If I get drunk today what other human beign is deriving physical pleasure off of my state of intoxication?.Who is exploiting me?..And who is offering me money everyday if I'll just take a shot of tequelia?(even if I dont want to )Where are the millions of men that will line up outside my bedroom door and pay to watch my alcoholism?Where is the mass trafficing of exploiting peoples drinking problems for other individuals enjoyment or thrill?
That is the difference..If your going to comapre alcoholism to prostitution show me how its one individual exploiting another individual where one is hurt and the other is satisfied by it?
People arent tempted out of desperation to become an alcoholic in order to survive economically.No one in their right mind would tell someone you should at least get paid to drink your self to death rather than do it for free ...In fact if you want to drink its at your economic expense.The differnce is Im not paying for a human beings flesh..Im paying for a non living item.
But on that note?...If suddenly underpriveldged otherwise non drinkers found out they could make money getting drunk everyday and letting someone watch it I think the rate of alcoholism and all that entails it including vehicular homicide and all related alcohol deaths and the trickle down of human suffering to family members would SOAR...Especially if the "patrons" liked um the younger the better..
Then we could just say...they really like to get drunk..and we should legalize it to "help them"..
Yes alcoholism destroys some peoples lives ..many in fact...but the plain fact is the alcoholic did not feel threatened coerced or trapped in a situation that in order to eat and have a roof over thier head they must endure it.
Again I can not compare the two.And please dont say I missed your point..I realise the point is prohibition did not stop the consumptioan of alcohol..It just was undergound and became a criminal racket and mobs were murdering each other over territories and such...
You absolutely missed my point, Dallas. :angel2:
There rarely is person-to-person exploitation because there is
government regulation. If alcohol were illegal, all the underground and criminal organizations would (like they do with drugs and prostitution) resort to racketeering the current government organization, AND they would profit from and unregulated and therefore more insidious business practices........where exploitation is the "name of the game."
Now, anyone against capitalism can argue that the alcohol industry is exploiting the masses by offering a product that gives short-term enjoyment, and profiting off the alcoholics who continuously purchase the product at their own demise and the industry's own enjoyment. But I personally am not anti-capitalist, so my opinion does not apply here.
But it is a perspective worth mentioning.
There is a huge reason why prostitutes are subjected to violence, rape, abuse.....and it's because they are well aware of the consequences of seeking protection from law enforcement.
Many of these stories and anecdotes (and some research methodologies by anti-legislation of prostitution) have been counter-claimed, BTW.
To note, here is a site that offers very good pro-con arguments on the legalization of prostitution:
Prostitution ProCon.org -- Should prostitution be legal?
[mod hat]Of course, if anyone wishes to quote from any of the arguments on either side to help bolster their points, please remember to cite the source.
[/mod hat]