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Legalizing Shoplifting in America

Should shoplifting be legalized in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • No

    Votes: 16 72.7%

  • Total voters


Obstructor of justice
Do you even know what bigot means? A bigot is an intolerant person. How does me pointing out the extreme health risks of homosexuality make me intolerant? Shouldn't people be allowed to know what they are doing to themselves? I know people find it hard to believe that I actually care about other people, but I do. I'm only interested in the truth. If you know of a research study that shows homosexuality isn't anywhere near as unhealthy as these other studies show, then please share.

Maybe if you went and read some studies that were obviously biased against homosexuality to start with, people would be more likely to care about your opinion.

Besides, heterosexuality doesn't prevent "unsafe" sex, or STD's. :rolleyes:


Some are born with disabilities,etc... as well. Should we, as good people banish them as well. "OH, he has down syndrome! What a pathetic excuse for living!"

Your arguement here has not standpoint if you care about anybody other than yourself.
Erm... what are you talking about lol? The premise of this arguement is that morality doesn't change because of what characteristics a person has when they are born. It has nothing to with "banishing" anyone.

I must say, I couldn't agree more. As a staight guy, I hate the homosexual population... they are always stealing, killing, and throwing feces! Animals are not held to the same standards as humans hold other humans too. What exactly is a homosexual harming? The only societies I see them not being accepted as valid people in are ignorant ones.
Again, you seem to misunderstand the arguement. The arguement is that if an animal does it, then it's natural for a human to do it. I never accused homosexuals of being thieves, murderers, or feces throwers(laughing as I type this).

So if I love my dad, brother, best friend above even myself.... I am gay and worthless in your opinion? Read what you said about what love truly is, who are you to question that? What is this takes 40 years off of their life by satisfying lust? I know many greedy/lustful people that are old.... and as the life expectancy is over 70 here in the States, I know many homosexuals/lesbians over the age of 30!!!!!!

Seriously, are you serious?
I guess this makes you 0 for 3. The arguement is whether or not homosexuality is love, because I've seen people say "homosexuality is love, so therefore it can't be wrong". Love is caring about the well-being of another person even above your own. Are homosexuals doing this by engaging in a lifestyle that studies have consistently show can take decades off their life and their partner's life? I also never said loving someone makes you gay, or that being gay makes you worthless. If I thought gays were worthless then I'd let them continue in their destructive lifestyle, since they wouldn't be worth my time if I thought they worthless.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Do you even know what bigot means? A bigot is an intolerant person. How does me pointing out the extreme health risks of homosexuality make me intolerant?
Ignoring real science in favour of biased sources makes you either misinformed or a bigot. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

If you know of a research study that shows homosexuality isn't anywhere near as unhealthy as these other studies show, then please share.

In this report (warning - large file), the CDC gave the major factors that relate to overall health:

- cigarette smoking
- binge drinking
- (for high school students) current marijuana use
- lack of physical activity
- obesity/being overweight
- untreated dental cavities

Homosexuality is not seen as a significant predictor of ill health by the medical community.


Veteran Member
I believe that shoplifting should be legalized in America. I can't help it that I'm hungry, I was born this way. To those of you who say shoplifting is sinful or unnatural, I can prove to you it isn't! See here: Shoplifting Seagull in Scotland. If an animal does it, then it must be natural and morally acceptable for us humans to do it also. Plus, look how cute that seagull is, how can anything that cute be wrong? Shoplifting should be legalized in America!

This OP is very misleading, and misleading usually can be a form of a lie. Let's see, oh yes, that's one of the 10 Commandments. Thou Shalt not bear false witness. :rolleyes:


Through the Looking Glass
This OP is very misleading, and misleading usually can be a form of a lie. Let's see, oh yes, that's one of the 10 Commandments. Thou Shalt not bear false witness. :rolleyes:

Is there one that prohibits being a self-righteous bigot and slandering your religious tradition in the process?


