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LEFTISTS fear opposing views, a prime example is provided


Well-Known Member
Where is the existential threat of fascism? Tiki carrying skinheads in Charlottesville? They are no more than a gang.

So was the KKK but just try and count the number of people they murdered.

Until covid hit the stats were very clear, lowest unemployment among minorities in history.
The lowest unemployment rate in US history was 0.8% in October 1944, near the end of World War II. The lowest annual unemployment rate was 1.6% in 2022, which was due to a significant worker shortage. In 2023, the unemployment rate was 3.6%
Trump is a populist. Turning to the right if that means strict constitutional values of limited government and free enterprise has nothing to do with 'fascism.'
Trump's attempts to subvert the 2020 election shows he is no follower of the constitution.
socialism once voted in cannot be voted out. Socialism has failed 100% of the time yet still has supporters. All statism is anti liberty.
It's fails everywhere except in all the places it hasn't.
WOKE is cultural marxism, having its source in the Frankfort School of Marxism. The rhetoric is only somewhat altered. The Woke mob departs somewhat from the Marxists of the last hundred years, dressing themselves up in slightly different rhetoric replacing economics with race and sex.
We've read this garbage before dozens of times. Repeating it is just a sad statement about you.


Veteran Member
Where is the existential threat of fascism? Tiki carrying skinheads in Charlottesville? They are no more than a gang. Until covid hit the stats were very clear, lowest unemployment among minorities in history.
What Trump policies led to lower unemployment?
Trump is a populist. Turning to the right if that means strict constitutional values of limited government and free enterprise has nothing to do with 'fascism.'
Limited government until it comes to woman's reproductive rights. Or voting rights.
socialism once voted in cannot be voted out. Socialism has failed 100% of the time yet still has supporters. All statism is anti liberty.
Bad news, even republicans agree that our system of governing has socialist elements. Want a fire department to exist, or police protection, or road maintenance, or public schools? Socialism.


I note those on the LEFT are absolutely terrified of this short video. Mr. Maher is not a conservative but a moderate liberal, so his position is more credible. He is attacked by both the left and right. As on the far right I have actually seen fundamentalists run out of museums with fossils- in the same way LEFTISTS run from differing views. If they cannot cancel others' views, they, like fundamentalists run. This short video a prime example of leftist fear. bill mahar woke - Search Videos

Eeeekkk! I'm scared of this video!

(Dives behind couch)


Veteran Member
WOKE is cultural marxism, having its source in the Frankfort School of Marxism.
I already corrected you about the Frankfurter Schule. Didn't you read it? Didn't you understand it? Didn't you care?

I didn't read further after you recycled an already debunked argument.


Outstanding Member
In many ways, Maher is correct. I've been speaking about human nature in these forums for years, and although I consider myself a classic sort of liberal, I do not try to pretend that we can make humans give up their biases. I do not pretend that we don't, each in our way way, try to satisfy our own needs to the best of our ability -- and that we sometimes do so at the expense of others. We are not programmed like social insects -- or the Borg -- so that our own self-interest doesn't exist -- it does, and informs much that we do.

Like when soldiers go to war to fight for an abstract concept, like 'nation', that only exists in human heads even though doing so is definitely not in their self-interest?

I agree that we often do things in our self-interest, but in practice this is massively shaped by our culture.

I'm not far left, although I am definitely on the left side of the line (maybe 3 out of 10 lefty), and I'm certainly not an idealogue. I hate "cancel culture," and have strongly objected to removing statues and renaming schools and the like simply because we can't accept that our ancestors lived in their own culture, and can't be expected to reflect the attitudes of ours, which they couldn't even have contemplated.

I think you are not framing the issue properly. The issue, as I see it, has nothing to do with accepting anything. It has to do with not idolizing behavior that we do not approve.

I also know that we can't change other people. I'm gay, and I'm always going to be gay. You can make it illegal, or you can shun me for it, but it's not going to change who I am. We have to admit that although we'd like to give everybody the chance to attain a PhD, not everybody has the ability to get there, or even to a lower-level college or university degree. And yet, that's no reason not to help them, if we can, reach for the best they're able to achieve.

I have no idea why you presume that not everyone has the ability to get an university degree. Are you talking about people with mental disabilities?

Maher was, of course, perfectly correct about the biggest problem with communism -- you simply can't get people to stop wanting not only what their neighbour has, but even (God Forbid!) to outshine their neighbour -- don't keep up with the Joneses, go them one better!

The biggest problem with communism is that it lost the war against capitalism.

But this is a problem on both sides, not just left. The right really does think that you can create a society in which everybody marries the girl next door and has 2 1/2 kids and a couple of pets, go to church every Sunday and never, ever cheat on their spouse. Well, too bad, you can't, and for trying to do so by force, they deserve the dunce cap. And the left really does think you can make everyone "equal" by fiat -- that a person born physically male who "identifies" as female is certainly going to have developed characteristics, due to nothing more nefarious than the hormones their genes decided they produce more of, that make it unfair for them to compete against a person born with physically female who produces different hormones.

