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Legalize Marijuana?


If it really is a myth, then I can name at least four people who must have been lying to me for no reason...

I am no stranger to drugs, I have been a user and have been "in the scene"...
If somebody tells me they have no control of themselves because of marihuana, it sound to me as if somebody died because of eating nuts. You don't die of nuts!
Unless ofcourse, if you are allergic or something...

But 4 people in one household that are allergic...? :shrug:


I am no stranger to drugs, I have been a user and have been "in the scene"...
If somebody tells me they have no control of themselves because of marihuana, it sound to me as if somebody died because of eating nuts. You don't die of nuts!
Unless ofcourse, if you are allergic or something...

But 4 people in one household that are allergic...? :shrug:
I've known entire families that were all allergic to nuts. It was definitely a genetic thing with them. :p

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
You are "aware" of what you're doing; it's just that your cognitive functions are impaired.

If it really is a myth, then I can name at least four people who must have been lying to me for no reason...
And I'm against coffee too. But I thought this thread was about marijuana. :sarcastic

The point being made is Coffee is addictive whereas Marijuana isn't
well at least i never found it to be

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I think all drugs should be legalized and monitored by the Government.
UK can learn alot from Sweden when it comes to laws on drugs

I don't think zero tollerance works although the figure of only 9% of Swedes that have tried drugs is impressive but i think its too late for that here.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
What I said was told to me by my mother's friend, K, my second cousin, L, and various other people. They were aware of themselves when high, but they had no control.

Evidently, everything I say belongs in a hollywood movie. :( I don't think you realise how little TV I watch.

No control from smoking weed? Now i'm certain you're being dishonest.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
With caffeine, the worst that's going to happen is that you can't stand still all day.
Actually, caffeine can cause a slew full of heart conditions. Too much can actually kill in one setting. Granted, this depends on how much caffeine you are consuming, but even over a period of time, it can cause heart problems. Some drinks are even so potent, they have a warning label stating those with heart conditions should not consume the drink.
Caffeine: How much is too much? - MayoClinic.com

What I said was told to me by my mother's friend, K, my second cousin, L, and various other people. They were aware of themselves when high, but they had no control.

Evidently, everything I say belongs in a hollywood movie.
I don't think you realise how little TV I watch.
I don't watch much TV either. Everybody I know, when high, has complete control of themselves. Some people, it is the only time they can control themselves (mainly those with severe ADD/ADHD, or muscle ticks.)
I have noticed, many people who are anti-weed, only say what they have heard. However, there are many people who smoke weed, and can counter all the stuff the people have heard. Be it a hippy who ocassionally enjoys a "wake 'n bake" (smoking first thing in the morning), an artist who has new depths of creativity to explore, a cancer patient dealing with pains and nausea from chemo, someone who is hyperactive and wanting to slow down, or just a group of friends having a good time, there are plenty of us with our own experiences, of which very, very few have violent or fatal endings, psychotic break downs, or any of the other horror stories. I myself know of one man who was killed over a drug deal involving massive amounts of marijuana, one guy who stabbed another guy over a deal gone wrong, and one instance of it triggering an eptiliptic sezure. I also have come across two people who are allergic to marijuana, and do not smoke because there is a chance thier throat could swell up and suffocate them. And that is only a few out of dozens of pot heads I have known throughout my life. And as far as the first two I mentioned go, those incidents could not have happened if marijuana was legal, because there would not be big money for black market tycoons to make from it. And since pot heads are everywhere, there is alot of money to be made from weed. As far as adverse health effects, some people are allergic to direct sunlight exposure, and even the air in most cities isn not healthy to breathe.
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Active Member
It's never too late although neither Labour nor Conservative have the guts to change the law and tactic.

Well, I would reckon that a democratic majority would actually vote against legalisation of drugs according to the more recent statistics (Drugs uncovered: The Observer Drugs Poll 2008 | Society | The Observer) and so I think it would only be fair that as a representative democracy (ha!) that the position on drugs remains as it is. For now, at least. As a whole, the country is pretty conservative about the matter.

Arguably, the political parties might not summon the guts if it were the right thing to do and had public support. One only has to look at the 'upgrade' of cannabis, which had little pubic support and expert disapproval.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The thing is,whether they make it legal or not it will not stop,unlike Cocaine it does'nt need to be smuggled in because its grown here besides its like Big brother and hypochritical really when there are other drugs such as caffeine and Nicotine that do more damage.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Read what has been posted so far and you’ll find that this was discussed pretty early, marijuana is not a victim-less vice DS shared personal experiences with us, read boy, read.:shout
It certainly isn't a victimless vice: biker gang violence because of marijuana seems to have gone down here lately (it makes the news less frequently, at least), but many, many innocent people have been killed by criminals fighting over the control of the pot trade in different areas.

Also, the people who set up marijuana grow-ops routinely damage the wiring in the houses they use - the police check for houses with unusually high electricty usage to find grow-ops, so these criminals circumvent the electrical meter to avoid detection this way.

However, all of this harm comes directly out of the fact that marijuana is illegal. Legalize it and these problems go away, just as they did for alcohol when prohibition was repealed.


I am no stranger to drugs, I have been a user and have been "in the scene"...
If somebody tells me they have no control of themselves because of marihuana, it sound to me as if somebody died because of eating nuts. You don't die of nuts!
Unless ofcourse, if you are allergic or something...

