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LEFTISTS fear opposing views, a prime example is provided


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
I note those on the LEFT are absolutely terrified of this short video. Mr. Maher is not a conservative but a moderate liberal, so his position is more credible. He is attacked by both the left and right. As on the far right I have actually seen fundamentalists run out of museums with fossils- in the same way LEFTISTS run from differing views. If they cannot cancel others' views, they, like fundamentalists run. This short video a prime example of leftist fear. bill mahar woke - Search Videos

I clicked on the link, and it said "this video is no longer available."


Veteran Member
I note those on the LEFT are absolutely terrified of this short video.
Projection much?
It's usually those on the right who are in constant fear of everything, and most of those things aren't even real. Remember the Satanic Panic? Remember the "caravan"? Remember McCarthyism? Talk about cancel culture.
And what do you fear today? People with diverse sexual orientations. In Florida, they fear them so much that they had to cancel even talking or writing about them.
No, even though the US public is the most fearful in the world, it is less so because of those on the left, it is mostly the right-wing nuts who are "absolutely terrified".


Well-Known Member
I note those on the LEFT are absolutely terrified of this short video.
That video is just generic satire based on the comic conflation with the rhetorical term "woke revolution" with (selected) actual revolutions in history. What makes you think anyone is "absolutely terrified" by it?

Couldn't it be argued that it is Maher (and by extension, you) who is scared opposing views precisely because he confronts it with a satirical comic monologue rather than discussing the reality of the issues?


Well-Known Member
I note those on the LEFT are absolutely terrified of this short video. Mr. Maher is not a conservative but a moderate liberal, so his position is more credible. He is attacked by both the left and right. As on the far right I have actually seen fundamentalists run out of museums with fossils- in the same way LEFTISTS run from differing views. If they cannot cancel others' views, they, like fundamentalists run. This short video a prime example of leftist fear. bill mahar woke - Search Videos
It appears to be fear but expressed as both fight and/or flight. They either run away or constantly attack. They do not present their arguments in a logical way to be discussed and critiqued in an adult way. There is dogma, manipulation of emotions, name calling; attack the messenger or loud over talking to avoid hearing opposing views. This is due to blind acceptance, combined with unconscious inner doubt.

This remind me of when men and women, in an intimate relationship, argue, and the male tries to be logical. Liberalism is like the female in that argument. If can get personal via her animus; animosity. This may be connected to the feminist style of liberalism.

A woman's brain is wired more side to side, which makes women more verbally orientated; ears and mouth and good at language skills. This is useful in that it allows women to use both sides of brain, together, better than most men. The Left brain is more logical and the right brain is more emotional. This cross wiring is connected to their material instincts and allows a woman to interpret the infant language of cries based on her feeling/intellect; empathy and emotional thinking. She can sense her family needs based on the emotional ambiance; empathy.This can extend to her community.

However, this does not always scale well to when dealing with men who are trying to be logical and not trying to be emotional thinkers. Their logic can conflict with her emotions and her emotional thinking, so there is need to separate from this; fight or flight. The maternal brain tries to integrate the needs; emotions, of her family and sort finds a happy average; identity politics. But logic is more differential and the average does not address all the single data points of logic, which can alter her feelings and thought away from the average. VP Harris is a Democrat so it does not matter to the emotional thinker what she thinks, since she is part to the average of that family. This matters only if logic is important.

Men's brains are more wire front to back. This makes men more visual animals. Women lure men through visual cues, while men lure women through verbal charm. However, the male brain is less wired side by side allowing them to stay more left brain; Mr Spock, without emotions. This is better for science objectivity, untampered by sentiment. If you are afraid to hurt feelings; empathize while thinking, you cannot address all logical points. This lack of feeling, in the logic, sort of can create a disconnect for the female to her feelings and emotional thinking; she can get defensive. The defensiveness feeling, then trigger other thoughts, so the dance begins.

Men can develop better connections to both sides of the brain, by learning from women; mother, with liberal men more so than conservative men. Gay men usually had a close relationship with their mother and other women as a child and develop this side by side wiring. However, being male they also have the front to back. This allows some to become an exaggerated woman; feminine with extra male wiring differential. Bill Mahar is more bland with less sentiment running his show. He tries to be more left brain clever or objective, which can trigger feminize men and women to fight or fight if he addresses their emotional thinking averages; woke.

Casino science is more feminine since it too deals in black box averages; emotional simulation. While rational science is more for the men. Classically before reverse discrimination; emotional thinking, men were more into science and women liberal arts. While there were more women of science, in biology, which uses casino science and math. The men were more into rational science like physic, chemistry, math and code. The overuse of casino science is due to the shift of culture to more feminism, since males since pure left brain reason is backwards to the uncertainty of statistics; Schrödinger's cat and the level of confidence not ever 100%. This can become dogmatic or defensive.


