry black man/woman' trope, you should be able to understand the negative effects of the Karen meme even if you don't think these negative effects are quite as bad.
Look you don't like me? Cool. You don't like the topics I bring up? Cool. But don't come into my thread skim through my stuff and make indefensible opinions especially if you cannot even cite sources to substantiate your opinions.
If that is aimed at me (as I definitely don't think it was aimed at SW) it was substantiated by the info I quoted from your OP of women noting it makes them feel uncomfortable making legitimate complaints.
Are you saying their lived experience doesn't matter? Women have been made uncomfortable speaking out for millennia after all.
Maybe it's your male privilege that makes you lack empathy.
One thing that irks me about this forum is some of the juvenile behavior that I see in grown a** people.
Like throwing a strop because someone made a perfectly reasonable point you didn't like regarding negative stereotypes having potentially negative unintended consequences for people who have done nothing to deserve it (and belong to a group who have faced historic and contemporary discrimination)?
If you think that is 'indefensible' and 'juvenile' that's on you.