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LDS letter on same-sex marriage


Guardian of Asgaard
Not talking about "prejudice." Talking about "bigotry." Requires hatred. Look up Websters.

How about we change that to intolerance and ignorance then? Same cause. Its simply intolerance towards the homosexual lifestyle and ignorance of anything outside of their perfect little world the No voters live in.
Aren't Christian denominations out to help the world? Help the world and let people do what they want to do. Stop trying to control the world and to make it fit in with your book of "morals."


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

tri/ [big-uh-tree] –noun, plural -ries. 1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. 2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.


One entry found.

Main Entry: big·ot Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\ Function: noun Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot Date: 1660 : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
— big·ot·ed·ly adverb


Master of the Horse
Infants are pre-pubescent. They are not sexual creatures.

Clearly, you've never had one.

Fascinating! You wish to argue infants have or attempt sex with others or that they express a desire to do so? Those would seem to be the baseline references for sexuality.

Oh, people weren't told that churches would be sanctioned for refusing to marry queers? :rolleyes:

I don't know that people were told churches would be sanctioned, but I do know people were told churches may suffer sanction. Of course, we know churches and their affiliates have suffered sanction in Massachusetts. There is also good cause to fear the same in California. These is seen in North Coast Women's Care Medical Group v. Superior Court of San Diego County.

Me said:
Actually both went through the ratification process. This is a rather strict process requiring super-majority support: both Congressional and nationally per the states. Do you wish to argue these are not examples of disenfranchised being empowered per your original claim?
Me said:
Going through the ratification process does not constitute a popular vote.

The U.S. is a republic. None of its laws are passed by "popular vote". Would you like me to explain the ratification process? Do you wish to argue the ratification process of the 15th and 19th Amendments do not constittue examples of disenfranchised being empowered ,per your original charge?
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Master of the Horse
That's not exactly a comparable example, though, now is it? Besides, going by your definition, the lies in the ad campaign were specifically to hide or cover the truth. That's pretty obvious.

This was your claim: "False information is a lie, whether it's intentional or not." My counter example undercuts your assertion. Now, if you wish to argue that the ad in the campaign were lies under the normal definition, make your case. You need to demonstrate the untruth and the intent to cover up the truth.

I'll dig up some specifics and get back to you, but there were some in the post Pengiun was originally responding to that started this. No biggie, though, it won't be hard at all to find several lies in the campaign.

OK, I'll await your examples.

Well, too bad. If you can't at least be respectful of others than you should go to a country that doesn't value diversity and freedom.

Creating a right by fiat and imposing it on a populace by force is not an example of diversity and love of freedom. It is something quite different.

Of course not, but that's not what your argument was about. You were using those things to discount the right to same-sex marriage. I was showing that they have no relevance.

I gave no argument. I made a statement: "There is no basic human right to gaydom.". Your response was simple invective. I pointed that ou,t and then asked if you wished to make an argument for the existence of a right to gay marriage, to then make it. You have not done so.

Right, but there is no such limitation that disallows same-sex marriage legally. My stance is simply correct. Again, I'm saddened that you're a lawyer (assuming that's true). This is why the legal system is in the state it's in.

It's not hard to understand. You can marry whoever you want. The legal limitations on that statement don't disallow same-sex marriage. The point is that there is always differentiation. You can kill someone and not go to jail under certain circumstances. Nothing is categorical. The problem is that in the case of incestual, underage and bestial marriages there is perfectly good reasoning for disallowing it. There is no such reasoning against same-sex marriage.

In California gay marriage was explicitly removed as an option in 2000 through the democratic process. There was then a judicial attempted coup against the will of the people this year. The will of the people has now been reaffirmed. So no, your claim is not correct, neither as a categorical or regarding same sex marriage.

There may or may not be good reasons to disallow incestuous, pedarastial or inter-species marriages. The same could be said of same sex marriages. Regardless, the bounds of law on marriage should be determined by the people, not elites or other authoritarians and their allies.
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Master of the Horse
I used the term "lies" because I consider it to be very unlikely that the people who created those claims could have been unaware that the claims they were putting forward were false.

No claims put forward by the Campaign were false.

Thank you for clearing that up. I guess we can chalk up me not noticing the resounding acceptance of your position to my confusion, which you noted below. :sarcastic


However, it also required the specific laws in place in Massachussetts that are not in place in California.