Well-Known Member
It appears to be fear but expressed as both fight and/or flight. They either run away or constantly attack. They do not present their arguments in a logical way to be discussed and critiqued in an adult way. There is dogma, manipulation of emotions, name calling; attack the messenger or loud over talking to avoid hearing opposing views. This is due to blind acceptance, combined with unconscious inner doubt.

This remind me of when men and women, in an intimate relationship, argue, and the male tries to be logical. Liberalism is like the female in that argument. If can get personal via her animus; animosity. This may be connected to the feminist style of liberalism.

A woman's brain is wired more side to side, which makes women more verbally orientated; ears and mouth and good at language skills. This is useful in that it allows women to use both sides of brain, together, better than most men. The Left brain is more logical and the right brain is more emotional. This cross wiring is connected to their material instincts and allows a woman to interpret the infant language of cries based on her feeling/intellect; empathy and emotional thinking. She can sense her family needs based on the emotional ambiance; empathy.This can extend to her community.

However, this does not always scale well to when dealing with men who are trying to be logical and not trying to be emotional thinkers. Their logic can conflict with her emotions and her emotional thinking, so there is need to separate from this; fight or flight. The maternal brain tries to integrate the needs; emotions, of her family and sort finds a happy average; identity politics. But logic is more differential and the average does not address all the single data points of logic, which can alter her feelings and thought away from the average. VP Harris is a Democrat so it does not matter to the emotional thinker what she thinks, since she is part to the average of that family. This matters only if logic is important.

Men's brains are more wire front to back. This makes men more visual animals. Women lure men through visual cues, while men lure women through verbal charm. However, the male brain is less wired side by side allowing them to stay more left brain; Mr Spock, without emotions. This is better for science objectivity, untampered by sentiment. If you are afraid to hurt feelings; empathize while thinking, you cannot address all logical points. This lack of feeling, in the logic, sort of can create a disconnect for the female to her feelings and emotional thinking; she can get defensive. The defensiveness feeling, then trigger other thoughts, so the dance begins.

Men can develop better connections to both sides of the brain, by learning from women; mother, with liberal men more so than conservative men. Gay men usually had a close relationship with their mother and other women as a child and develop this side by side wiring. However, being male they also have the front to back. This allows some to become an exaggerated woman; feminine with extra male wiring differential. Bill Mahar is more bland with less sentiment running his show. He tries to be more left brain clever or objective, which can trigger feminize men and women to fight or fight if he addresses their emotional thinking averages; woke.

Casino science is more feminine since it too deals in black box averages; emotional simulation. While rational science is more for the men. Classically before reverse discrimination; emotional thinking, men were more into science and women liberal arts. While there were more women of science, in biology, which uses casino science and math. The men were more into rational science like physic, chemistry, math and code. The overuse of casino science is due to the shift of culture to more feminism, since males since pure left brain reason is backwards to the uncertainty of statistics; Schrödinger's cat and the level of confidence not ever 100%. This can become dogmatic or defensive.
Jesús, what a lot of nonsense. You’ve really outdone yourself here. It doesn’t strike you as strange to watch a Trump rally, and claim it is ‘the left’ that is emotional? Everything about the MAGA movement is emotion, scattering a few factoids in there doesn’t make it ‘scientific’. You could hardly call it feminine emotion, though, it’s something more akin to the frustration a toddler feels over not understanding how the world works, and experiencing every personal slight as a global injustice.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Projection much?
It's usually those on the right who are in constant fear of everything, and most of those things aren't even real. Remember the Satanic Panic? Remember the "caravan"? Remember McCarthyism? Talk about cancel culture.
And what do you fear today? People with diverse sexual orientations. In Florida, they fear them so much that they had to cancel even talking or writing about them.
No, even though the US public is the most fearful in the world, it is less so because of those on the left, it is mostly the right-wing nuts who are "absolutely terrified".

There's been a long history of this sort of thing in the U.S., as we well know. Ultimately, the opposing views in question are still available for anyone who wishes to avail themselves of them. "Cancel culture" is really more a symbolic gesture than anything else.

But I've also observed that it has certain elements of America's entrenched "NIMBY" culture attached to it. If you're on someone else's turf, they can cancel you, but if they're on your turf, you can cancel them.

For the most part, the left-wing was once the underdog, champion of civil rights, workers rights, world peace, and other lost causes, while the right-wing mostly held the apparatus of power. Consequently, the left had to try harder to make their case to the people and were always ready to debate and argue their views with anyone.