Done here.
Maybe if you went and read some studies that were obviously biased against homosexuality to start with, people would be more likely to care about your opinion.
By the way, Laura, have you ever seen any of those studies suggesting that homophobes are most often those who are insecure and conflicted about their own sexuality? Fascinating stuff. Nothing breeds hatred like fear.

I'll have to consult the divine prophet, archy the cockroach, and see if he wrote anything about this. After all, he predicted our environmental problems:
dear boss i was talking with an ant the other day
and he handed me a lot of
gossip which ants the world around
are chewing over among themselves

i pass it on to you
in the hope that you may relay it to other
human beings and hurt their feelings with it
no insect likes human beings
and if you think you can see why
the only reason i tolerate you is because
you seem less human to me than most of them
here is what the ants are saying

it wont be long now it wont be long
man is making deserts of the earth
it wont be long now
before man will have used it up
so that nothing but ants
and centipedes and scorpions
can find a living on it
man has oppressed us for a million years
but he goes on steadily
cutting the ground from under
his own feet making deserts deserts deserts

we ants remember
and have it all recorded
in our tribal lore
when gobi was a paradise
swarming with men and rich
in human prosperity
it is a desert now and the home
of scorpions ants and centipedes
what man calls civilization
always results in deserts
man is never on the square
he uses up the fat and greenery of the earth
each generation wastes a little more
of the future with greed and lust for riches

north africa was once a garden spot
and then came carthage and rome
and despoiled the storehouse
and now you have sahara
sahara ants and centipedes

toltecs and aztecs had a mighty
civilization on this continent
but they robbed the soil and wasted nature
and now you have deserts scorpions ants and centipedes
and the deserts of the near east
followed egypt and babylon and assyria
and persia and rome and the turk
the ant is the inheritor of tamerlane
and the scorpion succeeds the caesars

america was once a paradise
of timberland and stream
but it is dying because of the greed
and money lust of a thousand little kings
who slashed the timber all to hell
and would not be controlled
and changed the climate
and stole the rainfall from posterity
and it wont be long now
it wont be long
till everything is desert
from the alleghenies to the rockies
the deserts are coming
the deserts are spreading
the springs and streams are drying up
one day the mississippi itself
will be a bed of sand
ants and scorpions and centipedes
shall inherit the earth

men talk money and industry
of hard times and recoveries
of finance and economics
but the ants wait and the scorpions wait
for while men talk they are making deserts all the time
getting the world ready for the conquering ant
drought and erosion and desert
because men cannot learn

rainfall passing off in flood and freshet
and carrying good soil with it
because there are no longer forests
to withhold the water in the
billion meticulations of the roots

it wont be long now it wont be long
till earth is barren as the moon
and sapless as a mumbled bone

dear boss i relay this information
without any fear that humanity
will take warning and reform​


To Save A Lamb
Oh dear. I suggest burning the troll chow, dear Dopp. If it came from Walmart then all the brands there are just full of cheap fillers anyway.

Get some gnocchi, or just make some, it's not that hard to make. To make the cream sauce you can use equal parts oil and almond milk, simmer in a pot. I use oil olive and I prefer a little more almond milk to oil. Sometimes I add a little coconut milk. It makes a very nice cream sauce, which is hard to do without dairy. Then comes the fun part! Spices and herbs! Add some chopped fresh mint and basil. If I want it to be a little sweeter I add things like cinnamon, cloves, allspice, pinch of ginger... Crunch up some almonds and throw them in with the sauce and spices and herbs. Add a little salt. Put the gnocchi in, stir until everything is mixed and happy, sprinkle on some more herbs like cilantro, and then serve! You can things like sun-dried tomatoes, other veggies, more kinds of nuts...

It's delicious, takes about 15 minutes to make (not counting the gnocchi... you can just buy that premade instead of making it to save time), and you won't have to go to Walmart.


Through the Looking Glass
Oh dear. I suggest burning the troll chow, dear Dopp. If it came from Walmart then all the brands there are just full of cheap fillers anyway.

But it says right on the label: "Will make happy good fun Troll eating"

Same answer?


