Everyone Else? What do you mean by everyone? By mere movements? By words heard from somewhere else different from you, mean there is someone other than you? Does perception by five sense organs means there is someone other than you? From the words you read in this post, you think there is someone other than you typing this reply?
How you know there is more than you? What is the definition of "Someone/others/everyone"?
When I read all the replies, I don't see someone other than me. But just movements. Movements of Three Gunas. I reach no person/one while I speak. I hear not from people while I listen. I sense no person other me.
When Viswa speaks, it's not me speaking but it's Sattvic dominates others, to make everything Sattvic. And in all acts, all time, only these dominate other ones and try to take control. Sattvic Guna dominates and sees, Knowledge/Peace must be uttered to other gunas, so that other gunas might subside and Dharmic remains in all actions.
I am beyond all actions, beyond all sense organs. Whatever perceived is all Gunas/appearances. No person is perceived in this actions, by senses/mind/etc., - all Appearances. No Everybody. No Someone. No Other. So, No Love for Other, No Fight with Other, As there is "Not-two", all appearances, all play of Gunas, nothing perceived through senses implies "There is some other" just because it not arise in mind but reach mind through senses.
Don't trust Senses.