Why Prop. 8 ruling signals decline of religious freedom | Modern Commentaries
It is filled with examples of the gay community's desires trumping religious freedom in lawsuits.
No, it's not. It's full of examples of the government enforcing the idea of equal rights for everyone.
The first example with the pavilion. It's a place they rent out to the public for events. If you're going to do that, you can't discriminate. The alternative is to not rent it out to the public. That way, you can preserve your stupid religious beliefs. Besides, this has nothing to do with the legalization of same-sex marriage. Fail #1.
Example #2: A photography company that does weddings, among other things, for the public that refuses to photograph a same-sex wedding. Well, duh. When you're a business that serves the public, you're not allowed to discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation or several others things. Again, this is irrelevant to the question of same-sex marriages. Even if this was just a private ceremony with no legal ramifications, this case would still be the same. Fail #2.
Example #3: Yeshiva University "was ordered to allow same-sex couples in its married dormitory". This university was sued, yes, but they changed their policy on their own. Apparently the lower courts agreed with them, but the lawsuit went higher. There was no "ordering" of them to change their policy. Besides, the whole situation would have been made easier with legal same-sex marriage. They wouldn't have had to change their policy with that in place. The original policy was that unmarried couples sharing a room in the dorm had to both be students. If you were married, you could have your spouse live with you regardless of not begin a student there. Fail #3.
Example #4: "A Christian school has been sued for expelling two allegedly lesbian students." I'm not even going to bother looking this up, especially considering how vague it is. The question is not whether someone has been sued, but whether they won. Maybe this happened, but it remains to be seen whether the lawsuit was upheld in court or rejected. Again, this has nothing to do with same-sex marriage, though. Fail #4.
Example #5: "Catholic Charities abandoned its adoption service in Massachusetts after it was told to place children with same-sex couples. The same happened with a private company operating in California." The first one: Duh. You get government funding for your operation, you have to comply with the laws that go along with that. If you want to be a completely private organization, that same standard doesn't apply. Boston Catholic Charities got government funding. The second one here is too vague to be concerned with. If they want to provide more info so that we can actually find the details of the case, that would be great. But they don't want to do that; they just want to throw out possible examples that scare people like you. Fail #5.
Example #6: A Mississippi psychologist who refuses to counsel a lesbian couple. Again, if you're going to go into a business that serves the public, you can't discriminate based on certain things including sexual orientation. And again, nothing to do with same-sex marriage. Fail #6.
I see they go into more detail on some of the examples farther down. Anyway, I know that you jump on things like this because it supports your fear and prejudice, but none of this has to do with same-sex marriage. All of these cases would come up up regardless of legal same-sex marriage.