To that last point, which is a matter in much contention these days, I think we have to acknowledge that, with the best will in the world, we simply cannot fix everything, and that while we can make some allowances, it must surely be wrong to make allowances that permit others to be unfairly out-advantaged.

Like allowing Michael Phelps to compete after we figured out he had a massive genetic advantage?


Active Member
I already corrected you about the Frankfurter Schule. Didn't you read it? Didn't you understand it? Didn't you care?

I didn't read further after you recycled an already debunked aon woke is cultural marxism

I already corrected you about the Frankfurter Schule. Didn't you read it? Didn't you understand it? Didn't you care?

I didn't read further after you recycled an already debunked argument.
This forum is the first and only place i ever heard a denial woke is cultural marxism, as the left has an interest in denying it. Out side of these forums it is the general consensus.


Active Member
So was the KKK but just try and count the number of people they murdered.

The lowest unemployment rate in US history was 0.8% in October 1944, near the end of World War II. The lowest annual unemployment rate was 1.6% in 2022, which was due to a significant worker shortage. In 2023, the unemployment rate was 3.6%

Trump's attempts to subvert the 2020 election shows he is no follower of the constitution.

It's fails everywhere except in all the places it hasn't.

We've read this garbage before dozens of times. Repeating it is just a sad statement about you.
It was Jessie Jackson who said drugs have is killing more black youth than the KKK. This reveals what was and what now should be dwelt on should be the concern, at PRESENT. There is evidence, like it or not of 2020 election corruption. Now Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, soviet controlled eastern Europe, sorry, not socialist success stories. No one other than the leftists in this group denies woke is cultural Marxism as its universally accepted.


Well-Known Member
This forum is the first and only place i ever heard a denial woke is cultural marxism, as the left has an interest in denying it. Out side of these forums it is the general consensus.
maybe you had better try to edit wikipedia on the topic. It spells out Cultural Marxism for what it is a neo-Nazi and white supremacist fueled conspiracy theory
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Well-Known Member
It was Jessie Jackson who said drugs have is killing more black youth than the KKK.
I had to look up who Jessie Jackson was.

Doesn't change my point.
This reveals what was and what now should be dwelt on should be the concern, at PRESENT. There is evidence, like it or not of 2020 election corruption.
Yeah that is why Trump and his cronies are facing criminal charges
Now Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, soviet controlled eastern Europe, sorry, not socialist success stories.
Communism not socialism.
No one other than the leftists in this group denies woke is cultural Marxism as its universally accepted.
yeah left leaning people tend to think so it's not surprising they recognize cultural Marxism for what it is.


Active Member
maybe you had better try to edit wikipedia on the topic. It spells out Cultural Marxism for what it is a neo-Nazi and white supremacist conspiracy theory
Being i have heard white bread
I had to look up who Jessie Jackson was.

Doesn't change my point.

Yeah that is why Trump and his cronies are facing criminal charges

Communism not socialism.

yeah left leaning people tend to think so it's not surprising they recognize cultural Marxism for what it is.
Its common in third world countries to arrest and imprison political opponents, now the justice system under the Democrat party is doing what third world countries have always done.. As to the bugaboo of 'white supremists' they are a bunch of obnoxious gangs on the same level as antifa with no political control, propped up to be an existential threat. As Lenis stated, "The goal of socialism is communism' the utopian goal of socialism. Socialist success stories, where? The tens of thousands who lived through, were victims of Maos murderous cultural revolution who see the ominous link to todays woke cannot be called 'neo-Nazis' or 'white supremist 'An Interview with Xi Van Fleet, Author of Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning


Well-Known Member
Being i have heard white bread

Its common in third world countries to arrest and imprison political opponents, now the justice system under the Democrat party is doing what third world countries have always done..
yes put law breakers through the court system.
As to the bugaboo of 'white supremists' they are a bunch of obnoxious gangs on the same level as antifa with no political control, propped up to be an existential threat.
You just described Germany's Nazi party in the 1920's


Active Member
yes put law breakers through the court system.

You just described Germany's Nazi party in the 1920's
In 1920'a Germany there were red shirts(Marxists) and brown shirts( fascists) The vast majority ignored both, which ultimately empowered one over the other. ,,, again, in todays Russia Putin's political enemies are all deemed 'law breakers' same as in Maduros Venezuela and Cuba.
Now as to Woke, aka cultural marxism, Those who survives Maos cultural revolution (hardly white supremist) have systemically compared what is happening in America NOW to the Chinese cultural revolution happened in China 50 years ago. The agenda is played by the leftists in our society, predict what will happen if this plan keeps fomenting wokeism. They describes the root of all the problems originated in high education and how the Marxist ideology infiltrates and control the whole education started with John Dewey. This Neo-Marxist ideology is today even in terms of rhetoric the same as the Red Guards for Mao during the cultural revolution as survives of it have noted. Those who escaped Marxist countries who observe that Marxism is tied to Woke are are ignored, the left supposing that through socialism has a 100% fauure rate, may somehow someplace work? The simplest way to put this would be the following from the Frankfort School:​