There is an article published awhile back. So let me ask you this, Vassal:

If there are people born a certain way, by arguement #1 that you listed.... Why should we treat homosexuals as any less a person than those born with other "abnormalities"?
Why do people keep assuming that I think homosexuals are less human than anyone else?

If your arguement is that they are harming themselves, then why does it bother you so much? One would think you'd be happy that your "enemies" are killing themselves.... yet more come as shown above. So what is your point? That you strongly disagree with them? Do you strongly disagree with cancer patients and the mentally retarded, etc...? If so, where does that leave you by your #3 arguement on love?
What bothers me so much is that people try to deny that homosexuality is a destructive and extremely harmful to your health. If I was talking to someone and they said they knew that their homosexuality was extremely hazardous to their health and they are likely to die before age 45, but that they didn't care, I'd accept their decision. But too many children are told at a young age that homosexual behavior is perfectly natural and is no different than heterosexual behavior. This couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm sure that many "bi-curios" (is that the right term) people, especially males, would think twice about choosing a homosexual lifestyle if they were told what it would do to them.


Will to love
That archy is a great poet. I've always been partial to this one:

i was talking to a moth
the other evening
he was trying to break into
an electric light bulb
and fry himself on the wires
why do you fellows
pull this stunt i asked him
because it is the conventional
thing for moths or why
if that had been an uncovered
candle instead of an electric
light bulb you would
now be a small unsightly cinder
have you no sense
plenty of it he answered
but at times we get tired
of using it
we get bored with the routine
and crave beauty
and excitement
fire is beautiful
and we know that if we get
too close it will kill us
but what does that matter
it is better to be happy
for a moment
and be burned up with beauty
than to live a long time
and be bored all the while
so we wad all our life up
into one little roll
and then we shoot the roll
that is what life is for
it is better to be a part of beauty
for one instant and then cease to
exist than to exist forever
and never be a part of beauty
our attitude toward life
is come easy go easy
we are like human beings
used to be before they became
too civilized to enjoy themselves
and before i could argue him
out of his philosophy
he went and immolated himself
on a patent cigar lighter
i do not agree with him
myself i would rather have
half the happiness and twice
the longevity
but at the same time i wish
there was something i wanted
as badly as he wanted to fry himself



Ignoring real science in favour of biased sources makes you either misinformed or a bigot. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

In this report (warning - large file), the CDC gave the major factors that relate to overall health:

- cigarette smoking
- binge drinking
- (for high school students) current marijuana use
- lack of physical activity
- obesity/being overweight
- untreated dental cavities

Homosexuality is not seen as a significant predictor of ill health by the medical community.
Being left out of a study is quite different than being proven safe. Plus, if you look at the things they include, they're all things that affect a large portion of the country (i.e. epidemics). Homosexuality, while extremely harmful, is not an epidemic. Not even 10% of people surveyed say that had even just one homosexual "encounter", while less than 3%-4% say they do it regularly. As you can see in the document you linked, it's purpose is to address the "Overall Health of the Nation", so of course homosexuality would not be included because it doesn't affect the overall health of the nation very much.

What percent are gay?
Gay Population Statistics -- Percentage of Population That is Gay
Family Research Council: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 "IF04A01"


Harvey Wallbanger
What bothers me so much is that people try to deny that homosexuality is a destructive and extremely harmful to your health. If I was talking to someone and they said they knew that their homosexuality was extremely hazardous to their health and they are likely to die before age 45, but that they didn't care, I'd accept their decision. But too many children are told at a young age that homosexual behavior is perfectly natural and is no different than heterosexual behavior. This couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm sure that many "bi-curios" (is that the right term) people, especially males, would think twice about choosing a homosexual lifestyle if they were told what it would do to them.

Sorry to accuse you, but as you see; you've come across in an ill manner. My apologizes if that is not your intent. Yet, as to homosexual behavior being natural... and your posts on being "born that way"; please see the article I posted. What can you post to say that being gay takes years off your life?

