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Legalize Marijuana?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I had a brief skim through it when you provided it before, and I've skimmed through it again now.

And personally... I don't really trust a science site which has "mind and spirit" as one of the tabs up at the top of the page. Forgive the comparison, but it makes it look like some kind of Hippy site.

Also check out the research papers which is just below health and medicinal.

Mind and spirit for many people is a big part of drug usage. For some it's the reason for taking them. (esp. the psychidelic/hallucinogenic types - e.g. Ayahuasca)

I've found it to be a very good website for any research on drug usage and effects of them. I've known people to decide on whether or not to use a certain substance after reading the information on that particular website - all the information is there and easy to access.


Also check out the research papers which is just below health and medicinal.

Mind and spirit for many people is a big part of drug usage. For some it's the reason for taking them. (esp. the psychidelic/hallucinogenic types - e.g. Ayahuasca)

I've found it to be a very good website for any research on drug usage and effects of them. I've known people to decide on whether or not to use a certain substance after reading the information on that particular website - all the information is there and easy to access.

And all the information against it is on another website... So I think I'll avoid weed myself, thank you.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I have a fairly amusing personal anecdote now that you mention it. Back in year twelve I had a fairly laid-back, easy going teacher for Study of Religion. He was a great guy, and he sure did know a lot, but he kept going on random tangents about his own experiences, as well as those of his family and friends.

He grew up in the sixties in a rural area, and he had a brother who smoked marijuana casually. To this day he continues to smoke it... and currently, he's now a member of a three-man cult whose leader believes that he is the reincarnation of the sun god, Ra. :areyoucra

There are personal anecdotes stemming from myself that I could use, but I'd rather not, because they're not nearly as amusing as that. :D

Heh... maybe the disposition to do that sort of thing was genetic, taught from birth onward and has various underpinning social factors. But by looking at the circumstances of the two brothers, where the person who didn't use marijuana gained a Masters in Theology and a Masters in Philosophy; while the other brother came to posses a very distorted perception of reality... I genuinely think that says something.

My point is, we really don't completely know the full effects that Marijuana can have on us. This is all the more proven when there are actually conflicting studies concerning its effects. Before we endorse it with open arms, more needs to be known about it. Maybe once we know more about it, we could legalise it, but continue to regulate it as is necessary as to avoid particular problems.

Are you trying to claim that cannabis was the sole cause for his delusion? Because it couldn't possibly be due to a pre-existing mental illness, could it?

Personally, I don't think things like skunk are entirely safe for anyone to use. Given, some people won't really be affected. But some people will react to certain drugs differently, because of their make-up - and it's because these people exist that care needs to be taken.
Some people are also lactose intolerant and allergic to peanuts. Should milk and peanuts be banned then?


Are you trying to claim that cannabis was the sole cause for his delusion? Because it couldn't possibly be due to a pre-existing mental illness, could it?

His brother seemed fairly sane, but that aside, I really don't know. It could have possibly been due to something that existed before he smoked, but I personally doubt it.

I had a friend who bled himself to death because he wanted to purge the "demons" from his body... so excuse me for being slightly biased. There's really no reason for it when that could have been because of a pre-existing medical condition...

Then there was my second-cousin who was extremely sick after having used marijuana, but that's probably because she was just allergic to it or something.

And another friend who died, presumedly of drug over-dose. I'm not sure whether it was THC that killed her though, but it was definitely her first drug.

I really don't know. And anecdotal evidence really is an iffy form of argumentation, so I'll stop now. :D

Some people are also lactose intolerant and allergic to peanuts. Should milk and peanuts be banned then?

There are primary schools that ban peanut butter when one child is allergic to it. It's not too large a jump to say since weed has arguably had many negative effects on a lot of people, it should be prohibitted for non-medicinal use because it has done some damage.
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I had a friend who bled himself to death because he wanted to rid the "demons" from his body...
This is not a regular response to marihuana. It is not strong enough to visualize demons on it's own. Neither will it create inner demons unless you are very weakminded. You will notice when your mind can no longer handle it. And as marihuana itself is not that psysically addictive..

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
His brother seemed fairly sane, but that aside, I really don't know. It could have possibly been due to something that existed before he smoked, but I personally doubt it.

I had a friend who bled himself to death because he wanted to purge the "demons" from his body... so excuse me for being slightly biased. There's really no reason for it when that could have been because of a pre-existing medical condition...

Then there was my second-cousin who was extremely sick after having used marijuana, but that's probably because she was just allergic to it or something.

And another friend who died, presumedly of drug over-dose. I'm not sure whether it was THC that killed her though, but it was definitely her first drug.

