I don't see defining marriage as between a man and a woman as denying anyone any rights. every man is capable of marrying any woman under the law and vice-versa.
I asked you a question a while back and didn't get a response: would you consider it acceptable if the LDS Church was banned, but everyone had the same right to attend whatever mosque they wanted?
After all, this would be entirely equal treatment under the law. Probably not treatment that everyone would equally like, but still equal... no?
A-typical behaviors that do not remove a person's volition do not require special concessions.
Is membership in the Church of Latter-Day Saints not an "a-typical behaviour that does not remove a person's volition"?
They are free to be as gay as they like and have all their gay fun-times with each other. I really could not care less. Marriage, on the other hand, is an institution designed for the baring and rearing of children.
I call baloney.
I married my wife because I love her and want to make a life with her. If kids happen, great, but if they don't, my marriage will not be any less of a marriage.
If you want to make the
raison d'etre for your marriage to be pumping out babies, nobody's stopping you. But don't presume to tell
me what the purpose of
my marriage is. And don't attempt to impose your religious views on me by telling me that the actual purpose for my marriage (one that is entirely available to same-sex couples, BTW) is not valid.
Infertility is not behavioral and cannot be "helped". homosexuality is behavioral and can be "helped". so there is no reason why infertile couples should not be barred from marrying.
If marriage really is only about child-rearing, then whether the capacity for children is "behavioural" or not is entirely irrelevant.
Until the gay community/gay supporters actually come out with a viable argument when they are comparing apples to apples my position will remain the same.
And until you come up with an actual logical, coherent, consistent argument, my position will remain the same: that your opposition to same-sex marriage is based on nothing more than your personal prejudices against homosexuality and not any rational reason.