What? Me worry?
"It won't kill you" is a pretty low bar. My PhD went up in smoke due to loss of motivation so I write from experience. And I was psychologically dependent on it and had various symptoms from bronchitis physically to various psychological/mental side-effects besides loss of motivation. There was also a "hangover" of a certain kind where I became grumpy and lashed out at people and then decided to smoke more so I'd feel better.
If you want to argue that occasional use of small amounts won't kill you or cause much of a side-effect, you're probably right except perhaps in people whose brains are not fully developed. And it certainly can have a medical use. But it's also true that people can rationalize their use - I certainly did for a while.
Meaning you absolutely no disrespect, but I agree with Nymphs that it probably wasn't the weed you were addicted to. My brother has been a pothead for the last forty--yes, forty-- years. However he was pretty much a worthless slacker long before he had the pot to blame it on.