I really don't know. And anecdotal evidence really is an iffy form of argumentation, so I'll stop now. :D

You have to smoke one third of your own body weight in one session to even have a chance of lethally overdosing on THC, so I think you're lying. Oh, and her first drug was more likely something like caffeine, nicotine and/or alcohol. And you're saying your friend thought he was possessed by demons, and stabbed himself to death, all because he smoked a little grass? That's not how the effects of a THC "high" work, so again I think you're full of ****.

There are primary schools that ban peanut butter when one child is allergic to it. It's not too large a jump to say since weed has arguably had many negative effects on a lot of people, it should be prohibitted for non-medicinal use because it has done some damage.
So too has caffeine, sodas, sugar, fast food, etc. Is it really the government's place to regulate what we can and cannot put into our own bodies? Should the government cut our food into small bites to ensure that we do not choke on it? Or have mandatory exercise sessions and weigh ins to make sure every citizen is fit and trim?
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You have to smoke one third of your own body weight in one session to even have a chance of lethally overdosing on THC, so I think you're lying. Oh, and her first drug was more likely something like caffeine, nicotine and/or alcohol. And you're saying your friend thought he was possessed by demons, and stabbed himself to death, all because he smoked a little grass? That's not how the effects of a THC "high" work, so again I think you're full of ****.

So too has caffeine, sodas, sugar, fast food, etc. Is it really the government's place to regulate what we can and cannot put into our own bodies? Should the government cut our food into small bites to ensure that we do not choke on it? Or have mandatory exercise sessions and weigh ins to make sure every citizen is fit and trim?

Good night. :eek:


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
And another friend who died, presumedly of drug over-dose. I'm not sure whether it was THC that killed her though, but it was definitely her first drug.
As Father Heathen pointed out, it wasn't THC that killed her. For all practical purposes, it's impossible to have a fatal overdose of marijuana.

However, you did touch on something else that I think is important: the idea that marijuana is a gateway drug to harder and more dangerous drugs. To a certain degree, I think this is true: for many people, buying marijuana is their first introduction into the underground economy of drugs: if the guy who sells you pot can't sell you harder stuff as well, he probably knows someone who can.

Effectively, what we've done through our legal structure is create a ladder for people to climb up, where every higher rung is a nice, easy step from the one below: first, you start with legal drugs. Then, you move on to illegal "soft" drugs like pot, that have equivalent (or lesser) harm than legal ones. This makes the step from "soft" to "hard" drugs much more manageable.

Personally, I do have a problem with hard drugs: I think that they can be very damaging, both to individuals and to societies. I would be quite happy if we could eradicate drugs like crack and heroin. I think the best way to do this is to make that climb up the "drug ladder" as difficult as possible, and I think the best way to do that is to take out a "rung" by making pot legal. If marijuana users never have to delve into that illegal drug market, then the step from pot to harder drugs become much more daunting, and therefore one that fewer people will take.

And this doesn't even address the significant harm associated with the illegal trade in drugs. Around here, biker gangs have made the production, distribution and sale of marijuana big business... and they have no qualms about using violence to gain market share from their competitors, much like the mobsters and bootleggers who engaged in violence for the alcohol trade during prohibition. And just like with alcohol, if marijuana is made legal, this violence would go away.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Billions of US dollars (per year) are spent for marijuana. This money funds the drug cartels of Mexico and South America.

It seems the US would be better off regulating this marijuana trafficking. By legalizing marijuana, the US could tax the buyer (like cigarettes).

Should marijuana be made legal in the US and if so, would it change your mind on whether you would use marijuana?

I know I'm so far behind in the comments but to answer your question...No....I still wouldn't use it.

But here's the thing...So what if they made it legal and taxed it......it, unlike cigarettes, can be grown in your house, cultivated and smoked for FREE. You have no middle man.

The best they could do is tax the rolling papers, but then people will just go out and buy blunts or regular cigarettes, remove the tobacco and fill it with weed like they're doing already.

But still....it's cheaper to grow it yourself and your only big investment is rolling papers.

For really good weed there is a science to it but for your average home grown weed there's no art to it......

What's the criteria for purchasing legal weed? Will you need a doctor's note? Will it be sold in stores like cigarettes? What about the quality and shelf life?

See, even if they legalized it and taxed it....people will still grow it and sell it on the side because weed is not just weed when there are so many different types and potency. And a determined seller can still grow it for cheaper, set his price and it will still be better than what the government has.........