From District Court Judge Mark L. Wolf's statement in his decision on Parker v. Hurley (emphasis mine):

Parker v Hurley demonstrates my point. Note the year. It is after the Judicial imperialism of the Court.

OTOH, the fact that gender equality is enshrined in the California State Constitution does constitute an argument for same-sex marriage as long as opposite-sex marriage exists.

This doesn't follow: each gender is equaling entitled to marry one of the opposite gender.

You're right in one respect: there are limitations that are put on the right to marry like age, relationship, species, etc. However...

There is no right to marry.

Actually, from what I understand, gender equality is going to be the basis of one of the challenges to the Proposition 8 amendment.

The challenges I know of are nuts and bolts type challenges, namely that Prop. 8 was an amendment, but should have been a revision. A revision is a more strict form of changing the Constitution. This is the same argument pro-gay advocates attempted in the early summer to stop Prop. 8 from going to ballot and was rejected by the Court. Even Erwin Chemerinsky the well know leftist legal scholar and Dean of the Irvine Law School admitted it was a problematic argument to attempt. Even so, sometimes goofy arguments prevail simply because of their goofiness.


Guardian of Asgaard
Do you feel the same about incestuous, pederastial, polygamous and inter-species marriage?

I don't agree with it, people can do what they want. The world needs to stop making the rest of the worlds business their own when it doesn't affect them. Especially in the name of religion. I agree when both parties have a choice, and can say no if they want to, some species may not be able to stop it.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation

One entry found.

Main Entry: big·ot Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\ Function: noun Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot Date: 1660 : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
— big·ot·ed·ly adverb

I'm not sure where you found that, but none of the several definitions on dictionary.com for bigot mention anything about hate or hatred. They're basically all about the same as that definition you quote without the "especially..." part.

In fact, it seems that the word got its roots in referring to religious people who fit that description.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
This was your claim: "False information is a lie, whether it's intentional or not." My counter example undercuts your assertion. Now, if you wish to argue that the ad in the campaign were lies under the normal definition, make your case. You need to demonstrate the untruth and the intent to cover up the truth.

Well, if you really want to play it that way, then, yes, your example was a lie, too.

Now, let's just give you the benefit of the doubt for a minute. Let's assume the proponents of the Yes on 8 campaign gave out false information without knowing that it was false. In that case, they were callous in their pursuit of their goal. Either they gave out false info knowing it was false, which I believe that even you would agree is wrong, or they gave it out not knowing it was false, which is still wrong but this time because they should research more before spreading false info like that. Either way, they're wrong, even if I grant you they weren't lies.

OK, I'll await your examples.

I'll have to just go with this one for now:

It protects our children from being taught in public schools that “same-sex marriage” is the same as traditional marriage, and prevents other consequences to Californians who will be forced to not just be tolerant of gay lifestyles, but face mandatory compliance regardless of their personal beliefs.
For one, you're forced to be tolerant of "gay lifestyles" now. That would not change. For another, allowing same-sex marriage would not necessarily mean that children are taught anything about it in schools. That has to do with a whole other issue, as Penguin already pointed out. And yet another, "face mandatory compliance regardless of their personal beliefs"? As in what? they have to perform or attend gay marriages? Compliance with what? No one has to comply with anything other than not going over the line in direspecting others, just as it is now.
I'm sure there are many other examples, and I've seen several on here, actually, from the Mormon church. I'll dig up more when I can, although I think it's pointless as I'm sure you've already seen all of it and just refuse to see that it's false.
Creating a right by fiat and imposing it on a populace by force is not an example of diversity and love of freedom. It is something quite different.

That may be true. I'm glad you finally realize it and can admit it. Unfortunately, I get the feeling you think this statement supports your argument rather than mine. Willful ignorance is one of the saddest things I can imagine, and you should try to move away from it.

I gave no argument. I made a statement: "There is no basic human right to gaydom.". Your response was simple invective. I pointed that ou,t and then asked if you wished to make an argument for the existence of a right to gay marriage, to then make it. You have not done so.

This part was not even in response to that particular comment of yours. Twisting the debate around isn't going to work. If there is a right to heterosexual marriage, then there is a right to gay marriage. If there is no right to heterosexual marriage but it is performed and recognized anyway, then gay marriages can be performed and recognized, too. It's pretty simple. Since you refuse to see any of my other arguments, there's one in plain English directly in response to your request.

In California gay marriage was explicitly removed as an option in 2000 through the democratic process. There was then a judicial attempted coup against the will of the people this year. The will of the people has now been reaffirmed. So no, your claim is not correct, neither as a categorical or regarding same sex marriage.

