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LEFTISTS fear opposing views, a prime example is provided


Active Member
There's been a long history of this sort of thing in the U.S., as we well know. Ultimately, the opposing views in question are still available for anyone who wishes to avail themselves of them. "Cancel culture" is really more a symbolic gesture than anything else.

But I've also observed that it has certain elements of America's entrenched "NIMBY" culture attached to it. If you're on someone else's turf, they can cancel you, but if they're on your turf, you can cancel them.

For the most part, the left-wing was once the underdog, champion of civil rights, workers rights, world peace, and other lost causes, while the right-wing mostly held the apparatus of power. Consequently, the left had to try harder to make their case to the people and were always ready to debate and argue their views with anyone.

At this point, I don't think the left has much political capital - not enough to have anything to do with "cancel culture," nor are they afraid of opposing views.
Leftism and liberalism are vastly different

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member


Well-Known Member
The 'reality ' is woke as noted by those who survived Maos cultural revolution is so similar it is the same. one sees in it the 'struggle of class against class. ' Anyone who does not want to live under such a regime would be concerned, 'scared' of such a dogma.
OK, and if you wish to discuss that, what not start a thread based on all the facts rather than post some rhetorical satire and pre-empt any kind of response from the people you're seeking to cancel (ironically)?


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Thanks, now I finally got to see it. So, the left was terrified of this video? I'm not sure why they would be.

I do agree with his point about the banjo player apologizing about endorsing a book and a liberal law professor having to attend 8 weeks of sensitivity training. But "the left" isn't doing that, because the left has no power to do things like that. Corporations, academia, and other establishment-level institutions have such power, but I wouldn't consider them to be left-wing by any standard. They're certainly not Maoists.

I don't think "woke culture" is about actually being woke. It's about virtue signaling, giving off the appearance of being "woke" for the sake of optics and image. Any corporation, institution, or agency which relies upon good public relations and reputation will put in an extra effort to foster and maintain that image. It's good PR, good for business. That's the bottom line.

Whether or not they actually believe it, or whether it means anyone is more enlightened or informed - that appears to be irrelevant to the Powers That Be. All that matters is following a certain script and playing a part. It's corporate PR, but not "the left" at all. Corporations might be terrified and/or a bit ornery if they feel their profits might be threatened, so that might be where a lot of "cancel culture" originates from.

As long as the left can be goaded into tearing down statues of Lincoln and other irrelevant foolishness, then they're not threatening corporate properties or corporate interests. They have been successfully duped and distracted away from what should ordinarily be their main target.


Veteran Member
I could care less what adults do in their bedrooms, and Florida is more free than most government adles blue states. that the commonality of woke and what was Maos cultural revolution is clear should concern anyone who holds liberty as a value. Now if one holds up what that form, or any form of marxism i guess they would welcome it.
If you value freedom, you should free yourself from your irrational fear of communism and all the other things you fear, like "woke-ism". Fear is not a good counsel and once you realize that, you can see who is trying to use fear tactics. Bill Maher is not. He makes jokes. You don't have to fear comedians - and neither does "the left".


Active Member
Thanks, now I finally got to see it. So, the left was terrified of this video? I'm not sure why they would be.

I do agree with his point about the banjo player apologizing about endorsing a book and a liberal law professor having to attend 8 weeks of sensitivity training. But "the left" isn't doing that, because the left has no power to do things like that. Corporations, academia, and other establishment-level institutions have such power, but I wouldn't consider them to be left-wing by any standard. They're certainly not Maoists.

I don't think "woke culture" is about actually being woke. It's about virtue signaling, giving off the appearance of being "woke" for the sake of optics and image. Any corporation, institution, or agency which relies upon good public relations and reputation will put in an extra effort to foster and maintain that image. It's good PR, good for business. That's the bottom line.

Whether or not they actually believe it, or whether it means anyone is more enlightened or informed - that appears to be irrelevant to the Powers That Be. All that matters is following a certain script and playing a part. It's corporate PR, but not "the left" at all. Corporations might be terrified and/or a bit ornery if they feel their profits might be threatened, so that might be where a lot of "cancel culture" originates from.