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
But here's the thing...So what if they made it legal and taxed it......it, unlike cigarettes, can be grown in your house, cultivated and smoked for FREE. You have no middle man.
Same with alcohol. I brew my own beer at home... perfectly legally. It's not free; you have to buy the raw materials and the equipment (same as marijuana, actually), but it's much cheaper than buying beer at the store. However, I still buy beer at the store as well.

Even though the law allows it, most people don't make their own beer or wine. I imagine that you'd find something similar with pot: some people would want to grow their own, sure, but most people would want to pay someone else for it and let them do the hard work.

Besides, even if everyone who wanted marijuana did start growing it at home, this would still kill the demand going to the drug cartels that Yeshua_Lives mentioned.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
And all the information against it is on another website... So I think I'll avoid weed myself, thank you.

Point is, that they're not avoiding the "against" argument.

That they actually give you access to the "against" and the "for" arguments is more than many websites can say.

I have to say it's one of the less-biased sites on drugs that I've seen.

Of course, I'm not trying to convince you to take it LOL that would be rather irresponsible of me. But I don't necessarily agree that marijuana is a drug that must remain illegal.

But here's the thing...So what if they made it legal and taxed it......it, unlike cigarettes, can be grown in your house, cultivated and smoked for FREE. You have no middle man.

Growing veges in your garden isn't free though, why would marijuana be free?

You need to get the seeds, fertiliser, various equipment (trowels, spade, perhaps pest-control things)...
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Growing veges in your garden isn't free though, why would marijuana be free?

You need to get the seeds, fertiliser, various equipment (trowels, spade, perhaps pest-control things)...

Don't forget about the time and effort, having the knowledge and experience, and trial and error. Growing cannabis isn't like a Chia Pet.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Same with alcohol. I brew my own beer at home... perfectly legally. It's not free; you have to buy the raw materials and the equipment (same as marijuana, actually), but it's much cheaper than buying beer at the store. However, I still buy beer at the store as well.

Even though the law allows it, most people don't make their own beer or wine. I imagine that you'd find something similar with pot: some people would want to grow their own, sure, but most people would want to pay someone else for it and let them do the hard work.

Besides, even if everyone who wanted marijuana did start growing it at home, this would still kill the demand going to the drug cartels that Yeshua_Lives mentioned.

Kind of like tomatos!




Depends Upon My Mood..
Look..I DO NOT smoke pot that is totally illegal.But when I was young I broke the law.And I bought it from a "dealer".I regret it becuase ti was totally illegal.But I never grew it .Maybe becuase it was illegal.Maybe not.

My mother brewed home made wine..In a bathtub.I'll never forget.(but that was legal)



Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Same with alcohol. I brew my own beer at home... perfectly legally. It's not free; you have to buy the raw materials and the equipment (same as marijuana, actually), but it's much cheaper than buying beer at the store. However, I still buy beer at the store as well.

Even though the law allows it, most people don't make their own beer or wine. I imagine that you'd find something similar with pot: some people would want to grow their own, sure, but most people would want to pay someone else for it and let them do the hard work.

Besides, even if everyone who wanted marijuana did start growing it at home, this would still kill the demand going to the drug cartels that Yeshua_Lives mentioned.

I agree. I'm on board with legalization but how does the government tax it unless there are central factories producing and distributing the product or vendors who sell on the street corner like novelty hats? Even so it's gonna have to meet certain guideline (quality control).

Now if they do it like alcohol, where they let you grow it and use it but you can't sell it then I'm on board with that. They can work with manufacturers to sell while they regulate and tax their weed. People will go to them for weed while the rest can grow the best at home......

Growing weed takes no real skill because I've done it...but growing some quality weed, now that's a different story....:)...

I don't know man...I'm just throwing out some opinions......

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Growing veges in your garden isn't free though, why would marijuana be free?

You need to get the seeds, fertiliser, various equipment (trowels, spade, perhaps pest-control things)...

All depends on how you want to grow it. I've grown it in my kitchen window with just (Miracle Grow) potting soil, sun light and water......

I had no need to grow it outside because that wold be stupid in this day and time. I had no need for fertilizer because I wanted it as natural as possible. I had no need for pest control because it was inside the house.

Now, I don't condone smoking it ("anymore ;)") and I have no problem with it being legal or taxed or regulated....

Hey I have a question.....Isn't Amsterdam doing OK with legalized weed or is that just fallacy or media hype?


cigarettes and Alcohol are legal here but counterfeit and smuggled smokes and booze is big business , because no one wants to pay the tax. If they legalized it you could grow your own skunk for yourself and you could make a fortune selling it cheaper than the legal stuff with tax on.---------- oh thats illegal