It saddens me that there are lawyers like you out there who don't even understand the basics of law. I should just stop now. If the years of school didn't teach you that our legal system isn't just based on a majority vote, I guess I have no hope of getting that through to you. :sad:

There may or may not be good reasons to disallow incestuous, pedarastial or inter-species marriages. The same could be said of same sex marriages. Regardless, the bounds of law on marriage should be determined by the people, not elites or other authoritarians and their allies.

Again, this shows a fundamental ignorance of law that should be beneath a lawyer. Sometimes, I find it extremely difficult to believe that you actually are one. The bounds of law on marriage are more than welcome to be determined by the people, as long as the people abide by the Constitution and don't contradict other laws already in place. That's why the Supreme Court began allowing gay marriage. Really, I expect this kind of thing from someone who has no in-depth knowledge of the legal system and is biased, but even a bigotted lawyer like you should be able to understand the basic workings of our legal systems.

For one, the same cannot be said of same-sex marriages. You can provide me with what you think qualify as good reasons, and I will show you why they fail. That is, if you're up to it.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Do you feel the same about incestuous, pederastial, polygamous and inter-species marriage?

The two first cases, no. There are very good reasons to discourage them. The latter two, I guess I do indeed approve. There is no point in attempting to forbid people from attaining what they really want just out of principle. Let's at least have a good reason for interfering with such personal matters.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Fascinating! You wish to argue infants have or attempt sex with others or that they express a desire to do so? Those would seem to be the baseline references for sexuality.
You're moving the goalposts. I never said they were sexually mature, that's a seperate issue. However, they do masturbate - a lot. You have not proven your assertion that there are no queer infants.

I don't know that people were told churches would be sanctioned, but I do know people were told churches may suffer sanction. Of course, we know churches and their affiliates have suffered sanction in Massachusetts. There is also good cause to fear the same in California. These is seen in North Coast Women's Care Medical Group v. Superior Court of San Diego County.
I don't believe you.

The U.S. is a republic. None of its laws are passed by "popular vote". Would you like me to explain the ratification process? Do you wish to argue the ratification process of the 15th and 19th Amendments do not constittue examples of disenfranchised being empowered ,per your original charge?
No, I've seen quite eough of your ego masturbation.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with Foucault (himself as gay as the day is long): gayness is a social construct.

This is a ridiculous assertion. Biological components of human identity are not social constructs.

Race, because it has no valid genetic basis, is a social construct. Sexuality is just the opposite. Don't resort to legal arguments when they fail in the face of science.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Do you feel the same about incestuous, pederastial, polygamous and inter-species marriage?

:rolleyes: Wow, you really don't invest a lot of thought in your posts, do you (as I'm sure it must be quite strenuous)? Pedophilia is obviously not comparable as it is the violation and victimization of a child, and bestiality is the abuse of an animal. Neither have the ability for informed consent. Other than those two examples, what consenting adults (try to wrap your mind around those two terms) do in their private lives is their own business.


Intentionally Blank

A Court creating a right to a thing is an example of judicial imperialsim. It is an undemocratic repugnancy and civially dangerous.
I take the opposite view. Since the purpose of our Constitution is to limit the power of government, a court eliminating or limiting a right to a thing is closer to judicial imperialism.

Your post above and my comment do not contradict. The theoretical basis for many of the basic rights claims made by the Founding Fathers derrived from the Natural Law Tradition. There is no natural law for gaydom.
Really? Demonstrate the truth of that. I'll do the opposite: Gay people exist. It is natural for them to do so.


You're moving the goalposts.

And you're not!? lol

said they were sexually mature, that's a seperate issue. However, they do masturbate - a lot. You have not proven your assertion that there are no queer infants.

Please provide credible refrences to prove this theory of yours.

No, I've seen quite eough of your ego masturbation.

You really like that word don't you?
All your sophistry doesn't hide your ugliness, Orontes.

This is a personal Attack and has been reported


This is a ridiculous assertion. Biological components of human identity are not social constructs.

Race, because it has no valid genetic basis, is a social construct. Sexuality is just the opposite. Don't resort to legal arguments when they fail in the face of science.

Clearly you don't have your facts in order, They have yet to prove either way about the nature of homosexuality.

But it makes sense to me that it is a social construct because it continues to exist in light of the fact that is a de-evolutionary trait.