But 4 people in one household that are allergic...? :shrug:

My second cousin (who was also violently ill), my mother's friend, my brother (although he might be making excuses), as well as N. H., S. G. and S from Hobart come to mind.

No, not in the same house-hold... But two of these people were related to me.

Again, if this isn't a normal reaction to weed, then I really don't know what's happening. But when I did the research to see what might have been going on, I found sites and texts which explained everything. Apparently, these sites are wrong.
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Actually, caffeine can cause a slew full of heart conditions. Too much can actually kill in one setting. Granted, this depends on how much caffeine you are consuming, but even over a period of time, it can cause heart problems. Some drinks are even so potent, they have a warning label stating those with heart conditions should not consume the drink.
Caffeine: How much is too much? - MayoClinic.com

I don't like caffeine either, but I'm somehow inclined to think that marijuana is a more potent psych-active based on the effects of drinking coffee versus those of smoking THC.

I don't watch much TV either. Everybody I know, when high, has complete control of themselves. Some people, it is the only time they can control themselves (mainly those with severe ADD/ADHD, or muscle ticks.)
I have noticed, many people who are anti-weed, only say what they have heard. However, there are many people who smoke weed, and can counter all the stuff the people have heard. Be it a hippy who ocassionally enjoys a "wake 'n bake" (smoking first thing in the morning), an artist who has new depths of creativity to explore, a cancer patient dealing with pains and nausea from chemo, someone who is hyperactive and wanting to slow down, or just a group of friends having a good time, there are plenty of us with our own experiences, of which very, very few have violent or fatal endings, psychotic break downs, or any of the other horror stories. I myself know of one man who was killed over a drug deal involving massive amounts of marijuana, one guy who stabbed another guy over a deal gone wrong, and one instance of it triggering an eptiliptic sezure. I also have come across two people who are allergic to marijuana, and do not smoke because there is a chance thier throat could swell up and suffocate them. And that is only a few out of dozens of pot heads I have known throughout my life. And as far as the first two I mentioned go, those incidents could not have happened if marijuana was legal, because there would not be big money for black market tycoons to make from it. And since pot heads are everywhere, there is alot of money to be made from weed. As far as adverse health effects, some people are allergic to direct sunlight exposure, and even the air in most cities isn not healthy to breathe.

Well, if it were for the sake of those few who are going to have a bad reaction, do you think that prohibitting it would be best? You mentioned two people out of dozens you've met who had a bad reaction.

Given that marijuana becomes legal and accepted, if we use that as a sample for the world population, how many more people do you think will react badly?
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Well-Known Member
thus we encourage our patients to abstain from using these drugs or marijuana in addition to their treatment, but to say that is quite understandable that the mentally ill uses it because it help them to cope, is unacceptable

Understandable does not equal acceptable. 9-10's did not, nor anyone else as I can tell, put forth the argument that marijuana use or any other drug is an acceptable form of treatment. It is understandable how someone who suffers from chronic depression or schizophrenic symptoms will turn to alcohol or an illicit drug because for many it will bring a level of balance. Even with knowledge of their dangerous effects. The possible costs of freebasing are far better to the possible cost of sucking on the end of a shotgun barrel.

It would be better to set up a system that allows for people with mental illness and problems with drug abuse to seek help without the fear of legal consequences. For many, it will never happen until they are forced into some form of treatment.
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Well-Known Member
Stellify said:
A little off-topic, I know, but:
How much water intake do you usually have a day? Do you just have to stay well-hydrated to keep the level below toxic? I'm curious

I only had to make sure I kept up the "average" intake of water as long as I stopped drinking coffee, sodas, etc. that removed fluids from the body. I ignored the guidelines once and learned from that mistake.

As of now I no longer take any medication. Though I'm sure some members would recommend I take it back up.


I only had to make sure I kept up the "average" intake of water as long as I stopped drinking coffee, sodas, etc. that removed fluids from the body. I ignored the guidelines once and learned from that mistake.

As of now I no longer take any medication. Though I'm sure some members would recommend I take it back up.
Ah, ok. That makes sense :) Thanks, I had never thought about having to keep up hydration to dilute a drug in the bloodstream before, so I was curious :)

Well, other than their concern for you as friends, I imagine it's not really any of their business. :shrug:


It certainly isn't a victimless vice: biker gang violence because of marijuana seems to have gone down here lately (it makes the news less frequently, at least), but many, many innocent people have been killed by criminals fighting over the control of the pot trade in different areas.

Also, the people who set up marijuana grow-ops routinely damage the wiring in the houses they use - the police check for houses with unusually high electricty usage to find grow-ops, so these criminals circumvent the electrical meter to avoid detection this way.

However, all of this harm comes directly out of the fact that marijuana is illegal. Legalize it and these problems go away, just as they did for alcohol when prohibition was repealed.

Just one point most growers steal the electricity ( because you need so much of it it would knock your profit margin)so thats illegal in itself.

Legalizing it isn't going to stop anything, it hasn't stopped smuggled/ counterfeit tobacco or alcohol.

I know a guy just got 4 years for supplying its his second time , he is just a dealer full stop. we have spoke of this and he says it wouldn't affect his business at all. he also sells large quantities of Cigarettes and booze, DVDs etc etc , all can be bought legally but everyone likes a bargain!


Moved on
Given that marijuana becomes legal and accepted, if we use that as a sample for the world population, how many more people do you think will react badly?
I do wonder how the Dutch are doing with this. Surely they must all be trying to hold up the last few remnants of a society destroyed by cannabis, right?