As long as the left can be goaded into tearing down statues of Lincoln and other irrelevant foolishness, then they're not threatening corporate properties or corporate interests. They have been successfully duped and distracted away from what should ordinarily be their main target.
Thank you for responding - so few did which is very telling


Active Member
If you value freedom, you should free yourself from your irrational fear of communism and all the other things you fear, like "woke-ism". Fear is not a good counsel and once you realize that, you can see who is trying to use fear tactics. Bill Maher is not. He makes jokes. You don't have to fear comedians - and neither does "the left".
Did you see the video? Democracy, republics is the anomaly on the worlds stage . democratic countries fail, and the reasons they fail are historically obvious. Ignoring the reasons democratic countries fail is naive, noting of them is not fear, is being objective.


Veteran Member
Did you see the video?
I did (and I've seen better from Maher).
Democracy, republics is the anomaly on the worlds stage . democratic countries fail, and the reasons they fail are historically obvious. Ignoring the reasons democratic countries fail is naive, noting of them is not fear, is being objective.
Which federal laws are so "woke" that they have made the US a flawed democracy?
That label (or "failing democracy", as other sites put it) was given to the US when Donald Trump was elected President, not when "woke-ism" became the official system. Governments turning to the right is what threatens democracy worldwide. The only thing that "woke-ism" has to do with it is that it's absolutely useless to fight fascism.


Active Member
I did (and I've seen better from Maher).

Which federal laws are so "woke" that they have made the US a flawed democracy?
That label (or "failing democracy", as other sites put it) was given to the US when Donald Trump was elected President, not when "woke-ism" became the official system. Governments turning to the right is what threatens democracy worldwide. The only thing that "woke-ism" has to do with it is that it's absolutely useless to fight fascism.
Where is the existential threat of fascism? Tiki carrying skinheads in Charlottesville? They are no more than a gang. Until covid hit the stats were very clear, lowest unemployment among minorities in history. Trump is a populist. Turning to the right if that means strict constitutional values of limited government and free enterprise has nothing to do with 'fascism.' socialism once voted in cannot be voted out. Socialism has failed 100% of the time yet still has supporters. All statism is anti liberty.

WOKE is cultural marxism, having its source in the Frankfort School of Marxism. The rhetoric is only somewhat altered. The Woke mob departs somewhat from the Marxists of the last hundred years, dressing themselves up in slightly different rhetoric replacing economics with race and sex.

--The Woke have replaced Marx's ‘proletariat’ with ‘marginalized. ’

--Marx's ‘economic struggle’ is now replaced by ‘intersectionality.‘

--Marx’s utopian fantasy, from socialism to communism has been replaced with the woke fantasy of, ’ inclusive equitable society.’ The woke like all marxists entertain grand fantasies, utopian visions.

-Marx openly hated democracy which he saw as empowering oppressor/ victim, giving more power to the bourgeoisie with greater abilities to exploit the proletariat. The Woke, unlike liberals are not concerned with equality of opportunity but the equality of outcome. The woke, unlike the traditional Marxists see oppressor/victim as primarily racial and sexual with only an omnipotent state structure the means to enforce ‘equity.’ Democratic institutions to the woke are inherently phobe-hater-bigot-fascist, and racist, and, in lockstep with Marxism, as a consequence must be overturned.

---For the Marxist totalitarian the collectivist ideal is the goal, not the individual who must be subservient to the collective ideals, that has stayed the same with the emergence of Woke.

--the Woke hold subjectivity above objective facts rendering both religions, the narratives, dogmatically foisted are thus religious claims.

--A common saying among the Woke faithful is ‘Your truth/my truth’ meaning no objective standard for truth exists, further examples it being religious.

--The woke are ridged and dogmatic thus rejecting debate or critical analysis. The Woke say debate gives exploitative powers to various oppressors. Other reasons offered by the woke to suppress debate and discourse in general are declarations like, “debate causes division!” Open debate is expository, revealing in the dialectic process objective facts and sometimes truth. When one accepts objective reality lies are short circuited thus facts have no fear of free inquiry or open debate. A lie hates free inquiry and as a consequence totalitarians strive to suppress free inquiry, free speech and debate. Once I knew an exchange student raised in a dictatorship. This young woman openly stated ‘debate’ about government policies in her country was considered ‘disrespectful to authority.’ I asked the young lady “Why in a democratic republic does anyone with any civil authority need to be ‘respected,’ exalted in any way more than anyone else?” I added the mere notion that ‘government’ knows what's best is something beyond my understanding of what the function of government is. To my points the young lady had no rebuttal, rendered uneasy by the topic matter.