At this point, I don't think the left has much political capital - not enough to have anything to do with "cancel culture," nor are they afraid of opposing views.


Well-Known Member
It appears to be fear but expressed as both fight and/or flight. They either run away or constantly attack. They do not present their arguments in a logical way to be discussed and critiqued in an adult way. There is dogma, manipulation of emotions, name calling; attack the messenger or loud over talking to avoid hearing opposing views. This is due to blind acceptance, combined with unconscious inner doubt.
Then why is this thread based on a satirical comedy monologue being used to blindly attack "leftists" rather than a presentation of arguments on the topic in a logical and adult way?

And why did you then use it as a platform to go off on some weird tangent about (over-simplified) gender differences that has little to do with the topic of the thread or the actual underlying topic from the video?


Active Member
In many ways, Maher is correct. I've been speaking about human nature in these forums for years, and although I consider myself a classic sort of liberal, I do not try to pretend that we can make humans give up their biases. I do not pretend that we don't, each in our way way, try to satisfy our own needs to the best of our ability -- and that we sometimes do so at the expense of others. We are not programmed like social insects -- or the Borg -- so that our own self-interest doesn't exist -- it does, and informs much that we do.

I'm not far left, although I am definitely on the left side of the line (maybe 3 out of 10 lefty), and I'm certainly not an idealogue. I hate "cancel culture," and have strongly objected to removing statues and renaming schools and the like simply because we can't accept that our ancestors lived in their own culture, and can't be expected to reflect the attitudes of ours, which they couldn't even have contemplated.

I also know that we can't change other people. I'm gay, and I'm always going to be gay. You can make it illegal, or you can shun me for it, but it's not going to change who I am. We have to admit that although we'd like to give everybody the chance to attain a PhD, not everybody has the ability to get there, or even to a lower-level college or university degree. And yet, that's no reason not to help them, if we can, reach for the best they're able to achieve.

Maher was, of course, perfectly correct about the biggest problem with communism -- you simply can't get people to stop wanting not only what their neighbour has, but even (God Forbid!) to outshine their neighbour -- don't keep up with the Joneses, go them one better!

But this is a problem on both sides, not just left. The right really does think that you can create a society in which everybody marries the girl next door and has 2 1/2 kids and a couple of pets, go to church every Sunday and never, ever cheat on their spouse. Well, too bad, you can't, and for trying to do so by force, they deserve the dunce cap. And the left really does think you can make everyone "equal" by fiat -- that a person born physically male who "identifies" as female is certainly going to have developed characteristics, due to nothing more nefarious than the hormones their genes decided they produce more of, that make it unfair for them to compete against a person born with physically female who produces different hormones.

To that last point, which is a matter in much contention these days, I think we have to acknowledge that, with the best will in the world, we simply cannot fix everything, and that while we can make some allowances, it must surely be wrong to make allowances that permit others to be unfairly out-advantaged.

Yes, that's something we all need -- both left and right: to humility to know that we can't make everything right, and that we have no right to make demands of other people that they cannot fulfill.
Your the only one in the group with the courage to actually watch it .i think my initial OP thus stands.


Active Member
How could you possibly know that? The only thing that "stands" is the worthlessness of your claim.
they fact that only one here has the huevos to watch it. My assertion is that leftism is a religion, a form of 'secular fundamentalism' my Poist is backed up by the far of a short video.


Active Member
That video is just generic satire based on the comic conflation with the rhetorical term "woke revolution" with (selected) actual revolutions in history. What makes you think anyone is "absolutely terrified" by it?

Couldn't it be argued that it is Maher (and by extension, you) who is scared opposing views precisely because he confronts it with a satirical comic monologue rather than discussing the reality of the issues?
The 'reality ' is woke as noted by those who survived Maos cultural revolution is so similar it is the same. one sees in it the 'struggle of class against class. ' Anyone who does not want to live under such a regime would be concerned, 'scared' of such a dogma.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Some person on some thread here was saying something similar. I don't have the inclination to figure out who watches what.


Active Member
Projection much?
It's usually those on the right who are in constant fear of everything, and most of those things aren't even real. Remember the Satanic Panic? Remember the "caravan"? Remember McCarthyism? Talk about cancel culture.
And what do you fear today? People with diverse sexual orientations. In Florida, they fear them so much that they had to cancel even talking or writing about them.
No, even though the US public is the most fearful in the world, it is less so because of those on the left, it is mostly the right-wing nuts who are "absolutely terrified".
I could care less what adults do in their bedrooms, and Florida is more free than most government adles blue states. that the commonality of woke and what was Maos cultural revolution is clear should concern anyone who holds liberty as a value. Now if one holds up what that form, or any form of marxism i guess they would welcome it.