  • Critical Theory is “neo-Marxism,” or, as it’s sometimes phrased, “Cultural Marxism,” which plainly derives from Marxism and retained much of what was core to its thought while completely modifying other aspects of it in the hopes of achieving communism.​
  • Postmodernism is a particular form of “post-Marxism,” which had given up more or less entirely on Marxism and thus everything else, though it was still a fairly significant fan of communist efforts as they played out in the 1950s and 1960s, and it was no friend to liberalism.​
  • Critical Social Justice is the intentional fusion of these two schools of thought with the goal of achieving its ideas about “social justice' through radical identify politics.​


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I think the whole anti-woke schtick is getting old consider we have a growing theocracy that could be relentlessly mocked. I think people like Maher are too scared to make any waves against our potential upcoming dictatorship. So they beat a tired, dying possibly already dead horse with a rubber hose over and over and over again. I dunno.

I'm not afraid of what Maher is saying I'm underwhelmed and disappointed.


Active Member
I think the whole anti-woke schtick is getting old consider we have a growing theocracy that could be relentlessly mocked. I think people like Maher are too scared to make any waves against our potential upcoming dictatorship. So they beat a tired, dying possibly already dead horse with a rubber hose over and over and over again. I dunno.

I'm not afraid of what Maher is saying I'm underwhelmed and disappointed.
Ever see the posted video? in addition the 'religious right' fundamentalists have been in decline for decades, they too busy fighting among themselves. as to the woke, again, Woke, aka cultural marxism, Those who survives Maos cultural revolution (hardly white supremist) have systemically compared what is happening in America NOW to the Chinese cultural revolution happened in China 50 years ago. The agenda is played by the leftists in our society, predict what will happen if this plan keeps fomenting wokeism. They describes the root of all the problems originated in high education and how the Marxist ideology infiltrates and control the whole education started with John Dewey. This Neo-Marxist ideology is today even in terms of rhetoric the same as the Red Guards for Mao during the cultural revolution as survives of it have noted. Those who escaped Marxist countries who observe that Marxism is tied to Woke are are ignored, the left supposing that through socialism has a 100% fauure rate, may somehow someplace work? The simplest way to put this would be the following from the Frankfort School:

  • Critical Theory is “neo-Marxism,” or, as it’s sometimes phrased, “Cultural Marxism,” which plainly derives from Marxism and retained much of what was core to its thought while completely modifying other aspects of it in the hopes of achieving communism.
  • Postmodernism is a particular form of “post-Marxism,” which had given up more or less entirely on Marxism and thus everything else, though it was still a fairly significant fan of communist efforts as they played out in the 1950s and 1960s, and it was no friend to liberalism.
  • Critical Social Justice is the intentional fusion of these two schools of thought with the goal of achieving its ideas about “social justice' through radical identify politics.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Ever see the posted video? in addition the 'religious right' fundamentalists have been in decline for decades, they too busy fighting among themselves. as to the woke, again, Woke, aka cultural marxism, Those who survives Maos cultural revolution (hardly white supremist) have systemically compared what is happening in America NOW to the Chinese cultural revolution happened in China 50 years ago. The agenda is played by the leftists in our society, predict what will happen if this plan keeps fomenting wokeism. They describes the root of all the problems originated in high education and how the Marxist ideology infiltrates and control the whole education started with John Dewey. This Neo-Marxist ideology is today even in terms of rhetoric the same as the Red Guards for Mao during the cultural revolution as survives of it have noted. Those who escaped Marxist countries who observe that Marxism is tied to Woke are are ignored, the left supposing that through socialism has a 100% fauure rate, may somehow someplace work? The simplest way to put this would be the following from the Frankfort School:

  • Critical Theory is “neo-Marxism,” or, as it’s sometimes phrased, “Cultural Marxism,” which plainly derives from Marxism and retained much of what was core to its thought while completely modifying other aspects of it in the hopes of achieving communism.
  • Postmodernism is a particular form of “post-Marxism,” which had given up more or less entirely on Marxism and thus everything else, though it was still a fairly significant fan of communist efforts as they played out in the 1950s and 1960s, and it was no friend to liberalism.
  • Critical Social Justice is the intentional fusion of these two schools of thought with the goal of achieving its ideas about “social justice' through radical identify politics.
I've already shot every bit of that down before. I'm tired this morning.


I dont doubt it
Oh whatever. No one gives a rats behind what Bill Maher thinks. He's a smug bigot and an anti-vaccine conspiracy pusher.

EDIT: I also wish right wing Americans would learn what actual socialism/marxism/communism is. You people use the term so broadly, much like "woke" that it has no real meaning.
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"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I have no idea why you presume that not everyone has the ability to get an university degree. Are you talking about people with mental disabilities?
It is very unlikely that people with lower IQs can pass the necessary requirements for a 4-year degree. That usually takes about 115 or more. Under 100 or so makes it a near impossibility. But an IQ of 100 or less is not necessarily a "mental disability." More a lack of natural ability to make the necessary connections between ideas that a higher education requires.