Of course homosexual behavior is different than heterosexual behavior, who could argue that? If you can show what homosexuality can do to one TRYING TO CHOOSE between paths, than I will gladly listen. Yet, having read the phisiological differences between the two types.... what scientific proof do you have that being gay takes years off your life?

If you wish to talk about anal sex, the same holds true for heterosexual couples and disease, etc.... Lesbians are actually the least likely to contract a disease from their lesbian partner. More science at work there.... So I must ask again:

What does being gay do that is so bad for anybody?


Maybe if you went and read some studies that were obviously biased against homosexuality to start with, people would be more likely to care about your opinion.

As I said, I check the first 50 search results from good with a neutral search term "Homosexual Lifespan", and not even one research study that portrayed homosexuality as anything but extremely hazardous to one's health, and there were only a handful of sites that even attempted to debate this and none of them had statical data to support their arguement. If you can find a research study that comes to a different conclusion, please link it.


Obstructor of justice
If heterosexuals have non-vaginal sex just as often, then how exactly is homosexual sex more dangerous? Is it somehow not dangerous if a man and a woman have anal sex?


Forum Relic
Premium Member
If heterosexuals have non-vaginal sex just as often, then how exactly is homosexual sex more dangerous? Is it somehow not dangerous if a man and a woman have anal sex?
It doesn't even have to be non-vaginal sex. Check the HIV statistics in places like Africa. Most contractions of the disease are done through dry, vaginal sex. Not to mention the HIV population is now largely heterosexuals, not just homosexuals.


Obstructor of justice
It doesn't even have to be non-vaginal sex. Check the HIV statistics in places like Africa. Most contractions of the disease are done through dry, vaginal sex. Not to mention the HIV population is now largely heterosexuals, not just homosexuals.

And, lots of people get it by taking drugs too.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
As I said, I check the first 50 search results from good with a neutral search term "Homosexual Lifespan", and not even one research study that portrayed homosexuality as anything but extremely hazardous to one's health, and there were only a handful of sites that even attempted to debate this and none of them had statical data to support their arguement. If you can find a research study that comes to a different conclusion, please link it.
I suspect the answer is staring you in the face: this is a non-issue in the legitimate medical community, so regardless of the "neutrality" of your search term, the first 50 results from your search are by default going to be from illegitimate sources.


Sorry to accuse you, but as you see; you've come across in an ill manner. My apologizes if that is not your intent. Yet, as to homosexual behavior being natural... and your posts on being "born that way"; please see the article I posted. What can you post to say that being gay takes years off your life?
In what way have I come across as ill mannered? I post links to research studies showing the serious medical hazardous of homosexuality, and what do people do? They act like 5 year olds by sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling 'lalalalalala' in attempt to stay ignorant of the truth (referring to the people who have made multiple irrelevant posts). These responses are amusing, but also sad. I never expected anyone to agree with me, I know that people are stubborn and will never concede their belief even against insurmountable evidence, but I admit I did not expected this. Only one person even made attempt to provide a research study that provided an alternate conclusion of the health risks of a homosexual lifestyle, though it didn't even mention homosexuality. I've seen many people on this forum say there is no reason outside of religion to discourage homosexuality, yet when I show one they suddenly would rather not discuss the subject. But like I said, If people want to knowingly destroy their life I won't stop them.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
In what way have I come across as ill mannered? I post links to research studies showing the serious medical hazardous of homosexuality, and what do people do? They act like 5 year olds by sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling 'lalalalalala' in attempt to stay ignorant of the truth (referring to the people who have made multiple irrelevant posts).
Your behaviour has been directly analogous to someone who claims "the Jews are an unclean people" and posts a bunch of links to "studies" to back up his claim. The fact that people recognize this behaviour for what it is and not rational debate is probably why you got the reaction you did.

Just as you will not find a study entitled "Jew Cleanliness" in any scientific journal, you will likely not find responses to the articles you cite in any legitimate publication.

Whether or not you realize it, you're spreading hate. That tends to leave people with a bad impression.